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Search phrase: badly


 1 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
King JohnKJ V.iii.2Badly, I fear. How fares your majesty?Badly I feare; how fares your Maiesty?


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 31 result(s).
abusemisuse, maltreat, treat badly, wrong
abusemisapply, employ badly
backbiteslander, revile, speak badly [of someone]
hardbadly, poorly, ill
hardlyseverely, harshly, badly
ignoblydishonourably, shamefully, badly
illbadly, adversely, unfavourably
ill-annexedbadly added, adversely attached
ill-disposedbadly arranged, poorly presented
ill-favouredlybadly, unpleasingly, offensively
ill-inhabitedbadly housed, poorly accommodated
ill-leftbadly equipped; or: left in disorder
ill-nurturedill-bred, badly brought up
ill-roastedbadly cooked
ill-sheathedbadly sheathed
ill-sortedbadly matched, in bad company
ill-ta'en[ill-taken] unfounded, unwarranted, badly grounded
ill-temperedunbalanced, with elements of mood [humours] badly mixed
lack-linenbadly dressed, disreputable
misgraffedbadly grafted, ill-matched, unsuited
mishavedbadly behaved
misreportspeak badly of, slander
misshapengone awry, badly directed
misspeakspeak inaccurately, express badly
overgalledbadly swollen, heavily inflamed
spoilbadly injure, seriously hurt
unseasonedunseasonable, inopportune, badly timed
unsortedunsuitable, unfit, badly chosen
unsquaredbadly fitting, unsuitable, unbecoming
untutoredbadly brought up, untaught, inexperienced
wantoncruelly irresponsible, badly behaved


 55 result(s).
added, badlyill-annexed
arranged badlyill-disposed
badly addedill-annexed
badly arrangedill-disposed
badly behavedmishaved
badly behavedwanton
badly brought upill-nurtured
badly brought upuntutored
badly chosenunsorted
badly cookedill-roasted
badly directedmisshapen
badly equippedill-left
badly expressmisspeak
badly fittingunsquared
badly graftedmisgraffed
badly groundedill-ta'en
badly housedill-inhabited
badly matchedill-sorted
badly mixed elements of moodill-tempered
badly of, speakbackbite
badly of, speakmisreport
badly sheathedill-sheathed
badly swollenovergalled
badly timedunseasoned
badly treatabuse
badly, employabuse
behaved, badlymishaved
behaved, badlywanton
brought up badlyill-nurtured
brought up badlyuntutored
chosen badlyunsorted
cooked, badlyill-roasted
directed, badlymisshapen
dressed, badlylack-linen
employ badlyabuse
equipped, badlyill-left
express badlymisspeak
fitting badlyunsquared
grafted badlymisgraffed
grounded badlyill-ta'en
housed badlyill-inhabited
injure badlyspoil
matched badlyill-sorted
mood, badly mixedill-tempered
sheathed badlyill-sheathed
speak badly ofbackbite
speak badly ofmisreport
swollen badlyovergalled
timed badlyunseasoned
treat badlyabuse

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Frequently Encountered Words (FEW)...ill (adj ) 2--6 (v ) (adv ) ill (adv ) badly adversely unfavourably 1h6 iv i 74 [k...

Words Families

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