
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Coriolanus with Nobles.Enter Coriolanus, with Nobles Cor III.ii.1
Let them pull all about mine eares, present meLet them pull all about mine ears, present me Cor III.ii.1
Death on the Wheele, or at wilde Horses heeles,Death on the wheel or at wild horses' heels, Cor III.ii.2
Or pile ten hilles on the Tarpeian Rocke,Or pile ten hills on the Tarpeian rock,Tarpeian rock
[pron: tahr'peean] rock in Rome, from which criminals were thrown to their deaths
Cor III.ii.3
That the precipitation might downe stretchThat the precipitation might down stretchprecipitation (n.)
sheer drop, steepness, precipitousness
Cor III.ii.4
Below the beame of sight; yet will I stillBelow the beam of sight, yet will I stillstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Cor III.ii.5
beam (n.)

old form: beame
reach, range, line [of the eye, thought of as emitting beams of light]
Be thus to them. Enter Volumnia.Be thus to them. Cor III.ii.6.1
Noble. NOBLE 
You do the Nobler.You do the nobler. Cor III.ii.6.2
I muse my MotherI muse my mothermuse (v.)
wonder, be surprised
Cor III.ii.7
Do's not approue me further, who was wontDoes not approve me further, who was wont Cor III.ii.8
To call them Wollen Vassailes, things createdTo call them woollen vassals, things createdwoollen (adj.)

old form: Wollen
in coarse woollen clothes
Cor III.ii.9
vassal (n.)

old form: Vassailes
servant, slave, subject
To buy and sell with Groats, to shew bare headsTo buy and sell with groats, to show bare headsgroat (n.)
fourpenny piece
Cor III.ii.10
In Congregations, to yawne, be still, and wonder,In congregations, to yawn, be still and wonder,yawn (v.)

old form: yawne
open wide, gape
Cor III.ii.11
When one but of my ordinance stood vpWhen one but of my ordinance stood upordinance (n.)
rank, position, standing [in the state]
Cor III.ii.12
To speake of Peace, or Warre.To speak of peace or war. Cor III.ii.13.1
Enter Volumnia Cor III.ii.13
I talke of you,I talk of you: Cor III.ii.13.2
Why did you wish me milder? Would you haue meWhy did you wish me milder? Would you have me Cor III.ii.14
False to my Nature? Rather say, I playFalse to my nature? Rather say I playfalse (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Cor III.ii.15
The man I am.The man I am. Cor III.ii.16.1
Oh sir, sir, sir,O, sir, sir, sir, Cor III.ii.16.2
I would haue had you put your power well onI would have had you put your power well on Cor III.ii.17
Before you had worne it out.Before you had worn it out. Cor III.ii.18.1
Let go.Let go. Cor III.ii.18.2
You might haue beene enough the man you are,You might have been enough the man you are Cor III.ii.19
With striuing lesse to be so: Lesser had binWith striving less to be so. Lesser had been Cor III.ii.20
The things of your dispositions, ifThe crossings of your dispositions, ifdisposition (n.)
inclination, mood, frame of mind
Cor III.ii.21
crossing (n.)
thwarting, opposing, challenging, contradiction
You had not shew'd them how ye were dispos'dYou had not showed them how ye were disposed Cor III.ii.22
Ere they lack'd power to crosse you.Ere they lacked power to cross you.cross (v.)

old form: crosse
contradict, challenge, go against
Cor III.ii.23.1
Let them hang.Let them hang! Cor III.ii.23.2
I, and burne too.Ay, and burn too! Cor III.ii.24
Enter Menenius with the Senators.Enter Menenius, with the Senators Cor III.ii.25.1
Come, come, you haue bin too rough, somthing too rough:Come, come, you have been too rough, something too rough.something (adv.)

