First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Duke Sen. & Lord, | Enter Duke Senior, Amiens, and Lords, dressed as | | AYL II.vii.1 | |
like Out-lawes. | foresters, or outlaws | | AYL II.vii.2 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
I thinke he be transform'd into a beast, | I think he be transformed into a beast, | | AYL II.vii.1 | |
For I can no where finde him, like a man. | For I can nowhere find him like a man. | | AYL II.vii.2 | |
1.Lord. | FIRST LORD | | | |
My Lord, he is but euen now gone hence, | My lord, he is but even now gone hence, | | AYL II.vii.3 | |
Heere was he merry, hearing of a Song. | Here was he merry, hearing of a song. | | AYL II.vii.4 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
If he compact of iarres, grow Musicall, | If he, compact of jars, grow musical, | jar (n.) discord, disharmony, disagreement | AYL II.vii.5 | |
| | compact (adj.) made up, composed | | |
We shall haue shortly discord in the Spheares: | We shall have shortly discord in the spheres. | sphere (n.) celestial globe in which a heavenly body was thought to move, orbit | AYL II.vii.6 | |
Go seeke him, tell him I would speake with him. | Go, seek him, tell him I would speak with him. | | AYL II.vii.7 | |
Enter Iaques. | Enter Jaques | | AYL II.vii.8 | |
1.Lord. | FIRST LORD | | | |
He saues my labor by his owne approach. | He saves my labour by his own approach. | | AYL II.vii.8 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Why how now Monsieur, what a life is this | Why, how now, Monsieur, what a life is this, | | AYL II.vii.9 | |
That your poore friends must woe your companie, | That your poor friends must woo your company? | | AYL II.vii.10 | |
What, you looke merrily. | What, you look merrily? | | AYL II.vii.11 | |
Iaq. | JAQUES | | | |
A Foole, a foole: I met a foole i'th Forrest, | A fool, a fool! I met a fool i'th' forest, | | AYL II.vii.12 | |
A motley Foole (a miserable world:) | A motley fool – a miserable world! – | motley (adj.) in the distinctive [multicoloured] dress of a fool | AYL II.vii.13 | |
As I do liue by foode, I met a foole, | As I do live by food, I met a fool, | | AYL II.vii.14 | |
Who laid him downe, and bask'd him in the Sun, | Who laid him down, and basked him in the sun, | | AYL II.vii.15 | |
And rail'd on Lady Fortune in good termes, | And railed on Lady Fortune in good terms, | rail (v.) rant, rave, be abusive [about] | AYL II.vii.16 | |
| | Fortune (n.) Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind | | |
In good set termes, and yet a motley foole. | In good set terms, and yet a motley fool. | set (adj.) carefully composed, deliberately expressed | AYL II.vii.17 | |
Good morrow foole (quoth I:) no Sir, quoth he, | ‘ Good morrow, fool,’ quoth I. ‘ No, sir,’ quoth he, | morrow (n.) morning | AYL II.vii.18 | |
| | quoth (v.) said | | |
Call me not foole, till heauen hath sent me fortune, | ‘ Call me not fool till heaven hath sent me fortune.’ | | AYL II.vii.19 | |
And then he drew a diall from his poake, | And then he drew a dial from his poke, | poke (n.) pocket, wallet, bag | AYL II.vii.20 | |
| | dial (n.) watch, timepiece, pocket sundial | | |
And looking on it, with lacke-lustre eye, | And looking on it, with lack-lustre eye, | lack-lustre (adj.) sombre, solemn, grave | AYL II.vii.21 | |
Sayes, very wisely, it is ten a clocke: | Says, very wisely, ‘ It is ten o'clock.’ | | AYL II.vii.22 | |
Thus we may see (quoth he) how the world wagges: | ‘ Thus we may see,’ quoth he, ‘ how the world wags: | wag (v.) move, stir, rouse | AYL II.vii.23 | |
'Tis but an houre agoe, since it was nine, | 'Tis but an hour ago since it was nine, | | AYL II.vii.24 | |
And after one houre more, 'twill be eleuen, | And after one hour more 'twill be eleven, | | AYL II.vii.25 | |
And so from houre to houre, we ripe, and ripe, | And so from hour to hour we ripe, and ripe, | ripe (v.) ripen, mature | AYL II.vii.26 | |
And then from houre to houre, we rot, and rot, | And then from hour to hour we rot, and rot, | | AYL II.vii.27 | |
And thereby hangs a tale. When I did heare | And thereby hangs a tale.’ When I did hear | | AYL II.vii.28 | |
