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The Two Gentlemen of Verona

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Valentine: Protheus, and Speed.Enter Valentine and Proteus TG I.i.1
CEase to perswade, my louing Protheus;Cease to persuade, my loving Proteus; TG I.i.1
Home-keeping youth, haue euer homely wits,Home-keeping youth have ever homely wits.wit (n.)
mind, brain, thoughts
TG I.i.2
Wer't not affection chaines thy tender dayesWere't not affection chains thy tender daysaffection (n.)
love, devotion
TG I.i.3
To the sweet glaunces of thy honour'd Loue,To the sweet glances of thy honoured love, TG I.i.4
I rather would entreat thy company,I rather would entreat thy company TG I.i.5
To see the wonders of the world abroad,To see the wonders of the world abroad TG I.i.6
Then (liuing dully sluggardiz'd at home)Than, living dully sluggardized at home,sluggardized (adj.)

old form: sluggardiz'd
like a sluggard, made lazy
TG I.i.7
Weare out thy youth with shapelesse idlenesse.Wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness.shapeless (adj.)

old form: shapelesse
aimless, without guidance, desultory
TG I.i.8
But since thou lou'st; loue still, and thriue therein,But, since thou lovest, love still, and thrive therein,still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
TG I.i.9
Euen as I would, when I to loue begin.Even as I would when I to love begin. TG I.i.10
Wilt thou be gone? Sweet Valentine adew,Wilt thou be gone? Sweet Valentine, adieu. TG I.i.11
Thinke on thy Protheus, when thou (hap'ly) seestThink on thy Proteus, when thou haply seesthaply (adv.)

old form: hap'ly
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
TG I.i.12
Some rare note-worthy obiect in thy trauaile.Some rare noteworthy object in thy travel. TG I.i.13
Wish me partaker in thy happinesse,Wish me partaker in thy happiness, TG I.i.14
When thou do'st meet good hap; and in thy danger,When thou dost meet good hap; and in thy danger – hap (n.)
fortune, lot, fate
TG I.i.15
(If euer danger doe enuiron thee)If ever danger do environ thee – environ (v.)

old form: enuiron
surround, envelop, encircle, engulf
TG I.i.16
Commend thy grieuance to my holy prayers,Commend thy grievance to my holy prayers,grievance (n.)

old form: grieuance
distress, suffering, pain
TG I.i.17
commend (v.)
commit, entrust, hand over
For I will be thy beades-man, Valentine.For I will be thy beadsman, Valentine.beadsman (n.)

old form: beades-man
almsman, pensioner [who prays for others]
TG I.i.18
And on a loue-booke pray for my successe?And on a love-book pray for my success?love-book (n.)

old form: loue-booke
book dealing with matters of love, courtship manual
TG I.i.19
Vpon some booke I loue, I'le pray for thee.Upon some book I love I'll pray for thee. TG I.i.20
That's on some shallow Storie of deepe loue,That's on some shallow story of deep love, TG I.i.21
How yong Leander crost the Hellespont.How young Leander crossed the Hellespont.Hellespont (n.)
['helespont] Dardanelles; narrow strait in NW Turkey, connecting the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara
TG I.i.22
Leander (n.)
[li'ander] young man in love with Hero, who lived on the opposite side of the Hellespont; each night he swam across, guided by her lamp
That's a deepe Storie, of a deeper loue,That's a deep story of a deeper love, TG I.i.23
For he was more then ouer-shooes in loue.For he was more than overshoes in love.overshoes, over-shoes (adj.)

old form: ouer-shooes
(plural) shoe-deep, following a reckless course
TG I.i.24
'Tis true; for you are ouer-bootes in loue,'Tis true; for you are overboots in love,overboots, over-boots (adj.)

old form: ouer-bootes
(plural) boot-deep, following a reckless course
TG I.i.25
And yet you neuer swom the Hellespont.And yet you never swam the Hellespont. TG I.i.26
Ouer the Bootes? nay giue me not the Boots.Over the boots? Nay, give me not the, give someone the
make fun of someone, make a fool of someone
TG I.i.27
No, I will not; for it boots thee not.No, I will not; for it boots thee not.boot (v.)
help, serve, benefit, be useful [to]
TG I.i.28.1
What?What? TG I.i.28.2
To be in loue; where scorne is bought with grones:To be in love, where scorn is bought with groans; TG I.i.29
Coy looks, with hart-sore sighes: one fading moments mirth,Coy looks, with heart-sore sighs; one fading moment's mirth,coy (adj.)
unresponsive, distant, standoffish, disdainful
TG I.i.30
With twenty watchfull, weary, tedious nights;With twenty, watchful, weary, tedious nights;watchful (adj.)

old form: watchfull
wakeful, unsleeping, vigilant
TG I.i.31
If hap'ly won, perhaps a haplesse gaine;If haply won, perhaps a hapless gain;haply (adv.)

