The Tempest

First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Prospero (in his Magicke robes) and Ariel.Enter Prospero, in his magic robes, and Ariel Tem V.i.1
Now do's my Proiect gather to a head:Now does my project gather to a head. Tem V.i.1
My charmes cracke not: my Spirits obey, and TimeMy charms crack not, my spirits obey, and timecrack (v.)

old form: cracke
collapse, break down, fall to pieces
Tem V.i.2
Goes vpright with his carriage: how's the day?Goes upright with his carriage. How's the day?day (n.)
time, hour [of day]
Tem V.i.3
carriage (n.)
burden, load
On the sixt hower, at which time, my LordOn the sixth hour, at which time, my lord, Tem V.i.4
You said our worke should cease.You said our work should cease. Tem V.i.5.1
I did say so,I did say so, Tem V.i.5.2
When first I rais'd the Tempest: say my Spirit,When first I raised the tempest. Say, my spirit, Tem V.i.6
How fares the King, and's followers?How fares the King and's followers?fare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
Tem V.i.7.1
Confin'd togetherConfined together Tem V.i.7.2
In the same fashion, as you gaue in charge,In the same fashion as you gave in charge,give in charge

old form: gaue
give orders, command, direct
Tem V.i.8
Iust as you left them; all prisoners SirJust as you left them – all prisoners, sir, Tem V.i.9
In the Line-groue which weather-fends your Cell,In the line-grove which weather-fends your cell.line-grove (n.)

old form: Line-groue
grove of lime trees
Tem V.i.10
weather-fend (v.)
defend from the weather, shelter
cell (n.)
small humble dwelling
They cannot boudge till your release: The King,They cannot budge till your release. The King, Tem V.i.11
His Brother, and yours, abide all three distracted,His brother, and yours, abide all three distracted,distracted (adj.)
perplexed, confused, agitated
Tem V.i.12
abide (v.)
stay, remain, stop [in a position]
And the remainder mourning ouer them,And the remainder mourning over them, Tem V.i.13
Brim full of sorrow, and dismay: but chieflyBrimful of sorrow and dismay; but chiefly, Tem V.i.14
Him that you term'd Sir, the good old Lord Gonzallo,Him that you termed, sir, the good old lord Gonzalo, Tem V.i.15
His teares runs downe his beard like winters dropsHis tears runs down his beard like winter's drops Tem V.i.16
From eaues of reeds: your charm so strongly works 'emFrom eaves of reeds. Your charm so strongly works 'emcharm (n.)
magic spell, enchantment
Tem V.i.17
strongly (adv.)
greatly, powerfully, violently
work (v.), past form wrought
affect, stir, act upon
That if you now beheld them, your affectionsThat if you now beheld them your affectionsaffection (n.)
emotion, feeling
Tem V.i.18
Would become tender.Would become tender. Tem V.i.19.1
Dost thou thinke so, Spirit?Dost thou think so, spirit? Tem V.i.19.2
Mine would, Sir, were I humane.Mine would, sir, were I human. Tem V.i.20.1
And mine shall.And mine shall. Tem V.i.20.2
Hast thou (which art but aire) a touch, a feelingHast thou, which art but air, a touch, a feelingtouch (n.)
sense, feeling, intuition, hint
Tem V.i.21
Of their afflictions, and shall not my selfe,Of their afflictions, and shall not myself, Tem V.i.22
One of their kinde, that rellish all as sharpely,One of their kind, that relish all as sharplyrelish (v.)

old form: rellish
feel, experience, sense
Tem V.i.23
Passion as they, be kindlier mou'd then thou art?Passion as they, be kindlier moved than thou art?kindly (adv.)
with natural affection, with compassion
Tem V.i.24
passion (v.)
experience deep feeling, be profoundly moved, grieve
Thogh with their high wrongs I am strook to th' quick,Though with their high wrongs I am struck to th' quickquick (n.)
sensitive parts [of the body], tender flesh
Tem V.i.25
high (adj.)
proud, haughty, grand
Yet, with my nobler reason, gainst my furieYet with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury Tem V.i.26
Doe I take part: the rarer Action isDo I take part. The rarer action israre (adj.)
unusual, striking, exceptional
Tem V.i.27
In vertue, then in vengeance: they, being penitent,In virtue than in vengeance. They being penitent, Tem V.i.28
The sole drift of my purpose doth extendThe sole drift of my purpose doth extendpurpose (n.)
intention, aim, plan
Tem V.i.29
drift (n.)
direction, progress, course
Not a frowne further: Goe, release them Ariell,Not a frown further. Go release them, Ariel. Tem V.i.30
My Charmes Ile breake, their sences Ile restore,My charms I'll break, their senses I'll restore,charm (n.)

