token (n.)
sign, evidence, mark
AW V.iii.85[King to Bertram, of Helena's ring] by this token / I would relieve her
CE IV.i.56[Angelo to Antipholus of Ephesus] Either send the chain, or send me by some token [i.e. to enable me to get the money]
Cym V.v.203[Iachimo to Cymbeline, of Posthumus and Innogen] By wounding his belief in her renown, / With tokens thus, and thus [i.e. of various kinds]
KJ I.i.87[Queen Eleanor to King John] Do you not read some tokens of my son / In the large composition of this man?
KL V.iii.247[Edgar to Edmund] Send / Thy token of reprieve
Tim V.iv.50[Second Senator to Alcibiades] Throw thy glove, / Or any token of thine honour else
TNK V.i.133[Palamon praying to Venus] I give thee thanks / For this fair token
TNK V.i.61[Arcite praying to Mars] give me, great Mars, / Some token of thy pleasure

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