old form: somthing
somewhat, rather
Cor III.ii.25
you must returne, and mend it.You must return and mend it. Cor III.ii.26.1
There's no remedy,There's no remedy, Cor III.ii.26.2
Vnlesse by not so doing, our good CitieUnless, by not so doing, our good city Cor III.ii.27
Cleaue in the midd'st, and perish.Cleave in the midst and perish. Cor III.ii.28.1
Pray be counsail'd;Pray be counselled. Cor III.ii.28.2
I haue a heart as little apt as yours,I have a heart as little apt as yours,apt (adj.)
yielding, compliant, submissive
Cor III.ii.29
But yet a braine, that leades my vse of AngerBut yet a brain that leads my use of anger Cor III.ii.30
To better vantage.To better vantage.vantage (n.)
advantage, benefit, advancement, profit
Cor III.ii.31.1
Well said, Noble woman:Well said, noble woman! Cor III.ii.31.2
Before he should thus stoope to'th' heart, but thatBefore he should thus stoop to th' heart, but that Cor III.ii.32
The violent fit a'th' time craues it as PhysickeThe violent fit o'th' time craves it as physicphysic (n.)

old form: Physicke
medicine, healing, treatment
Cor III.ii.33
fit (n.)
fever, attack, seizure
crave (v.)

old form: craues
beg, entreat, request
For the whole State; I would put mine Armour on,For the whole state, I would put mine armour on, Cor III.ii.34
Which I can scarsely beare.Which I can scarcely bear. Cor III.ii.35.1
What must I do?What must I do? Cor III.ii.35.2
Returne to th' Tribunes.Return to th' Tribunes. Cor III.ii.36.1
Well, what then? what then?Well, what then? What then? Cor III.ii.36.2
Repent, what you haue spoke.Repent what you have spoke. Cor III.ii.37
For them, I cannot do it to the Gods,For them! I cannot do it to the gods. Cor III.ii.38
Must I then doo't to them?Must I then do't to them? Cor III.ii.39.1
You are too absolute,You are too absolute,absolute (adj.)
inflexible, uncompromising, intransigent
Cor III.ii.39.2
Though therein you can neuer be too Noble,Though therein you can never be too noble. Cor III.ii.40
But when extremities speake. I haue heard you say,But when extremities speak, I have heard you say,extremity (n.)
extreme urgency, absolute necessity, crisis
Cor III.ii.41
speak (v.)

old form: speake
declare itself, be announced
Honor and Policy, like vnseuer'd Friends,Honour and policy, like unsevered friends,policy (n.)
stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft
Cor III.ii.42
unsevered (adj.)

old form: vnseuer'd
inseparable, intimate, united
I'th' Warre do grow together: Grant that, and tell meI'th' war do grow together. Grant that, and tell me Cor III.ii.43
In Peace, what each of them by th' other loose,In peace what each of them by th' other lose Cor III.ii.44
That they combine not there?That they combine not there. Cor III.ii.45.1
Tush, tush.Tush, tush! Cor III.ii.45.2
A good demand.A good demand. Cor III.ii.45.3
If it be Honor in your Warres, to seemeIf it be honour in your wars to seem Cor III.ii.46
The same you are not, which for your best endsThe same you are not, which for your best ends Cor III.ii.47
You adopt your policy: How is it lesse or worseYou adopt your policy, how is it less or worsepolicy (n.)
stratagem, cunning, intrigue, craft
Cor III.ii.48
That it shall hold Companionship in PeaceThat it shall hold companionship in peace Cor III.ii.49
With Honour, as in Warre; since that to bothWith honour as in war, since that to both Cor III.ii.50
It stands in like request.It stands in like request?stand (v.)
continue, remain, wait, stay put
Cor III.ii.51.1
request (n.)
demand, state of being sought after
like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
Why force you this?Why force you this?force (v.)
urge, press, enforce
Cor III.ii.51.2
Because, that / Now it lyes you on to speakeBecause that now it lies you on to speaklie (v.)

old form: lyes
be obligatory, be incumbent
Cor III.ii.52
to th' people: / Not by your owne instruction,To th' people, not by your own instruction,instruction (n.)
precept, prompting, conviction
Cor III.ii.53
nor by'th' matter / Which your heart prompts you,Nor by th' matter which your heart prompts you,matter (n.)
reason, cause, ground
Cor III.ii.54
but with such words / That are but roated inBut with such words that are but roted inrote (v.)

