Shakespeare's Anniversary – free access until 04-24-2024
work (v.), past form wrought Old form(s): worke
perform, do, carry out
2H6 V.i.70[King to Iden, of Cade] That living wrought me such exceeding trouble
Cym V.iii.55[Posthumus to Lord] you are made / Rather to wonder at the things you hear / Than to work any
Mac II.i.19.1[Macbeth to Banquo] Being unprepared / Our will became the servant to defect, / Which else should free have wrought
Tem V.i.53[Prospero alone] when I have required / Some heavenly music ... / To work mine end
Tim I.i.199[Timon to Apemantus, of a painting] Wrought he not well that painted it?

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