doubt (v.)
suspect, have suspicions about, fear
Ham I.ii.256[Hamlet alone] I doubt some foul play
Ham II.ii.117[Polonius reading Hamlet's letter to Ophelia] Doubt truth to be a liar
Ham II.ii.56[Gertrude to Claudius] I doubt it is no other but the main
KJ IV.i.19[Arthur to Hubert, of King John] I doubt / My uncle practises more harm to me
MW I.iv.40[Mistress Quickly to Rugby, of Caius] I doubt he be not well, that he comes not home
Per I.ii.86[Pericles to Helicanus, of Antiochus] should he doubt ... / That I should open [his deeds] to the listening air
RJ V.iii.44[Balthasar to himself, of Romeo] His looks I fear, and his intents I doubt
Tit II.iii.68[Lavinia to Tamora] to be doubted that your Moor and you / Are singled forth to try experiments

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