sound (v.)
cry out, declare, proclaim
AC II.ii.38[Caesar to Antony] to sound your name
H8 V.ii.12[Cranmer to himself, of Butts] Pray heaven he sound not my disgrace! [or: sound out]
JC I.ii.142[Cassius to Brutus, of Caesar] Why should that name be sounded more than yours?
Luc.717[of Tarquin] now against himself he sounds this doom, / That through the length of times he stands disgraced
Per Chorus.III.36[Gower alone] everyone with claps can sound / 'Our heir-apparent is a king!'
R2 III.iv.74[Queen Isabel to Gardener] How dares thy harsh rude tongue sound this unpleasing news?
RJ III.ii.126[Juliet to Nurse, of the word 'banished'] No words can that woe sound [also: plumb the depths of]
TS II.i.192[Petruchio to Katherina] Thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded

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