old form: roated
learn by heart, fix routinely
Cor III.ii.55
your Tongue; / Though but Bastards, and SyllablesYour tongue, though but bastards and syllables Cor III.ii.56
Of no allowance, to your bosomes truth.Of no allowance to your bosom's truth.allowance (n.)
acknowledgement, admission, confirmation
Cor III.ii.57
Now, this no more dishonors you at all,Now this no more dishonours you at all Cor III.ii.58
Then to take in a Towne with gentle words,Than to take in a town with gentle words,take in (v.)
conquer, subdue, overcome
Cor III.ii.59
gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
Which else would put you to your fortune, andWhich else would put you to your fortune and Cor III.ii.60
The hazard of much blood.The hazard of much blood. Cor III.ii.61
I would dissemble with my Nature, whereI would dissemble with my nature wheredissemble (v.)
deceive, disguise the truth, pretend
Cor III.ii.62
My Fortunes and my Friends at stake, requir'dMy fortunes and my friends at stake required Cor III.ii.63
I should do so in Honor. I am in thisI should do so in honour. I am in thisbe (v.)
represent, speak for
Cor III.ii.64
Your Wife, your Sonne: These Senators, the Nobles,Your wife, your son, these Senators, the nobles; Cor III.ii.65
And you, will rather shew our generall Lowts,And you will rather show our general loutsgeneral (adj.)

old form: generall
common, of everyone, public
Cor III.ii.66
How you can frowne, then spend a fawne vpon 'em,How you can frown, than spend a fawn upon 'em Cor III.ii.67
For the inheritance of their loues, and safegardFor the inheritance of their loves and safeguardinheritance (n.)
acquiring, obtaining, winning
Cor III.ii.68
safeguard (n.)

old form: safegard
safeguarding, defence, protection
Of what that want might ruine.Of what that want might ruin.want (n.)
lack, shortage, dearth
Cor III.ii.69.1
Noble Lady,Noble lady! Cor III.ii.69.2
Come goe with vs, speake faire: you may salue so, – Come, go with us, speak fair. You may salve so,salve (v.)

old form: salue
heal, remedy, make good
Cor III.ii.70
Not what is dangerous present, but the losseNot what is dangerous present, but the loss Cor III.ii.71
Of what is past.Of what is past. Cor III.ii.72.1
I pry thee now, my Sonne,I prithee now, my son, Cor III.ii.72.2
Goe to them, with this Bonnet in thy hand,Go to them with this bonnet in thy hand;bonnet (n.)
hat, cap
Cor III.ii.73
And thus farre hauing stretcht it (here be with them)And thus far having stretched it – here be with them –  Cor III.ii.74
Thy Knee bussing the stones: for in such businesseThy knee bussing the stones – for in such businessbuss (v.)
kiss wantonly, smack against
Cor III.ii.75
Action is eloquence, and the eyes of th' ignorantAction is eloquence, and the eyes of th' ignorant Cor III.ii.76
More learned then the eares, wauing thy head,More learned than the ears – waving thy head,wave (v.)

old form: wauing
move up and down, incline
Cor III.ii.77
Which often thus correcting thy stout heart,Which often thus correcting thy stout heart,stout (adj.)
proud, haughty, arrogant
Cor III.ii.78
Now humble as the ripest Mulberry,Now humble as the ripest mulberry Cor III.ii.79
That will not hold the handling: or say to them,That will not hold the handling, say to themhold (v.)
bear, tolerate, endure
Cor III.ii.80
Thou art their Souldier, and being bred in broyles,Thou art their soldier, and being bred in broilsbroil (n.)

old form: broyles
turmoil, confused fighting, battle
Cor III.ii.81
Hast not the soft way, which thou do'st confesseHast not the soft way which, thou dost confess,soft (adj.)
tender, compassionate, kind
Cor III.ii.82
Were fit for thee to vse, as they to clayme,Were fit for thee to use as they to claim, Cor III.ii.83
In asking their good loues, but thou wilt frameIn asking their good loves; but thou wilt frameframe (v.)
adapt, adjust, shape, accommodate
Cor III.ii.84
Thy selfe (forsooth) hereafter theirs so farre,Thyself, forsooth, hereafter theirs, so farforsooth (adv.)
in truth, certainly, truly, indeed
Cor III.ii.85
As thou hast power and person.As thou hast power and person. Cor III.ii.86.1
This but done,This but done Cor III.ii.86.2
Euen as she speakes, why their hearts were yours:Even as she speaks, why, their hearts were yours. Cor III.ii.87
For they haue Pardons, being ask'd, as free,For they have pardons, being asked, as free Cor III.ii.88
As words to little purpose.As words to little purpose.purpose (n.)
point at issue, matter in hand
Cor III.ii.89.1
Prythee now,Prithee now, Cor III.ii.89.2
Goe, and be rul'd: although I know thou hadst ratherGo, and be ruled; although I know thou hadst rather Cor III.ii.90
Follow thine Enemie in a fierie Gulfe,Follow thine enemy in a fiery gulfgulf (n.)