old form: hap'ly
perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck
TG I.i.32
hapless (adj.)

old form: haplesse
luckless, unfortunate, unlucky
If lost, why then a grieuous labour won;If lost, why then a grievous labour won; TG I.i.33
How euer: but a folly bought with wit,However, but a folly bought with wit, TG I.i.34
Or else a wit, by folly vanquished.Or else a wit by folly vanquished.wit (n.)
intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
TG I.i.35
So, by your circumstance, you call me foole.So, by your circumstance, you call me fool?circumstance (n.)
special argument, detailed explanation
TG I.i.36
So, by your circumstance, I feare you'll proue.So, by your circumstance, I fear you'll prove.circumstance (n.)
condition, state, situation
TG I.i.37
'Tis Loue you cauill at, I am not Loue.'Tis Love you cavil at; I am not Love.cavil (v.)

old form: cauill
dispute over details, raise pointless objections
TG I.i.38
Loue is your master, for he masters you;Love is your master, for he masters you; TG I.i.39
And he that is so yoked by a foole,And he that is so yoked by a fool, TG I.i.40
Me thinkes should not be chronicled for wise.Methinks should not be chronicled for wise.chronicle (v.)
register, log, put on record [as]
TG I.i.41
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: Me thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
Yet Writers say; as in the sweetest Bud,Yet writers say, as in the sweetest bud TG I.i.42
The eating Canker dwels; so eating LoueThe eating canker dwells, so eating lovecanker (n./adj.)
grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite
TG I.i.43
Inhabits in the finest wits of all.Inhabits in the finest wits of all.wits, also five wits
faculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses)
TG I.i.44
And Writers say; as the most forward BudAnd writers say, as the most forward budforward (adj.)
promising, early-maturing, precocious
TG I.i.45
Is eaten by the Canker ere it blow,Is eaten by the canker ere it blow,blow (v.)
blossom, bloom, flower
TG I.i.46
canker (n./adj.)
grub that destroys plant buds and leaves, cankerworm, parasite
Euen so by Loue, the yong, and tender witEven so by love the young and tender wit TG I.i.47
Is turn'd to folly, blasting in the Bud,Is turned to folly, blasting in the bud,blast (v.)
blight, wither, destroy
TG I.i.48
Loosing his verdure, euen in the prime,Losing his verdure even in the prime,prime (n.)
early years, prime of life, fullness of youth
TG I.i.49
verdure, verdour (n.)
sap, vitality, vigour, freshness
And all the faire effects of future hopes.And all the fair effects of future hopes.effect (n.)
result, end, outcome, fulfilment
TG I.i.50
fair (adj.)

old form: faire
fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent
But wherefore waste I time to counsaile theeBut wherefore waste I time to counsel thee TG I.i.51
That art a votary to fond desire?That art a votary to fond desire?fond (adj.)
infatuated, doting, passionate
TG I.i.52
votary (n.)
devotee, disciple, worshipper [of]
Once more adieu: my Father at the RoadOnce more adieu. My father at the roadroad (n.)
harbour, anchorage, roadstead
TG I.i.53
Expects my comming, there to see me ship'd.Expects my coming, there to see me shipped.expect (v.)
wait for, await
TG I.i.54
And thither will I bring thee Valentine.And thither will I bring thee, Valentine.bring (v.)
accompany, conduct, escort
TG I.i.55
Sweet Protheus, no: Now let vs take our leaue:Sweet Proteus, no; now let us take our leave. TG I.i.56
To Millaine let me heare from thee by LettersTo Milan let me hear from thee by letters TG I.i.57
Of thy successe in loue; and what newes elseOf thy success in love, and what news elsesuccess (n.)
fortune, destiny
TG I.i.58
Betideth here in absence of thy Friend:Betideth here in absence of thy friend;betide (v.)
happen (to), befall, come (to)
TG I.i.59
And I likewise will visite thee with mine.And I likewise will visit thee with mine.visit (v.)

old form: visite
supply, furnish, provide
TG I.i.60
All happinesse bechance to thee in Millaine.All happiness bechance to thee in Milan.bechance (v.)
happen to, befall
TG I.i.61
As much to you at home: and so farewell.As much to you at home. And so farewell. TG I.i.62
Exit.Exit TG I.i.62
He after Honour hunts, I after Loue;He after honour hunts, I after love. TG I.i.63
He leaues his friends, to dignifie them more;He leaves his friends to dignify them more; TG I.i.64
I loue my selfe, my friends, and all for loue:I leave myself, my friends, and all for love. TG I.i.65
Thou Iulia, thou hast metamorphis'd me:Thou, Julia, thou hast metamorphosed me,metamorphose (v.)