The motley Foole, thus morall on the time, | The motley fool thus moral on the time, | moral (v.) moralize, sermonize | AYL II.vii.29 | |
My Lungs began to crow like Chanticleere, | My lungs began to crow like Chanticleer | Chanticleer (n.) cock, rooster [in the medieval story of Reynard the Fox, retold in Chaucer's ‘The Nun's Priest's Tale’] | AYL II.vii.30 | |
That Fooles should be so deepe contemplatiue: | That fools should be so deep-contemplative; | | AYL II.vii.31 | |
And I did laugh, sans intermission | And I did laugh, sans intermission, | intermission (n.) respite, pause, rest | AYL II.vii.32 | |
| | sans (prep.) without | | |
An houre by his diall. Oh noble foole, | An hour by his dial. O noble fool! | dial (n.) watch, timepiece, pocket sundial | AYL II.vii.33 | |
A worthy foole: Motley's the onely weare. | A worthy fool: motley's the only wear! | motley (n.) distinctive dress of a fool | AYL II.vii.34 | |
| | wear (n.) fashion, vogue, trend | | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
What foole is this? | What fool is this? | | AYL II.vii.35 | |
Iaq. | JAQUES | | | |
O worthie Foole: One that hath bin a Courtier | A worthy fool: one that hath been a courtier, | | AYL II.vii.36 | |
And sayes, if Ladies be but yong, and faire, | And says, if ladies be but young and fair, | | AYL II.vii.37 | |
They haue the gift to know it: and in his braiue, | They have the gift to know it: and in his brain, | | AYL II.vii.38 | |
Which is as drie as the remainder bisket | Which is as dry as the remainder biscuit | remainder (adj.) left-over, remaining, uneaten | AYL II.vii.39 | |
| | dry (adj.) dried, withered, shrivelled | | |
After a voyage: He hath strange places cram'd | After a voyage, he hath strange places crammed | | AYL II.vii.40 | |
With obseruation, the which he vents | With observation, the which he vents | observation (n.) observed truth, maxim | AYL II.vii.41 | |
| | vent (v.) utter, express, air, proclaim | | |
In mangled formes. O that I were a foole, | In mangled forms. O that I were a fool! | | AYL II.vii.42 | |
I am ambitious for a motley coat. | I am ambitious for a motley coat. | motley (adj.) in the distinctive [multicoloured] dress of a fool | AYL II.vii.43 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Thou shalt haue one. | Thou shalt have one. | | AYL II.vii.44.1 | |
Iaq. | JAQUES | | | |
It is my onely suite, | It is my only suit – | suit (n.) formal request, entreaty, petition | AYL II.vii.44.2 | |
| | suit (n.) clothing, dress, garb | | |
Prouided that you weed your better iudgements | Provided that you weed your better judgements | | AYL II.vii.45 | |
Of all opinion that growes ranke in them, | Of all opinion that grows rank in them | rank (adj.) growing in abundance, excessively luxuriant [often unattractively] | AYL II.vii.46 | |
That I am wise. I must haue liberty | That I am wise. I must have liberty | | AYL II.vii.47 | |
Wiithall, as large a Charter as the winde, | Withal, as large a charter as the wind, | charter (n.) right, privilege, prerogative | AYL II.vii.48 | |
To blow on whom I please, for so fooles haue: | To blow on whom I please, for so fools have; | | AYL II.vii.49 | |
And they that are most gauled with my folly, | And they that are most galled with my folly | galled (adj.) sore, swollen, inflamed | AYL II.vii.50 | |
They most must laugh: And why sir must they so? | They most must laugh. And why, sir, must they so? | | AYL II.vii.51 | |
The why is plaine, as way to Parish Church: | The why is plain as way to parish church. | | AYL II.vii.52 | |
Hee, that a Foole doth very wisely hit, | He that a fool doth very wisely hit | | AYL II.vii.53 | |
Doth very foolishly, although he smart | Doth very foolishly, although he smart, | | AYL II.vii.54 | |
Seeme senselesse of the bob. If not, | Not to seem senseless of the bob: if not, | senseless (adj.) lacking human sensation, incapable of feeling | AYL II.vii.55 | |
| | bob (n.) jest, jibe, taunt | | |
The Wise-mans folly is anathomiz'd | The wise man's folly is anatomized | anatomize, annothanize (v.) dissect, reveal, lay open | AYL II.vii.56 | |
