gramercy, gramercies (int.)
great thanks
MV II.ii.111[Bassanio to Gobbo] Gramercy. Wouldst thou aught with me?
R3 III.ii.105[Hastings to Pursuivant] Gramercy, Hastings.
Tim II.ii.71[Servants to Fool, responding to his 'How do you, gentlemen?'] Gramercies, good fool
Tit I.i.498[Saturninus to Titus, of hunting with him] Be it so, Titus, and gramercy too
Tit IV.ii.7[Demetrius to Young Lucius] Gramercy, lovely Lucius, what's the news?
TS I.i.160[Lucentio to Tranio] Gramercies, lad
TS I.i.41[Lucentio to Tranio] Gramercies, Tranio, well dost thou advise

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