old form: metamorphis'd
transform, alter one's disposition, change one's shape
TG I.i.66
Made me neglect my Studies, loose my time;Made me neglect my studies, lose my time,lose (v.)

old form: loose
waste, throw away, give unprofitably
TG I.i.67
Warre with good counsaile; set the world at nought;War with good counsel, set the world at naught; TG I.i.68
Made Wit with musing, weake; hart sick with thought.Made wit with musing weak, heart sick with thought.thought (n.)
melancholic reflection, anxiety, sorrow, worry
TG I.i.69
Enter Speed TG I.i.70
Sir Protheus: 'saue you: saw you my Master?Sir Proteus, save you! Saw you my master? TG I.i.70
But now he parted hence to embarque for Millain.But now he parted hence to embark for Milan. TG I.i.71
Twenty to one then, he is ship'd already,Twenty to one then he is shipped already, TG I.i.72
And I haue plaid the Sheepe in loosing him.And I have played the sheep in losing him. TG I.i.73
Indeede a Sheepe doth very often stray,Indeed, a sheep doth very often stray, TG I.i.74
And if the Shepheard be awhile away.An if the shepherd be a while if (conj.)
TG I.i.75
You conclude that my Master is a Shepheard then,You conclude that my master is a shepherd then, TG I.i.76
and I Sheepe?and I a sheep? TG I.i.77
I doe.I do. TG I.i.78
Why then my hornes are his hornes, whether I wakeWhy then, my horns are his horns, whether I wake TG I.i.79
or sleepe.or sleep. TG I.i.80
A silly answere, and fitting well a Sheepe.A silly answer, and fitting well a sheep. TG I.i.81
This proues me still a Sheepe.This proves me still a sheep. TG I.i.82
True: and thy Master a Shepheard.True; and thy master a shepherd. TG I.i.83
Nay, that I can deny by a circumstance.Nay, that I can deny by a circumstance.circumstance (n.)
special argument, detailed explanation
TG I.i.84
It shall goe hard but ile proue it by another.It shall go hard but I'll prove it by another.hard (adv.)
badly, poorly, ill
TG I.i.85
The Shepheard seekes the Sheepe, and not the SheepeThe shepherd seeks the sheep, and not the sheep TG I.i.86
the Shepheard; but I seeke my Master, and my Masterthe shepherd; but I seek my master, and my master TG I.i.87
seekes not me: therefore I am no Sheepe.seeks not me. Therefore I am no sheep. TG I.i.88
The Sheepe for fodder follow the Shepheard, theThe sheep for fodder follow the shepherd; the TG I.i.89
Shepheard for foode followes not the Sheepe: thou forshepherd for food follows not the sheep. Thou for TG I.i.90
wages followest thy Master, thy Master for wages followeswages followest thy master, thy master for wages follows TG I.i.91
not thee: therefore thou art a Sheepe.not thee. Therefore thou art a sheep. TG I.i.92
Such another proofe will make me cry baâ.Such another proof will make me cry, ‘baa'. TG I.i.93
But do'st thou heare: gau'st thou my Letter toBut dost thou hear? Gavest thou my letter to TG I.i.94
Iulia?Julia? TG I.i.95
I Sir: I (a lost-Mutton) gaue your Letter to herAy, sir. I, a lost mutton, gave your letter to her, TG I.i.96
(a lac'd-Mutton) and she (a lac'd-Mutton) gaue mee (a lost-a laced mutton; and she, a laced mutton, gave me, a lostmutton (n.)
prostitute, courtesan
TG I.i.97
Mutton) nothing for my labour.mutton, nothing for my labour. TG I.i.98
Here's too small a Pasture for such store ofHere's too small a pasture for such store of TG I.i.99
Muttons.muttons. TG I.i.100
If the ground be ouer-charg'd, you were best stickeIf the ground be overcharged, you were best stickovercharged (adj.)

old form: ouer-charg'd
overburdened, overstocked, overfilled
TG I.i.101
stick (v.)