Euen by the squandring glances of the foole. | Even by the squandering glances of the fool. | squandering (adj.) random, stray, accidental | AYL II.vii.57 | |
| | glance (n.) hit, innuendo, riposte | | |
Inuest me in my motley: Giue me leaue | Invest me in my motley; give me leave | motley (n.) distinctive dress of a fool | AYL II.vii.58 | |
To speake my minde, and I will through and through | To speak my mind, and I will through and through | | AYL II.vii.59 | |
Cleanse the foule bodie of th'infected world, | Cleanse the foul body of th' infected world, | | AYL II.vii.60 | |
If they will patiently receiue my medicine. | If they will patiently receive my medicine. | | AYL II.vii.61 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Fie on thee. I can tell what thou wouldst do. | Fie on thee! I can tell what thou wouldst do. | | AYL II.vii.62 | |
Iaq. | JAQUES | | | |
What, for a Counter, would I do, but good? | What, for a counter, would I do, but good? | counter, compter (n.) imitation coin, something of no value | AYL II.vii.63 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Most mischeeuous foule sin, in chiding sin: | Most mischievous foul sin, in chiding sin: | chide (v.), past form chid scold, rebuke, reprove | AYL II.vii.64 | |
For thou thy selfe hast bene a Libertine, | For thou thyself hast been a libertine, | libertine (n.) debaucher, reprobate, dissolute | AYL II.vii.65 | |
As sensuall as the brutish sting it selfe, | As sensual as the brutish sting itself, | sting (n.) urging of lust, inflaming of passion | AYL II.vii.66 | |
And all th'imbossed sores, and headed euils, | And all th' embossed sores and headed evils | embossed (adj.) swollen, bulging, protuberant | AYL II.vii.67 | |
| | evil (n.) malady, illness, disease | | |
| | headed (adj.) having come to a head, full-grown, matured | | |
That thou with license of free foot hast caught, | That thou with licence of free foot hast caught | | AYL II.vii.68 | |
Would'st thou disgorge into the generall world. | Wouldst thou disgorge into the general world. | | AYL II.vii.69 | |
Iaq. | JAQUES | | | |
Why who cries out on pride, | Why, who cries out on pride | | AYL II.vii.70 | |
That can therein taxe any priuate party: | That can therein tax any private party? | | AYL II.vii.71 | |
Doth it not flow as hugely as the Sea, | Doth it not flow as hugely as the sea, | | AYL II.vii.72 | |
Till that the wearie verie meanes do ebbe. | Till that the weary very means do ebb? | mean (n.) (plural) resources, wherewithal, wealth | AYL II.vii.73 | |
What woman in the Citie do I name, | What woman in the city do I name | | AYL II.vii.74 | |
When that I say the City woman beares | When that I say the city woman bears | | AYL II.vii.75 | |
The cost of Princes on vnworthy shoulders? | The cost of princes on unworthy shoulders? | cost (n.) outlay, expense, expenditure | AYL II.vii.76 | |
Who can come in, and say that I meane her, | Who can come in and say that I mean her | | AYL II.vii.77 | |
When such a one as shee, such is her neighbor? | When such a one as she, such is her neighbour? | | AYL II.vii.78 | |
Or what is he of basest function, | Or what is he of basest function, | function (n.) office, occupation, calling | AYL II.vii.79 | |
| | base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality | | |
That sayes his brauerie is not on my cost, | That says his bravery is not on my cost, | cost (n.) outlay, expense, expenditure | AYL II.vii.80 | |
| | bravery (n.) finery, fine clothes, rich dress | | |
Thinking that I meane him, but therein suites | Thinking that I mean him, but therein suits | | AYL II.vii.81 | |
His folly to the mettle of my speech, | His folly to the mettle of my speech? | mettle, mettell (n.) substance, matter | AYL II.vii.82 | |
There then, how then, what then, let me see wherein | There then, how then, what then? Let me see wherein | | AYL II.vii.83 | |
My tongue hath wrong'd him: if it do him right, | My tongue hath wronged him: if it do him right, | right (adv.) correctly, truly, accurately | AYL II.vii.84 | |
| | do (v.) describe, depict, report | | |
