wit (n.) Old form(s): witte
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
2H4 I.ii.10[Falstaff alone] I am not only witty in myself, but the cause that wit is in other men
2H4 I.ii.172[Falstaff to Lord Chief Justice] pregnancy is made a tapster, and his quick wit wasted in giving reckonings
2H4 I.ii.185[Lord Chief Justice to Falstaff] Is not your voice broken, your wind short, your chin double, your wit single, and every part about you blasted with antiquity?
2H4 I.ii.249[Galstaff alone] A good wit will make use of anything; I will turn diseases to commodity
2H4 IV.iii.100[Falstaff alone, of one of the effects of drinking sack] delivered o'er to the voice, the tongue, which is the birth, becomes excellent wit
3H6 III.ii.33[Edward to Richard and George, of Lady Grey] Lords, give us leave; I'll try this widow's wit
AW I.ii.32[King to Bertram, of Bertram's father] In his youth / He had the wit which I can well observe / Today in our young lords
AYL III.ii.268[Jaques to Orlando] You have a nimble wit
AYL III.ii.66[Corin to Touchstone] You have too courtly a wit for me
AYL IV.i.151[Rosalind as Ganymede to Orlando] Make the doors upon a woman's wit, and it will out at the casement
AYL IV.i.154[Orlando to Rosalind as Ganymede, of a wife with a good wit] A man that had a wife with such a wit, he might say ‘Wit, whither wilt?’ [also: sense 6]
AYL V.i.28[William to Touchstone] I have a pretty wit
AYL V.iv.104[Jaques to Duke Senior, of Touchstone] He uses his folly like a stalking-horse, and under the presentation of that he shoots his wit
CE II.i.91[Adriana to Luciana] Are my discourses dull? barren my wit?
E3 II.i.27[King Edward alone, of the Countess] She is grown more fairer far since I came hither, / Her voice more silver every word than other, / Her wit more fluent
E3 II.i.78[King Edward to Lodowick, of poetry being more effective than music] How much more shall the strains of poets' wit / Beguile and ravish soft and human minds!
Ham V.i.45[First Clown to Second Clown] I like thy wit well
JC I.ii.297[Cassius to Brutus, of Casca] This rudeness is a sauce to his good wit
JC III.ii.222[Antony to Plebeians] I have neither wit, nor words, nor worth, / Action, nor utterance, nor the power of speech / To stir men's blood [or: sense 1]
LC.217[] each several stone, / With wit well blazoned, smiled or made some moan
LLL II.i.19[Princess to Boyet] I am less proud to hear you tell my worth / Than you much willing to be counted wise / In spending your wit in the praise of mine
LLL II.i.212[Princess to all] This civil war of wits were much better used / On Navarre and his book-men
LLL II.i.49[Maria to Princess, of Longaville] a sharp wit matched with too blunt a will
LLL II.i.59[Katharine to Princess, of Dumaine] he hath wit to make an ill shape good, / And shape to win grace though he had no wit
LLL II.i.69[Rosaline to Princess, of Berowne] His eye begets occasion for his wit
LLL IV.i.143[Costard alone] O'my troth, most sweet jests, most incony vulgar wit
LLL IV.i.148[Costard alone, of Armado] And his page o't'other side, that handful of wit!
LLL IV.ii.157[Holofernes to Nathaniel, of some verses] neither savouring of poetry, wit, nor invention [or: sense 3, 4]
LLL IV.iii.145[King to all, of Berowne] How will he scorn, how will he spend his wit!
LLL V.i.56[Armado to all, of Mote] Now, by the salt wave of the Mediterraneum, a sweet touch, a quick venue of wit! [and in the following]
LLL V.ii.29[Princess to Rosaline and Katharine] Well bandied both! A set of wit well played.
LLL V.ii.315[Berowne to all, of Boyet] This fellow pecks up wit, as pigeons peas, / And utters it again when God doth please. / He is wit's pedlar
LLL V.ii.374[Berowne to Rosaline] Your wit makes wise things foolish
LLL V.ii.398[Berowne to Rosaline] Thrust thy sharp wit quite through my ignorance
LLL V.ii.430[Berowne to the lords] Speak for yourselves. My wit is at an end
LLL V.ii.835[Rosaline to Berowne] comparisons and wounding flouts, / Which you on all estates will execute / That lie within the mercy of your wit
MA I.i.58[Leonato to Messenger, of Beatrice and Benedick] they never meet but there's a skirmish of wit between them
MA II.i.109[masked Ursula to masked Antonio] do you think I do not know you by your excellent wit?
MA II.i.355[Don Pedro to Hero, of Benedick] his quick wit and his queasy stomach
MA II.iii.229[Benedick alone] I may chance have some odd quirks and remnants of wit broken on me
MA III.i.52[Hero to Ursula, of Beatrice] her wit / Values itself so highly that to her / All matter else seems weak
MA III.i.76[Hero to Ursula, of Beatrice] she would laugh me / Out of myself, press me to death with wit!
MA III.iv.62[Margaret to Beatrice] Doth not my wit become me rarely?
MA V.i.123[Claudio to Benedick, of driving away melancholy] Wilt thou use thy wit? [and in the following]
MA V.ii.11[Benedick to Margaret] Thy wit is as quick as the greyhound's mouth; it catches
MA V.ii.52[Benedick to Beatrice] so forcible is thy wit
Mac IV.ii.43[Lady Macduff to Son] Thou speak'st with all thy wit; / And yet, i' faith, with wit enough for thee
MW IV.v.108[Falstaff to Mistress Quickly] my admirable dexterity of wit
MW IV.v.91[Falstaff alone, of courtiers] they would whip me with their fine wits till I were as crest-fallen as a dried pear
R3 III.i.132[Buckingham to Hastings, of York] With what a sharp-provided wit he reasons
RJ II.iv.60[Mercutio to Romeo] Sure wit, follow me this jest now till thou hast / worn out thy pump
RJ II.iv.78[Mercutio to Romeo] Thy wit is a very bitter sweeting
RJ IV.v.121[Second Musician to Peter] Pray you put up your dagger, and put out your wit [and in the following]
Sonn.140.5[] If I might teach thee wit, better it were, / Though not to love, yet, love, to tell me so
Sonn.26.4[]To thee I send this written ambassage / To witness duty, not to show my wit
Sonn.84.11[] Let him but copy what in you is writ, ... / And such a counterpart shall fame his wit [i.e skill as a writer]
Tem IV.i.242[Stephano to Trinculo] Wit shall not go unrewarded while I am king of this country
TG I.i.124[Proteus to Speed] Beshrew me, but you have a quick wit
TN II.v.199[Sir Toby to Maria] To the gates of Tartar, thou most excellent devil of wit!

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