First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter at one doore Aneas with a Torch, | Enter, at one door, Aeneas and a servant with a torch; | | TC IV.i.1.1 | |
at another Paris, Diephobus, Anthenor, Diomed the | at another, Paris, Deiphobus, Antenor, Diomedes the | | TC IV.i.1.2 | |
Grecian, with Torches. | Grecian, and others with torches | | TC IV.i.1.3 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
See hoa, who is that there? | See, ho! Who is that there? | | TC IV.i.1 | |
Dieph. | DEIPHOBUS | | | |
It is the Lord Aneas. | It is the Lord Aeneas. | | TC IV.i.2 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
Is the Prince there in person? | Is the prince there in person? – | | TC IV.i.3 | |
Had I so good occasion to lye long | Had I so good occasion to lie long | | TC IV.i.4 | |
As you Prince Paris, nothing but heauenly businesse, | As you, Prince Paris, nothing but heavenly business | | TC IV.i.5 | |
Should rob my bed-mate of my company. | Should rob my bed-mate of my company. | | TC IV.i.6 | |
Diom. | DIOMEDES | | | |
That's my minde too: good morrow Lord Aneas. | That's my mind too. – Good morrow, Lord Aeneas. | morrow (n.) morning | TC IV.i.7 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
A valiant Greeke Aneas, take his hand, | A valiant Greek, Aeneas – take his hand – | | TC IV.i.8 | |
Witnesse the processe of your speech within; | Witness the process of your speech within; | process (n.) progress, course, path | TC IV.i.9 | |
You told how Diomed, in a whole weeke by dayes | You told how Diomed a whole week by days | days, by every day, day by day | TC IV.i.10 | |
Did haunt you in the Field. | Did haunt you in the field. | field (n.) field of battle, battleground, field of combat | TC IV.i.11.1 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
Health to you valiant sir, | Health to you, valiant sir, | | TC IV.i.11.2 | |
During all question of the gentle truce: | During all question of the gentle truce; | question (n.) debating, discussion, investigation | TC IV.i.12 | |
| | gentle (adj.) peaceful, calm, free from violence | | |
But when I meete you arm'd, as blacke defiance, | But when I meet you armed, as black defiance | | TC IV.i.13 | |
As heart can thinke, or courage execute. | As heart can think or courage execute. | | TC IV.i.14 | |
Diom. | DIOMEDES | | | |
The one and other Diomed embraces, | The one and other Diomed embraces. | | TC IV.i.15 | |
Our blouds are now in calme; and so long health: | Our bloods are now in calm; and, so long, health; | blood (n.) passion, feeling, strong emotion [especially sexual] | TC IV.i.16 | |
But when contention, and occasion meetes, | But when contention and occasion meet, | | TC IV.i.17 | |
By Ioue, Ile play the hunter for thy life, | By Jove, I'll play the hunter for thy life | Jove (n.) [pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god | TC IV.i.18 | |
With all my force, pursuite and pollicy. | With all my force, pursuit, and policy. | policy (n.) stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft | TC IV.i.19 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
And thou shalt hunt a Lyon that will flye | And thou shalt hunt a lion that will fly | | TC IV.i.20 | |
With his face backward, in humaine gentlenesse: | With his face backward. – In humane gentleness, | humane (adj.) polite, courteous, refined | TC IV.i.21 | |
| | gentleness (n.) nobility, good breeding, courtesy | | |
Welcome to Troy; now by Anchises life, | Welcome to Troy! Now by Anchises' life, | Anchises (n.) [an'kiyseez] father of Aeneas, who saves him from blazing Troy by carrying him out of the city on his shoulders | TC IV.i.22 | |
Welcome indeede: by Venus hand I sweare, | Welcome indeed! By Venus' hand I swear, | Venus (n.) Roman goddess of beauty and love | TC IV.i.23 | |
No man aliue can loue in such a sort, | No man alive can love in such a sort | sort (n.) way, manner | TC IV.i.24 | |
The thing he meanes to kill, more excellently. | The thing he means to kill more excellently. | | TC IV.i.25 | |
