having (n.) Old form(s): hauing
fortune, estate, means
Mac I.iii.55[Banquo to Witches, of Macbeth] You greet with ... great prediction / Of noble having
MW III.ii.66[Page to Host, of Fenton as a suitor for Anne] The gentleman is of no having
Oth IV.iii.90[Emilia to Desdemona, of husbands] say they strike us, / Or scant our former having in despite
Tim V.i.16[Painter to Poet, of Timon's gold] if it be a just and true report that goes of his having
TN III.iv.335[Viola as Cesario to Antonio] My having is not much
WT IV.iv.714[Autolycus to Clown and Shepherd] your names, your ages, of what having, breeding

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