pattern (n.) Old form(s): patterne
picture, model, specimen, example
1H6 V.v.65[Suffolk to all, of a marriage for love] bringeth bliss / And is a pattern of celestial peace
E3 IV.ii.12[Derby to Frenchmen] You wretched patterns of despair and woe [Q1; Q2: partner]
KL III.ii.37[Lear to himself] I will be the pattern of all patience
Luc.1350[of Lucrece's groom] this pattern of the worn-out age / Pawned honest looks, but laid no words to gage
R3 I.ii.54[Anne to Richard, of Henry VI's body] Behold this pattern of thy butcheries
Sonn.19.12[of Time] Him in thy course untainted do allow / For beauty's pattern to succeeding men

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