Diom. | DIOMEDES | | | |
We simpathize. Ioue let Aneas liue | We sympathize. – Jove, let Aeneas live, | sympathize (v.) agree, be in accord | TC IV.i.26 | |
(If to my sword his fate be not the glory) | If to my sword his fate be not the glory, | | TC IV.i.27 | |
A thousand compleate courses of the Sunne, | A thousand complete courses of the sun! | | TC IV.i.28 | |
But in mine emulous honor let him dye: | But, in mine emulous honour let him die, | emulous (adj.) envious, filled with rivalry, greedy for praise | TC IV.i.29 | |
With euery ioynt a wound, and that to morrow. | With every joint a wound, and that tomorrow! | | TC IV.i.30 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
We know each other well. | We know each other well. | | TC IV.i.31 | |
Dio. | DIOMEDES | | | |
We doe, and long to know each other worse. | We do, and long to know each other worse. | | TC IV.i.32 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
This is the most, despightful'st gentle greeting; | This is the most despiteful'st gentle greeting, | gentle (adj.) courteous, friendly, kind | TC IV.i.33 | |
| | despiteful (adj.) cruel, spiteful, malicious | | |
The noblest hatefull loue, that ere I heard of. | The noblest hateful love, that e'er I heard of. | | TC IV.i.34 | |
What businesse Lord so early? | (To Aeneas) What business, lord, so early? | | TC IV.i.35 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
I was sent for to the King; but why, I know not. | I was sent for to the King; but why, I know not. | | TC IV.i.36 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
| (to Aeneas) | | TC IV.i.37.1 | |
His purpose meets you; it was to bring this Greek | His purpose meets you: it was to bring this Greek | purpose (n.) intention, aim, plan | TC IV.i.37 | |
To Calcha's house; and there to render him, | To Calchas' house, and there to render him, | render (v.) exchange, give in return | TC IV.i.38 | |
For the enfreed Anthenor, the faire Cressid: | For the enfreed Antenor, the fair Cressid. | enfreed (adj.) liberated, released | TC IV.i.39 | |
Lers haue your company; or if you please, | Let's have your company, or, if you please, | | TC IV.i.40 | |
Haste there before vs. I constantly doe thinke | Haste there before us: I constantly do think – | constantly (adv.) assuredly, firmly, certainly, confidently | TC IV.i.41 | |
(Or rather call my thought a certaine knowledge) | Or, rather, call my thought a certain knowledge – | | TC IV.i.42 | |
My brother Troylus lodges there to night. | My brother Troilus lodges there tonight. | | TC IV.i.43 | |
Rouse him, and giue him note of our approach, | Rouse him, and give him note of our approach, | note (n.) knowledge, information, intimation | TC IV.i.44 | |
With the whole quality whereof, I feare | With the whole quality whereof. I fear | quality (n.) occasion, cause | TC IV.i.45 | |
We shall be much vnwelcome. | We shall be much unwelcome. | | TC IV.i.46.1 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
| (to Paris) | | TC IV.i.46 | |
That I assure you: | That I assure you; | | TC IV.i.46.2 | |
Troylus had rather Troy were borne to Greece, | Troilus had rather Troy were borne to Greece | | TC IV.i.47 | |
Then Cressid borne from Troy. | Than Cressid borne from Troy. | | TC IV.i.48.1 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
| (to Aeneas) | | TC IV.i.48 | |
There is no helpe: | There is no help; | | TC IV.i.48.2 | |
The bitter disposition of the time | The bitter disposition of the time | disposition (n.) control, direction, management | TC IV.i.49 | |
will haue it so. / On Lord, weele follow you. | Will have it so. On, lord; we'll follow you. | | TC IV.i.50 | |
Ane. | AENEAS | | | |
Good morrow all. | Good morrow, all. | | TC IV.i.51 | |
Exit Aneas | Exit with servant | | TC IV.i.51 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
And tell me noble Diomed; faith tell me true, | And tell me, noble Diomed, faith, tell me true, | | TC IV.i.52 | |
