Philomel, Philomela (n.)
[pron: 'filomel] daughter of Pandion, king of Athens; Tereus raped her and cut out her tongue, but she told the tale in her embroidery; the gods turned her into a nightingale after she took her revenge
Luc.1079lamenting Philomel had ended / The well-tuned warble of her nightly sorrow
MND II.ii.13[Fairy chorus singing] Philomel with melody
PP.14.17While Philomela sits and sings, I sit and mark
PP.14.17While Philomela sits and sings, I sit and mark
Tit V.ii.193[Titus to Chiron and Demetrius] For worse than Philomel you used my daughter
TNK V.iii.124[Theseus to Emilia] I have heard / Two emulous Philomels beat the ear o'th' night

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