old form: sticke
slaughter, kill [by stabbing]
her.her. TG I.i.102
Nay, in that you are astray: 'twere best poundNay, in that you are astray; 'twere best poundpound (v.)
shut up, confine [as animals in a pound]
TG I.i.103 TG I.i.104
Nay Sir, lesse then a pound shall serue me forNay, sir, less than a pound shall serve me for TG I.i.105
carrying your Letter.carrying your letter. TG I.i.106
You mistake; I meane the pound, a Pinfold.You mistake; I mean the pound – a pinfold.pinfold (n.)
pound, place for keeping stray animals
TG I.i.107
From a pound to a pin? fold it ouer and ouer,From a pound to a pin? Fold it over and over,pin (n.)
trifle, triviality, insignificant amount
TG I.i.108
'Tis threefold too little for carrying a letter to your louer'Tis threefold too little for carrying a letter to your lover. TG I.i.109
But what said she?But what said she? TG I.i.110
Speed nods TG I.i.111
A nod? TG I.i.111
I.Ay. TG I.i.112
Nod-I, why that's noddy.Nod-ay? Why, that's noddy.noddy (n.)
fool, simpleton, buffoon
TG I.i.113
You mistooke Sir: I say she did nod; / And you askeYou mistook, sir. I say she did nod; and you ask TG I.i.114
me if she did nod, and I say if she did nod, and I say ‘ Ay.’ TG I.i.115
And that set together is noddy.And that set together is ‘ noddy.’ TG I.i.116
Now you haue taken the paines to set it together,Now you have taken the pains to set it together, TG I.i.117
take it for your paines.take it for your pains. TG I.i.118
No, no, you shall haue it for bearing the letter.No, no; you shall have it for bearing the letter. TG I.i.119
Well, I perceiue I must be faine to beare with you.Well, I perceive I must be fain to bear with you.fain (adj.)

old form: faine
obliged, forced, compelled
TG I.i.120
Why Sir, how doe you beare with me?Why, sir, how do you bear with me? TG I.i.121
Marry Sir, the letter very orderly, / Hauing nothingMarry, sir, the letter very orderly, having nothingorderly (adv.)
according to the rules, properly, in the prescribed way
TG I.i.122
marry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
but the word noddy for my paines.but the word ‘ noddy ’ for my pains. TG I.i.123
Beshrew me, but you haue a quicke wit.Beshrew me, but you have a quick wit.wit (n.)
mental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity
TG I.i.124
beshrew, 'shrew (v.)
curse, devil take, evil befall
And yet it cannot ouer-take your slow purse.And yet it cannot overtake your slow purse. TG I.i.125
Come, come, open the matter in briefe; whatCome, come, open the matter in brief; whatopen (v.)
reveal, uncover, disclose
TG I.i.126
matter (n.)
subject-matter, content, substance
brief, in

old form: briefe
quickly, speedily, expeditiously
said she.said she? TG I.i.127
Open your purse, that the money, and the matterOpen your purse, that the money and the matter TG I.i.128
may be both at once deliuered.may be both at once delivered. TG I.i.129
Well Sir: here is for your paines:Well, sir, here is for your pains. TG I.i.130
He gives Speed money TG I.i.131
what said she?What said she? TG I.i.131
Truely Sir, I thinke you'll hardly win her.Truly, sir, I think you'll hardly win her. TG I.i.132
Why? could'st thou perceiue so much fromWhy? Couldst thou perceive so much fromperceive (v.)

old form: perceiue
receive, get, obtain
TG I.i.133
her?her? TG I.i.134
Sir, I could perceiue nothing at all from her; / No,Sir, I could perceive nothing at all from her; no, TG I.i.135
not so much as a ducket for deliuering your letter: / Andnot so much as a ducat for delivering your letter; andducat (n.)
gold (sometimes silver) coin used in several European countries
TG I.i.136
being so hard to me, that brought your minde; / I feare / she'll being so hard to me that brought your mind, I fear she'll TG I.i.137
proue as hard to you in telling your minde. / Giue her noprove as hard to you in telling your mind. Give her no TG I.i.138
token but stones, for she's as hard as steele.token but stones, for she's as hard as steel. TG I.i.139
What said she, nothing?What said she? Nothing? TG I.i.140
No, not so much as take this for thy pains: / ToNo, not so much as ‘ Take this for thy pains.’ To TG I.i.141
testifie your bounty, I thank you, you haue cestern'd me;testify your bounty, I thank you, you have testerned me;testern (v.)
give a sixpence [tester] as a tip
TG I.i.142
bounty (n.)
special gift, present
In requital whereof, henceforth, carry your letters your selfe;in requital whereof, henceforth carry your letters yourself.requital (n.)
recompense, reward, repayment
TG I.i.143
And so Sir, I'le commend you to my Master.And so, sir, I'll commend you to my master.commend (v.)
convey greetings, present kind regards
TG I.i.144
Exit TG I.i.144
Go, go, be gone, to saue your Ship from wrack,Go, go, be gone, to save your ship from wreck, TG I.i.145
Which cannot perish hauing thee aboarde,Which cannot perish, having thee aboard, TG I.i.146
Being destin'd to a drier death on shore:Being destined to a drier death on shore. TG I.i.147
I must goe send some better Messenger,I must go send some better messenger. TG I.i.148
I feare my Iulia would not daigne my lines,I fear my Julia would not deign my lines,deign (v.)

old form: daigne
willingly accept, not disdain
TG I.i.149
Receiuing them from such a worthlesse post.Receiving them from such a worthless (n.)
express messenger, courier
TG I.i.150
Exit.Exit TG I.i.150
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