Euen in the soule of sound good fellow ship, | Even in the soul of sound good-fellowship, | soul (n.) real nature, essence | TC IV.i.53 | |
Who in your thoughts merits faire Helen most? | Who, in your thoughts, merits fair Helen most, | | TC IV.i.54 | |
My selfe, or Menelaus? | Myself or Menelaus? | | TC IV.i.55.1 | |
Diom. | DIOMEDES | | | |
Both alike. | Both alike: | | TC IV.i.55.2 | |
He merits well to haue her, that doth seeke her, | He merits well to have her, that doth seek her, | | TC IV.i.56 | |
Not making any scruple of her soylure, | Not making any scruple of her soilure, | soilure (n.) soiling, staining, defilement | TC IV.i.57 | |
| | scruple (n.) suspicion, misgiving, doubt | | |
With such a hell of paine, and world of charge. | With such a hell of pain and world of charge; | charge (n.) expense, cost, outlay | TC IV.i.58 | |
And you as well to keepe her, that defend her, | And you as well to keep her, that defend her, | | TC IV.i.59 | |
Not pallating the taste of her dishonour, | Not palating the taste of her dishonour, | palate (v.) relish, enjoy | TC IV.i.60 | |
With such a costly losse of wealth and friends: | With such a costly loss of wealth and friends. | | TC IV.i.61 | |
He like a puling Cuckold, would drinke vp | He, like a puling cuckold, would drink up | puling (n./adj.) whimpering, whining, complaining | TC IV.i.62 | |
| | cuckold (n.) [mocking name] man with an unfaithful wife | | |
The lees and dregs of a flat tamed peece: | The lees and dregs of a flat tamed piece; | piece (n.) wine cask, butt of liquor | TC IV.i.63 | |
| | flat (adj.) stale, insipid, unpalatable | | |
| | tamed (adj.) [of a cask] tapped, pierced | | |
You like a letcher, out of whorish loynes, | You, like a lecher, out of whorish loins | | TC IV.i.64 | |
Are pleas'd to breede out your inheritors: | Are pleased to breed out your inheritors. | | TC IV.i.65 | |
Both merits poyz'd, each weighs no lesse nor more, | Both merits poised, each weighs nor less nor more; | poise (v.) balance, weigh, make even | TC IV.i.66 | |
But he as he, which heauier for a whore. | But he as you, each heavier for a whore. | heavy (adj.) weighed down, burdened, laden | TC IV.i.67 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
You are too bitter to your country-woman. | You are too bitter to your countrywoman. | | TC IV.i.68 | |
Dio. | DIOMEDES | | | |
Shee's bitter to her countrey: heare me Paris, | She's bitter to her country. Hear me, Paris: | | TC IV.i.69 | |
For euery false drop in her baudy veines, | For every false drop in her bawdy veins | false (adj.) disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful | TC IV.i.70 | |
A Grecians life hath sunke: for euery scruple | A Grecian's life hath sunk; for every scruple | scruple (n.) tiny amount, last ounce | TC IV.i.71 | |
Of her contaminated carrion weight, | Of her contaminated carrion weight | carrion (adj.) loathsome, vile, disgusting, corrupting | TC IV.i.72 | |
A Troian hath beene slaine. Since she could speake, | A Trojan hath been slain. Since she could speak, | | TC IV.i.73 | |
She hath not giuen so many good words breath, | She hath not given so many good words breath | breath (n.) utterance, speech, voice | TC IV.i.74 | |
As for her, Greekes and Troians suffred death. | As for her Greeks and Trojans suffered death. | | TC IV.i.75 | |
Par. | PARIS | | | |
Faire Diomed, you doe as chapmen doe, | Fair Diomed, you do as chapmen do, | chapman (n.) trader, merchant, dealer | TC IV.i.76 | |
Dis praise the thing that you desire to buy: | Dispraise the thing that you desire to buy; | | TC IV.i.77 | |
But we in silence hold this vertue well; | But we in silence hold this virtue well: | | TC IV.i.78 | |
Weele not commend, what we intend to sell. | We'll not commend what we intend to sell. | commend (v.) praise, admire, extol | TC IV.i.79 | |
Here lyes our way. | Here lies our way. | | TC IV.i.80 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | TC IV.i.80 | |