direful (adj.) Old form(s): direfull
dreadful, terrible, frightful
Luc.741[of Lucrece] She stays, exclaiming on the direful night
Mac I.ii.26[Captain to King] the sun 'gins his reflection, / Shipwracking storms and direful thunders
Oth V.i.38[Gratiano to Lodovico] the cry is very direful
R3 IV.iv.85[Queen Margaret to Queen Elizabeth] I called thee ... / The flattering index of a direful pageant
RJ V.iii.225[Friar to Prince, of himself] Yet most suspected, as the time and place / Doth make against me, of this direful murder
Tem I.ii.26[Prospero to Miranda] The direful spectacle of the wrack
Tit V.iii.143[Marcus to Attendants, of bringing Aaron] To be adjudged some direful slaught'ring death
Ven.98[Venus to Adonis] I entreat thee now, / Even by the stern and direful god of war

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