old form: Gulfe
abyss, chasm, pit
Cor III.ii.91
Then flatter him in a Bower. Than flatter him in a bower.bower (n.)
arbour, leafy glade; or: lady's chamber, boudoir
Cor III.ii.92.1
Enter Cominius. Enter Cominius Cor III.ii.92
Here is Cominius.Here is Cominius. Cor III.ii.92.2
I haue beene i'th' Market place: and Sir 'tis fitI have been i'th' market-place; and, sir, 'tis fit Cor III.ii.93
You make strong partie, or defend your selfeYou make strong party, or defend yourselfparty (n.)

old form: partie
side, faction, camp
Cor III.ii.94
By calmenesse, or by absence: all's in anger.By calmness or by absence. All's in anger. Cor III.ii.95
Onely faire speech.Only fair speech. Cor III.ii.96.1
I thinke 'twill serue, if heI think 'twill serve, if he Cor III.ii.96.2
can thereto frame his spirit.Can thereto frame his spirit.frame (v.)
adapt, adjust, shape, accommodate
Cor III.ii.97.1
He must, and will:He must, and will. Cor III.ii.97.2
Prythee now say you will, and goe about it.Prithee now, say you will, and go about it. Cor III.ii.98
Must I goe shew them my vnbarb'd Sconce? / Must IMust I go show them my unbarbed sconce? Must Isconce (n.)
[jocular] head, pate, bonce
Cor III.ii.99
unbarbed (adj.)

old form: vnbarb'd
uncovered, unprotected, bare
with my base Tongue giue to my Noble HeartWith my base tongue give to my noble hearttongue (n.)
speech, expression, language, words, voice
Cor III.ii.100
base (adj.)
dishonourable, low, unworthy
A Lye, that it must beare well? I will doo't:A lie that it must bear? Well, I will do't. Cor III.ii.101
Yet were there but this single Plot, to looseYet, were there but this single plot to lose,plot (n.)
piece of earth; body
Cor III.ii.102
This Mould of Martius, they to dust should grinde it,This mould of Martius, they to dust should grind it Cor III.ii.103
And throw't against the Winde. To th' Market place:And throw't against the wind. To th' market-place! Cor III.ii.104
You haue put me now to such a part, which neuerYou have put me now to such a part which never Cor III.ii.105
I shall discharge to th' Life.I shall discharge to th', to the
convincingly, in a faithful manner
Cor III.ii.106.1
discharge (v.)
play, perform, execute
Come, come, wee'le prompt you.Come, come, we'll prompt you. Cor III.ii.106.2
I prythee now sweet Son, as thou hast saidI prithee now, sweet son, as thou hast said Cor III.ii.107
My praises made thee first a Souldier; soMy praises made thee first a soldier, so, Cor III.ii.108
To haue my praise for this, performe a partTo have my praise for this, perform a part Cor III.ii.109
Thou hast not done before.Thou hast not done before. Cor III.ii.110.1
Well, I must doo't:Well, I must do't. Cor III.ii.110.2
Away my disposition, and possesse meAway, my disposition, and possess medisposition (n.)
natural temperament, normal state of mind
Cor III.ii.111
Some Harlots spirit: My throat of Warre be turn'd,Some harlot's spirit! My throat of war be turned,harlot (n.)
prostitute, whore
Cor III.ii.112
Which quier'd with my Drumme into a Pipe,Which choired with my drum, into a pipechoir, quire (v.)

old form: quier'd
sing in tune, make music
Cor III.ii.113
Small as an Eunuch, or the Virgin voyceSmall as an eunuch or the virgin voicesmall (adj.)
high-pitched, fluting, thin
Cor III.ii.114
That Babies lull a-sleepe: The smiles of KnauesThat babies lulls asleep! The smiles of knavesknave (n.)

old form: Knaues
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
Cor III.ii.115
baby (n.)
Tent in my cheekes, and Schoole-boyes Teares take vpTent in my cheeks, and schoolboys' tears take uptent (v.)
lodge, encamp, take up residence
Cor III.ii.116
take up (v.)