Then he hath wrong'd himselfe: if he be free, | Then he hath wronged himself; if he be free, | free (adj.) innocent, guiltless | AYL II.vii.85 | |
why then my taxing like a wild-goose flies | Why then my taxing like a wild goose flies, | taxing (n.) criticism, censure, reproof | AYL II.vii.86 | |
Vnclaim'd of any. man But who come here? | Unclaimed of any man. But who come here? | | AYL II.vii.87 | |
Enter Orlando. | Enter Orlando | | AYL II.vii.88.1 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Forbeare, and eate no more. | Forbear, and eat no more. | forbear (v.) stop, cease, desist | AYL II.vii.88 | |
Iaq. | JAQUES | | | |
Why I haue eate none yet. | Why, I have eat none yet. | | AYL II.vii.89 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Nor shalt not, till necessity be seru'd. | Nor shalt not, till necessity be served. | | AYL II.vii.90 | |
Iaq. | JAQUES | | | |
Of what kinde should this Cocke come of? | Of what kind should this cock come of? | | AYL II.vii.91 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Art thou thus bolden'd man by thy distres? | Art thou thus boldened, man, by thy distress | boldened (adj.) emboldened, made brave | AYL II.vii.92 | |
Or else a rude despiser of good manners, | Or else a rude despiser of good manners, | rude (adj.) impolite, offensive | AYL II.vii.93 | |
That in ciuility thou seem'st so emptie? | That in civility thou seemest so empty? | civility (n.) civilized conduct, courteous behaviour, good manners | AYL II.vii.94 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
You touch'd my veine at first, the thorny point | You touched my vein at first: the thorny point | touch (v.) diagnose, ascertain | AYL II.vii.95 | |
| | first, at at once, immediately, from the start | | |
| | vein (n.) state of mind, motive, mood | | |
Of bare distresse, hath tane from me the shew | Of bare distress hath ta'en from me the show | | AYL II.vii.96 | |
Of smooth ciuility: yet am I in-land bred, | Of smooth civility; yet am I inland bred | inland (adv.) in civilized society, not rustic | AYL II.vii.97 | |
| | civility (n.) civilized conduct, courteous behaviour, good manners | | |
And know some nourture: But forbeare, I say, | And know some nurture. But forbear, I say, | nurture (n.) manners, culture, good upbringing | AYL II.vii.98 | |
He dies that touches any of this fruite, | He dies that touches any of this fruit | | AYL II.vii.99 | |
Till I, and my affaires are answered. | Till I and my affairs are answered. | answer (v.) satisfy, discharge, requite | AYL II.vii.100 | |
Iaq. | JAQUES | | | |
And you will not be answer'd with reason, I must | An you will not be answered with reason, I must | and, an (conj.) if, whether | AYL II.vii.101 | |
dye. | die. | | AYL II.vii.102 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
What would you haue? / Your gentlenesse shall force, | What would you have? Your gentleness shall force, | gentleness (n.) nobility, good breeding, courtesy | AYL II.vii.103 | |
more then your force / Moue vs to gentlenesse. | More than your force move us to gentleness. | | AYL II.vii.104 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
I almost die for food, and let me haue it. | I almost die for food, and let me have it. | | AYL II.vii.105 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Sit downe and feed, & welcom to our table | Sit down and feed, and welcome to our table. | | AYL II.vii.106 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Speake you so gently? Pardon me I pray you, | Speak you so gently? Pardon me, I pray you. | | AYL II.vii.107 | |
I thought that all things had bin sauage heere, | I thought that all things had been savage here, | | AYL II.vii.108 | |
And therefore put I on the countenance | And therefore put I on the countenance | countenance (n.) demeanour, bearing, manner | AYL II.vii.109 | |
Of sterne command'ment. But what ere you are | Of stern commandment. But whate'er you are | | AYL II.vii.110 | |
That in this desert inaccessible, | That in this desert inaccessible, | desert, desart (n.) desolate place, wilderness | AYL II.vii.111 | |
