First folio
| Modern text
| Definitions
| Key line
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Enter Anthony, Cleopatra, Enobarbus, Charmian, Iras, | Enter Antony, Cleopatra, Enobarbus, Charmian, Iras, | | AC IV.ii.1.1 | |
Alexas, with others. | Alexas, with others | | AC IV.ii.1.2 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
He will not fight with me, Domitian? | He will not fight with me, Domitius? | | AC IV.ii.1.1 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
No? | No. | | AC IV.ii.1.2 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Why should he not? | Why should he not? | | AC IV.ii.2 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
He thinks, being twenty times of better fortune, | He thinks, being twenty times of better fortune, | | AC IV.ii.3 | |
He is twenty men to one. | He is twenty men to one. | | AC IV.ii.4.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
To morrow Soldier, | Tomorrow, soldier, | | AC IV.ii.4.2 | |
By Sea and Land Ile fight: or I will liue, | By sea and land I'll fight. Or I will live | | AC IV.ii.5 | |
Or bathe my dying Honor in the blood | Or bathe my dying honour in the blood | | AC IV.ii.6 | |
Shall make it liue againe. Woo't thou fight well. | Shall make it live again. Woo't thou fight well? | | AC IV.ii.7 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
Ile strike, and cry, Take all. | I'll strike, and cry ‘ Take all.’ | take all all or nothing, victory or death! | AC IV.ii.8.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Well said, come on: | Well said; come on. | | AC IV.ii.8.2 | |
Call forth my Houshold Seruants, lets to night | Call forth my household servants. Let's tonight | | AC IV.ii.9 | |
Be bounteous at our Meale. Giue me thy hand, | Be bounteous at our meal. Give me thy hand. | | AC IV.ii.10 | |
Enter 3 or 4 Seruitors. | Enter three or four servitors | | AC IV.ii.10 | |
Thou hast bin rightly honest, so hast thou, | Thou hast been rightly honest. So hast thou; | | AC IV.ii.11 | |
Thou, and thou, and thou: you haue seru'd me well, | Thou, and thou, and thou. You have served me well, | | AC IV.ii.12 | |
And Kings haue beene your fellowes. | And kings have been your fellows. | | AC IV.ii.13.1 | |
Cleo. | CLEOPATRA | | | |
| (aside to Enobarbus) | | AC IV.ii.13 | |
What meanes this? | What means this? | | AC IV.ii.13.2 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
| (aside to Cleopatra) | | AC IV.ii.14 | |
'Tis one of those odde tricks which sorow shoots | 'Tis one of those odd tricks which sorrow shoots | | AC IV.ii.14 | |
Out of the minde. | Out of the mind. | | AC IV.ii.15.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
And thou art honest too: | And thou art honest too. | | AC IV.ii.15.2 | |
I wish I could be made so many men, | I wish I could be made so many men, | | AC IV.ii.16 | |
And all of you clapt vp together, in | And all of you clapped up together in | clap up (v.) shut up, imprison | AC IV.ii.17 | |
An Anthony: that I might do you seruice, | An Antony, that I might do you service | | AC IV.ii.18 | |
So good as you haue done. | So good as you have done. | | AC IV.ii.19.1 | |
Omnes. | ALL THE SERVANTS | | | |
The Gods forbid. | The gods forbid! | | AC IV.ii.19.2 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Well, my good Fellowes, wait on me to night: | Well, my good fellows, wait on me tonight. | | AC IV.ii.20 | |
Scant not my Cups, and make as much of me, | Scant not my cups, and make as much of me | scant (v.) neglect, stint, withhold | AC IV.ii.21 | |
As when mine Empire was your Fellow too, | As when mine empire was your fellow too | | AC IV.ii.22 | |
And suffer'd my command. | And suffered my command. | | AC IV.ii.23.1 | |
Cleo. | CLEOPATRA | | | |
| (aside to Enobarbus) | | AC IV.ii.23 | |
What does he meane? | What does he mean? | | AC IV.ii.23.2 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
| (aside to Cleopatra) | | AC IV.ii.24 | |
To make his Followers weepe. | To make his followers weep. | | AC IV.ii.24.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Tend me to night; | Tend me tonight. | | AC IV.ii.24.2 | |
May be, it is the period of your duty, | May be it is the period of your duty. | period (n.) full stop, end, ending, conclusion | AC IV.ii.25 | |
Haply you shall not see me more, or if, | Haply you shall not see me more; or if, | haply (adv.) perhaps, maybe, by chance, with luck | AC IV.ii.26 | |
A mangled shadow. Perchance to morrow, | A mangled shadow. Perchance tomorrow | perchance (adv.) perhaps, maybe | AC IV.ii.27 | |
| | shadow (n.) spirit, phantom, spectre, ghost | | |
You'l serue another Master. I looke on you, | You'll serve another master. I look on you | | AC IV.ii.28 | |
As one that takes his leaue. Mine honest Friends, | As one that takes his leave. Mine honest friends, | | AC IV.ii.29 | |
I turne you not away, but like a Master | I turn you not away, but, like a master | | AC IV.ii.30 | |
Married to your good seruice, stay till death: | Married to your good service, stay till death. | | AC IV.ii.31 | |
Tend me to night two houres, I aske no more, | Tend me tonight two hours, I ask no more, | | AC IV.ii.32 | |
And the Gods yeeld you for't. | And the gods yield you for't! | yield (v.) reward, repay, thank | AC IV.ii.33.1 | |
Eno. | ENOBARBUS | | | |
What meane you (Sir) | What mean you, sir, | | AC IV.ii.33.2 | |
To giue them this discomfort? Looke they weepe, | To give them this discomfort? Look, they weep, | discomfort (n.) sorrow, distress, grief | AC IV.ii.34 | |
And I an Asse, am Onyon-ey'd; for shame, | And I, an ass, am onion-eyed. For shame, | | AC IV.ii.35 | |
Transforme vs not to women. | Transform us not to women. | | AC IV.ii.36.1 | |
Ant. | ANTONY | | | |
Ho, ho, ho: | Ho, ho, ho! | | AC IV.ii.36.2 | |
Now the Witch take me, if I meant it thus. | Now the witch take me if I meant it thus! | take (v.) bewitch, take possession of, take into one's power | AC IV.ii.37 | |
Grace grow where those drops fall (my hearty Friends) | Grace grow where those drops fall! My hearty friends, | hearty (adj.) loving, devoted, sincere | AC IV.ii.38 | |
| | grace (n.) herb of grace | | |
You take me in too dolorous a sense, | You take me in too dolorous a sense, | | AC IV.ii.39 | |
For I spake to you for your comfort, did desire you | For I spake to you for your comfort, did desire you | | AC IV.ii.40 | |
To burne this night with Torches: Know (my hearts) | To burn this night with torches. Know, my hearts, | burn (v.) waste, fritter away | AC IV.ii.41 | |
I hope well of to morrow, and will leade you, | I hope well of tomorrow, and will lead you | | AC IV.ii.42 | |
Where rather Ile expect victorious life, | Where rather I'll expect victorious life | | AC IV.ii.43 | |
Then death, and Honor. Let's to Supper, come, | Than death and honour. Let's to supper, come, | | AC IV.ii.44 | |
And drowne consideration. | And drown consideration. | consideration (n.) moody contemplation, deep reflection | AC IV.ii.45 | |
Exeunt. | Exeunt | | AC IV.ii.45 | |