become (v.) Old form(s): becom, becom'd , becomming , becoms
grace, honour, dignify
1H4 II.iv.482[Falstaff to Prince Hal] If I become not a cart as well as another man, a plague on my bringing up
2H4 II.i.190[Falstaff to Gower, of the former's manners] if they become me not, he was a fool that taught them me
2H4 V.ii.50[King Henry V to his brothers] be sad ... / For, by my faith, it very well becomes you
2H6 V.i.96[York to King] That head of thine doth not become a crown
AC I.i.49[Antony to and of Cleopatra] Whom everything becomes - to chide, to laugh, / To weep
AC II.ii.2[Lepidus to Enobarbus] 'tis a worthy deed, / And shall become you well, to entreat your captain / To soft and gentle speech
AC II.iv.5.1[Lepidus to Maecenas and Agrippa] your soldier's dress, / Which will become you both
AYL III.ii.236[Rosalind as Ganymede to Celia as Aliena, of Orlando lying on the ground] Though it be pity to see such a sight, it well becomes the ground
AYL III.v.114[Phebe to Silvius, of Rosalind as Ganymede] his pride becomes him
Cor I.iii.40[Volumnia to Virgilia, of blood] It more becomes a man / Than gilt his trophy
Cor III.i.159[Coriolanus to Brutus and Sicinius] Your dishonour / Mangles true judgement, and bereaves the state / Of that integrity which should become't
Cor III.i.59[Cominius to all] This paltering / Becomes not Rome, nor has Coriolanus / Deserved this so dishonoured rub [or: sense 1]
Cym IV.iv.15[Guiderius to Belarius] a doubt / In such a time nothing becoming you, / Nor satisfying us
Cym V.v.407[Cymbeline to all, of the unknown soldier] He would have well becomed this place, and graced / The thankings of a king
E3 II.i.281[King Edward to Warwick] Like as the wind doth beautify a sail, / And as a sail becomes the unseen wind
E3 II.i.396[Warwick to Countess] The lion doth become his bloody jaws, / And grace his foragement by being mild / When vassal fear lies trembling at his feet
E3[Audley to Esquire, of Prince Edward] in the crimson bravery of my blood / I may become him with saluting him
H5 I.ii.8.1[Canterbury to King Henry] God and His angels guard your sacred throne, / And make you long become it!
H5 III.i.3[King Henry to all] there's nothing so becomes a man / As modest stillness and humility
H5 III.iii.6[King Henry to all] I am a soldier, / A name that in my thoughts becomes me best
H5 IV.ii.38[Grandpr?š to all, of the English] Yon island carrions, desperate of their bones, / Ill-favouredly become the morning field
H5 V.ii.58[Burgundy to all] [we] Have lost ... / The sciences that should become our country
H8 V.iii.133[King Henry to Cranmer, of any councillor] he had better starve / Than but once think this place becomes thee not
Ham IV.v.173[Ophelia to Laertes] O, how the wheel becomes it!
KJ II.i.141[Blanche to and of Austria] well did he become that lion's robe / That did disrobe the lion of that robe!
KJ III.i.50[Constance to Arthur, if he were ugly] nor thou / Become thy great birth, nor deserve a crown
KJ V.i.55[Bastard to King John] Away, and glister like the god of war / When he intendeth to become the field
KL II.iv.148[Lear to Regan, of his kneeling] Do you but mark how this becomes the house
KL IV.iii.24.1[Gentleman to disguised Kent, of Cordelia] Sorrow would be a rarity most beloved / If all could so become it
LC.111[of the man] Whether the horse by him became his deed, / Or he his manage, by th'well doing steed
LLL II.i.46[Maria to Princess, of Longaville] Nothing becomes him ill that he would well
Mac I.ii.44[Duncan to Captain] So well thy words become thee as thy wounds
Mac I.iv.9[Malcolm to Duncan, of Cawdor] Nothing in his life / Became him like the leaving it
MM II.ii.62[Isabella to Angelo] No ceremony that to great ones longs, / Not the king's crown, nor the deputed sword ... / Become them with one half so good a grace / As mercy does
MM III.ii.245[disguised Duke to Escalus, of Angelo] If his own life answer the straitness of his proceeding, it shall become him well
MV II.viii.45[Salerio to Solanio, reporting Antonio's words to Bassanio] employ your chiefest thoughts / To courtship and such fair ostents of love / As shall conveniently become you
MV IV.i.185[Portia as Balthasar to Shylock, of mercy] it becomes / The throned monarch better than his crown
R3 III.vii.168[Richard to all] The royal tree hath left us royal fruit, / Which, mellowed by the stealing hours of time, / Will well become the seat of majesty
Sonn.132.6[]">not the morning sun of heaven / Better becomes the grey cheeks of th'East ... / As those two mourning eyes become thy face
Tem III.ii.105[Caliban to Stephano, of Miranda] She will become thy bed
Tim V.i.193[First Senator to Timon] These words become your lips as they pass through them
TN I.iii.96[Sir Andrew to Sir Toby, of his hair] it becomes me well enough, does't not?
TN II.v.169[Malvolio, reading the letter supposedly from Olivia] thy smiles become thee well
TNK IV.ii.31[Emilia alone, of Palamon's deficiencies] Yet these that we count errors may become him
TNK V.iii.50[Emilia alone, of Palamon] Melancholy / Becomes him nobly
TS II.i.252[Petruchio to Katherina] Did ever Dian so become a grove / As Kate this chamber with her princely gait?
TS IV.v.32[Petruchio to Katherina, of Vincentio imagined as a woman] What stars do spangle heaven with such beauty / As those two eyes become that heavenly face?
TS V.ii.120[Petruchio to Katherina] that cap of yours becomes you not
WT I.ii.282[Camillo to Leontes, of the latter's suspicions] You never spoke what did become you less / Than this
WT IV.iv.393[disguised Polixenes to Florizel] Methinks a father / Is at the nuptial of his son a guest / That best becomes the table

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