Vnder the shade of melancholly boughes, | Under the shade of melancholy boughs, | melancholy (adj.) dark, dismal, gloomy | AYL II.vii.112 | |
Loose, and neglect the creeping houres of time: | Lose and neglect the creeping hours of time: | | AYL II.vii.113 | |
If euer you haue look'd on better dayes: | If ever you have looked on better days; | | AYL II.vii.114 | |
If euer beene where bels haue knoll'd to Church: | If ever been where bells have knolled to church; | knoll (v.) toll, ring, peal | AYL II.vii.115 | |
If euer sate at any good mans feast: | If ever sat at any good man's feast; | | AYL II.vii.116 | |
If euer from your eye-lids wip'd a teare, | If ever from your eyelids wiped a tear, | | AYL II.vii.117 | |
And know what 'tis to pittie, and be pittied: | And know what 'tis to pity and be pitied, | | AYL II.vii.118 | |
Let gentlenesse my strong enforcement be, | Let gentleness my strong enforcement be, | gentleness (n.) nobility, good breeding, courtesy | AYL II.vii.119 | |
In the which hope, I blush, and hide my Sword. | In the which hope I blush, and hide my sword. | | AYL II.vii.120 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
True is it, that we haue seene better dayes, | True is it that we have seen better days, | | AYL II.vii.121 | |
And haue with holy bell bin knowld to Church, | And have with holy bell been knolled to church, | knoll (v.) toll, ring, peal | AYL II.vii.122 | |
And sat at good mens feasts, and wip'd our eies | And sat at good men's feasts, and wiped our eyes | | AYL II.vii.123 | |
Of drops, that sacred pity hath engendred: | Of drops that sacred pity hath engendered: | | AYL II.vii.124 | |
And therefore sit you downe in gentlenesse, | And therefore sit you down in gentleness | gentleness (n.) freedom from harshness, peace | AYL II.vii.125 | |
And take vpon command, what helpe we haue | And take upon command what help we have | command, at / upon at one's disposal, at one's pleasure | AYL II.vii.126 | |
That to your wanting may be ministred. | That to your wanting may be ministered. | wanting (n.) needs, wants | AYL II.vii.127 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
Then but forbeare your food a little while: | Then but forbear your food a little while | forbear (v.) leave alone, avoid, stay away [from] | AYL II.vii.128 | |
Whiles (like a Doe) I go to finde my Fawne, | Whiles, like a doe, I go to find my fawn | | AYL II.vii.129 | |
And giue it food. There is an old poore man, | And give it food. There is an old poor man | | AYL II.vii.130 | |
Who after me, hath many a weary steppe | Who after me hath many a weary step | | AYL II.vii.131 | |
Limpt in pure loue: till he be first suffic'd, | Limped in pure love; till he be first sufficed, | suffice (v.) satisfy, nourish, provide for | AYL II.vii.132 | |
Opprest with two weake euils, age, and hunger, | Oppressed with two weak evils, age and hunger, | evil (n.) affliction, misfortune, hardship | AYL II.vii.133 | |
| | weak (adj.) weakening, debilitating, enfeebling | | |
I will not touch a bit. | I will not touch a bit. | | AYL II.vii.134.1 | |
Duke Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Go finde him out. | Go find him out | | AYL II.vii.134.2 | |
And we will nothing waste till you returne. | And we will nothing waste till you return. | waste (v.) consume, use up | AYL II.vii.135 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
I thanke ye, and be blest for your good comfort. | I thank ye, and be blessed for your good comfort! | ye (pron.) you [singular or plural] | AYL II.vii.136 | |
| Exit | | AYL II.vii.136 | |
Du Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Thou seest, we are not all alone vnhappie: | Thou seest we are not all alone unhappy. | | AYL II.vii.137 | |
This wide and vniuersall Theater | This wide and universal theatre | | AYL II.vii.138 | |
Presents more wofull Pageants then the Sceane | Presents more woeful pageants than the scene | pageant (n.) show, scene, spectacle, tableau | AYL II.vii.139 | |
| | scene (n.) play, drama, performance | | |
Wherein we play in. | Wherein we play in. | | AYL II.vii.140.1 | |
