surfeit (n.) Old form(s): surfet, surfets
sickness brought on by excess
AC I.iv.27[Caesar to Lepidus, of Antony] If he filled / His vacancy with his voluptuousness, / Full surfeits and the dryness of his bones / Call on him for't [i.e. stomach trouble]
KL I.ii.119[Edmund alone] when we are sick in fortune - often the surfeits of our own behaviour [F; Q surfeit]
R3 I.iii.196[Queen Margaret to all] Though not by war, by surfeit die your king
Tim IV.iii.228[Apemantus to Timon] Will the cold brook ... caudle thy morning taste, / To cure thy o'ernight's surfeit?
TN II.iv.98[Orsino to Viola as Cesario, of women's love] No motion of the liver, but the palate, / That suffer surfeit, cloyment, and revolt
TNK I.i.190[Hippolyta to Queens] Did I not ... cure their surfeit / That craves a present medicine [i.e. excess of grief]
Ven.743[Venus to Adonis] Surfeits, imposthumes, grief and damned despair, / Swear Nature's death for framing thee so fair

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