synod (n.) Old form(s): Synode , Synodes
assembly, council, gathering
AC III.x.5.1[Scarus to Enobarbus] Gods and goddesses, / All the whole synod of them!
AYL III.ii.146[Celia as Aliena reading] Thus Rosalind of many parts / By heavenly synod was devised [or: astrological conjunction]
CE I.i.13[Duke to Egeon] It hath in solemn synods been decreed
Cor V.ii.66[Menenius to Coriolanus] The glorious gods sit in hourly synod
Cym V.iv.89[Sicilius, to music, as if to Jupiter] we poor ghosts will cry / To th'shining synod of the rest against thy deity
Ham II.ii.492[First Player to all] All you gods, / In general synod
TNK I.i.176[First Queen to Theseus] Able to lock Jove from a synod

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