Ia. | JAQUES | | | |
All the world's a stage, | All the world's a stage, | | AYL II.vii.140.2 | |
And all the men and women, meerely Players; | And all the men and women merely players; | merely (adv.) only, nothing more than | AYL II.vii.141 | |
They haue their Exits and their Entrances, | They have their exits and their entrances, | | AYL II.vii.142 | |
And one man in his time playes many parts, | And one man in his time plays many parts, | time (n.) lifetime, life | AYL II.vii.143 | |
His Acts being seuen ages. At first the Infant, | His Acts being seven ages. At first the infant, | | AYL II.vii.144 | |
Mewling, and puking in the Nurses armes: | Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms; | mewl (v.) mew [like a cat]; or: cry feebly | AYL II.vii.145 | |
Then, the whining Schoole-boy with his Satchell | Then, the whining schoolboy, with his satchel | | AYL II.vii.146 | |
And shining morning face, creeping like snaile | And shining morning face, creeping like snail | | AYL II.vii.147 | |
Vnwillingly to schoole. And then the Louer, | Unwillingly to school; and then the lover, | | AYL II.vii.148 | |
Sighing like Furnace, with a wofull ballad | Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad | woeful (adj.) full of woe, sorrowful, mournful | AYL II.vii.149 | |
Made to his Mistresse eye-brow. Then, a Soldier, | Made to his mistress' eyebrow; then, a soldier, | | AYL II.vii.150 | |
Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the Pard, | Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard, | pard (n.) panther, leopard | AYL II.vii.151 | |
Ielous in honor, sodaine, and quicke in quarrell, | Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, | jealous (adj.) vigilant, zealous, solicitous | AYL II.vii.152 | |
| | sudden (adj.) unpredictable, prone to sudden violence | | |
Seeking the bubble Reputation | Seeking the bubble reputation | bubble (n.) empty thing, pretty sham, deceptive show | AYL II.vii.153 | |
Euen in the Canons mouth: And then, the Iustice | Even in the cannon's mouth; and then, the justice, | | AYL II.vii.154 | |
In faire round belly, with good Capon lin'd, | In fair round belly, with good capon lined, | line (v.) cram, stuff, fill | AYL II.vii.155 | |
| | capon (n.) chicken, castrated cockerel [bred for eating] | | |
With eyes seuere, and beard of formall cut, | With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut, | | AYL II.vii.156 | |
Full of wise sawes, and moderne instances, | Full of wise saws and modern instances, | modern (adj.) ordinary, trite, commonplace, everyday | AYL II.vii.157 | |
| | instance (n.) illustration, example, case | | |
| | saw (n.) wise saying, platitude, maxim | | |
And so he playes his part. The sixt age shifts | And so he plays his part; the sixth age shifts | | AYL II.vii.158 | |
Into the leane and slipper'd Pantaloone, | Into the lean and slippered pantaloon, | pantaloon (n.) old man, dotard [i.e. one wearing pantaloons = breeches] | AYL II.vii.159 | |
With spectacles on nose, and pouch on side, | With spectacles on nose and pouch on side, | | AYL II.vii.160 | |
His youthfull hose well sau'd, a world too wide, | His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide | hose (n.) [pair of] breeches | AYL II.vii.161 | |
For his shrunke shanke, and his bigge manly voice, | For his shrunk shank, and his big manly voice, | shank (n.) leg | AYL II.vii.162 | |
Turning againe toward childish trebble pipes, | Turning again toward childish treble, pipes | | AYL II.vii.163 | |
And whistles in his sound. Last Scene of all, | And whistles in his sound; last Scene of all, | | AYL II.vii.164 | |
That ends this strange euentfull historie, | That ends this strange eventful history, | history (n.) history play, chronicle, stage drama | AYL II.vii.165 | |
Is second childishnesse, and meere obliuion, | Is second childishness, and mere oblivion, | childishness (n.) childhood, period of childish behaviour | AYL II.vii.166 | |
| | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | | |
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans euery thing. | Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything. | sans (prep.) without | AYL II.vii.167 | |