old form: vp
occupy, fill up
The Glasses of my sight: A Beggars TongueThe glasses of my sight! A beggar's tongueglass (n.)
Cor III.ii.117
Make motion through my Lips, and my Arm'd kneesMake motion through my lips, and my armed knees, Cor III.ii.118
Who bow'd but in my Stirrop, bend like hisWho bowed but in my stirrup, bend like his Cor III.ii.119
That hath receiu'd an Almes. I will not doo't,That hath received an alms! I will not do't, Cor III.ii.120
Least I surcease to honor mine owne truth,Lest I surcease to honour mine own truthsurcease (v.)
cease, stop, leave off
Cor III.ii.121
And by my Bodies action, teach my MindeAnd by my body's action teach my mind Cor III.ii.122
A most inherent Basenesse.A most inherent baseness.inherent (adj.)
fixed, irremovable, permanent
Cor III.ii.123.1
baseness (n.)

old form: Basenesse
cowardice, degenerateness, degradation
At thy choice then:At thy choice, then. Cor III.ii.123.2
To begge of thee, it is my more dis-honor,To beg of thee, it is my more dishonourmore (adj.)
Cor III.ii.124
Then thou of them. Come all to ruine, letThan thou of them. Come all to ruin. Let Cor III.ii.125
Thy Mother rather feele thy Pride, then feareThy mother rather feel thy pride than fear Cor III.ii.126
Thy dangerous Stoutnesse: for I mocke at deathThy dangerous stoutness, for I mock at deathstoutness (n.)

old form: Stoutnesse
obstinacy, stubbornness, intractability
Cor III.ii.127
With as bigge heart as thou. Do as thou list,With as big heart as thou. Do as thou list.list (v.)
wish, like, please
Cor III.ii.128
Thy Valiantnesse was mine, thou suck'st it from me:Thy valiantness was mine, thou suck'dst it from me, Cor III.ii.129
But owe thy Pride thy selfe.But owe thy pride thyself.owe (v.)
own, possess, have
Cor III.ii.130.1
Pray be content:Pray, be content.content (adj.)
satisfied, calm, easy in mind
Cor III.ii.130.2
Mother, I am going to the Market place:Mother, I am going to the market-place. Cor III.ii.131
Chide me no more. Ile Mountebanke their Loues,Chide me no more. I'll mountebank their loves,chide (v.), past form chid
scold, rebuke, reprove
Cor III.ii.132
mountebank (v.)

old form: Mountebanke
win over by plausible trickery
Cogge their Hearts from them, and come home belou'dCog their hearts from them, and come home belovedcog (v.)

old form: Cogge
flatter, fawn, sweet-talk
Cor III.ii.133
Of all the Trades in Rome. Looke, I am going:Of all the trades in Rome. Look, I am going. Cor III.ii.134
Commend me to my Wife, Ile returne Consull,Commend me to my wife. I'll return consul,commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
Cor III.ii.135
Or neuer trust to what my Tongue can doOr never trust to what my tongue can do Cor III.ii.136
I'th way of Flattery further.I'th' way of flattery further. Cor III.ii.137.1
Do your will. Do your will. Cor III.ii.137.2
Exit Volumnia Exit Volumnia Cor III.ii.137
Away, the Tribunes do attend you: arm your selfAway! The Tribunes do attend you. Arm yourselfattend (v.)
await, wait for, expect
Cor III.ii.138
To answer mildely: for they are prepar'dTo answer mildly; for they are prepared Cor III.ii.139
With Accusations, as I heare more strongWith accusations, as I hear, more strong Cor III.ii.140
Then are vpon you yet.Than are upon you yet. Cor III.ii.141
The word is, Mildely. Pray you let vs go,The word is ‘ mildly ’. Pray you let us go. Cor III.ii.142
Let them accuse me by inuention: ILet them accuse me by invention, Iinvention (n.)

old form: inuention
concoction, trumped-up charge
Cor III.ii.143
Will answer in mine Honor.Will answer in mine honour. Cor III.ii.144.1
I, but mildely.Ay, but mildly. Cor III.ii.144.2
Well mildely be it then, Mildely. Well, mildly be it then – mildly! Cor III.ii.145
Exeunt. Exeunt Cor III.ii.145
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