Enter Orlando with Adam. | Enter Orlando with Adam | | AYL II.vii.168 | |
Du Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Welcome: set downe your venerable burthen, | Welcome. Set down your venerable burden, | | AYL II.vii.168 | |
and let him feede. | And let him feed. | | AYL II.vii.169 | |
Orl. | ORLANDO | | | |
I thanke you most for him. | I thank you most for him. | | AYL II.vii.170.1 | |
Ad. | ADAM | | | |
So had you neede, | So had you need; | | AYL II.vii.170.2 | |
I scarce can speake to thanke you for my selfe. | I scarce can speak to thank you for myself. | | AYL II.vii.171 | |
Du.Sen. | DUKE | | | |
Welcome, fall too: I wil not trouble you, | Welcome, fall to. I will not trouble you | | AYL II.vii.172 | |
As yet to question you about your fortunes: | As yet to question you about your fortunes. | | AYL II.vii.173 | |
Giue vs some Musicke, and good Cozen, sing. | Give us some music and, good cousin, sing. | | AYL II.vii.174 | |
| AMIENS | | | |
Song. | (sings) | | AYL II.vii. | |
Blow, blow, thou winter winde, | Blow, blow, thou winter wind, | | AYL II.vii.175 | |
Thou art not so vnkinde, | Thou art not so unkind | | AYL II.vii.176 | |
as mans ingratitude | As man's ingratitude. | | AYL II.vii.177 | |
Thy tooth is not so keene, | Thy tooth is not so keen, | | AYL II.vii.178 | |
because thou art not seene, | Because thou art not seen, | | AYL II.vii.179 | |
although thy breath be rude. | Although thy breath be rude. | rude (adj.) violent, harsh, unkind | AYL II.vii.180 | |
Heigh ho, sing heigh ho, vnto the greene holly, | Hey-ho, sing hey-ho, unto the green holly, | | AYL II.vii.181 | |
Most frendship, is fayning; most Louing, meere folly: | Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly; | mere (adj.) complete, total, absolute, utter | AYL II.vii.182 | |
The heigh ho, the holly, | Then hey-ho, the holly, | | AYL II.vii.183 | |
This Life is most iolly. | This life is most jolly. | | AYL II.vii.184 | |
Freize, freize, thou bitter skie | Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky | | AYL II.vii.185 | |
that dost not bight so nigh | That dost not bite so nigh | | AYL II.vii.186 | |
as benefitts forgot: | As benefits forgot. | | AYL II.vii.187 | |
Though thou the waters warpe, | Though thou the waters warp, | warp (v.) turn, twist, change | AYL II.vii.188 | |
thy sting is not so sharpe, | Thy sting is not so sharp | | AYL II.vii.189 | |
as freind remembred not. | As friend remembered not. | | AYL II.vii.190 | |
Heigh ho, sing, &c. | Hey-ho, sing hey-ho, unto the green holly, | | AYL II.vii.191 | |
| Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly; | | AYL II.vii.192 | |
| Then hey-ho, the holly, | | AYL II.vii.193 | |
| This life is most jolly. | | AYL II.vii.194 | |
Duke Sen. | DUKE | | | |
If that you were the good Sir Rowlands son, | If that you were the good Sir Rowland's son, | | AYL II.vii.195 | |
As you haue whisper'd faithfully you were, | As you have whispered faithfully you were, | | AYL II.vii.196 | |
And as mine eye doth his effigies witnesse, | And as mine eye doth his effigies witness | effigy (n.) likeness, image, portrait | AYL II.vii.197 | |
Most truly limn'd, and liuing in your face, | Most truly limned and living in your face, | limned (v.) portrayed, reproduced, painted | AYL II.vii.198 | |
Be truly welcome hither: I am the Duke | Be truly welcome hither. I am the Duke | | AYL II.vii.199 | |
That lou'd your Father, the residue of your fortune, | That loved your father. The residue of your fortune, | | AYL II.vii.200 | |
Go to my Caue, and tell mee. Good old man, | Go to my cave and tell me. – Good old man, | | AYL II.vii.201 | |
Thou art right welcome, as thy masters is: | Thou art right welcome as thy master is. – | | AYL II.vii.202 | |
Support him by the arme: giue me your hand, | Support him by the arm. Give me your hand, | | AYL II.vii.203 | |
And let me all your fortunes vnderstand. | And let me all your fortunes understand. | | AYL II.vii.204 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | AYL II.vii.204 | |