old form: Charmes
magic spell, enchantment
Tem V.i.31
And they shall be themselues.And they shall be themselves. Tem V.i.32.1
Ile fetch them, Sir.I'll fetch them, sir. Tem V.i.32.2
Exit.Exit Tem V.i.32
Ye Elues of hils, brooks, stãding lakes & groues,Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes, and groves,standing (adj.)

old form: stãding
stagnant, not flowing
Tem V.i.33
And ye, that on the sands with printlesse footeAnd ye that on the sands with printless footprintless (adj.)

old form: printlesse
making no print, leaving no trace
Tem V.i.34
Doe chase the ebbing-Neptune, and doe flie himDo chase the ebbing Neptune, and do fly himfly (v.)

old form: flie
leave, run away [from], flee
Tem V.i.35
Roman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
When he comes backe: you demy-Puppets, thatWhen he comes back; you demi-puppets thatdemi-puppet (n.)

old form: demy-Puppets
tiny puppet, dwarf-like creature
Tem V.i.36
By Moone-shine doe the greene sowre Ringlets make,By moonshine do the green, sour ringlets make,ringlet (n.)
fairy dance in a ring, circle dance
Tem V.i.37
green (n.)

old form: greene
greenery, grass, vegetation
Whereof the Ewe not bites: and you, whose pastimeWhereof the ewe not bites; and you whose pastime Tem V.i.38
Is to make midnight-Mushrumps, that reioyceIs to make midnight mushrumps, that rejoicemushrump (n.)
Tem V.i.39
To heare the solemne Curfewe, by whose aydeTo hear the solemn curfew, by whose aid – curfew (n.)

old form: Curfewe
evening bell
Tem V.i.40
(Weake Masters though ye be) I haue bedymn'dWeak masters though ye be – I have bedimmedbedim (v.)

old form: bedymn'd
make dim, cover with cloud
Tem V.i.41
The Noone-tide Sun, call'd forth the mutenous windes,The noontide sun, called forth the mutinous winds, Tem V.i.42
And twixt the greene Sea, and the azur'd vaultAnd 'twixt the green sea and the azured vaultvault (n.)
Tem V.i.43
azure, azured (adj.)

old form: azur'd
coloured blue, bright blue [as of an uncloudy sky]
Set roaring warre: To the dread ratling ThunderSet roaring war; to the dread rattling thunderdread (adj.)
frightening, terrifying, fearful
Tem V.i.44
Haue I giuen fire, and rifted Ioues stowt OkeHave I given fire, and rifted Jove's stout oakrift (v.)
split, cleave, rend apart
Tem V.i.45
Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
With his owne Bolt: The strong bass'd promontorieWith his own bolt; the strong-based promontorybolt (n.)
Tem V.i.46
Haue I made shake, and by the spurs pluckt vpHave I made shake, and by the spurs plucked upspur (n.)
root of a tree, main root
Tem V.i.47
The Pyne, and Cedar. Graues at my commandThe pine and cedar; graves at my command Tem V.i.48
Haue wak'd their sleepers, op'd, and let 'em forthHave waked their sleepers, oped, and let 'em forthope (v.)

old form: op'd
Tem V.i.49
By my so potent Art. But this rough MagickeBy my so potent art. But this rough magicpotent (adj.)
powerful, influential
Tem V.i.50
rough (adj.)
violent, harsh, cruel
I heere abiure: and when I haue requir'dI here abjure, and when I have requiredrequire (v.)

old form: requir'd
call up, make available
Tem V.i.51
abjure (v.)

old form: abiure
swear to abandon, solemnly reject
Some heauenly Musicke (which euen now I do)Some heavenly music – which even now I do –  Tem V.i.52
To worke mine end vpon their Sences, thatTo work mine end upon their senses thatend (n.)
purpose, aim, design
Tem V.i.53
work (v.), past form wrought

old form: worke
perform, do, carry out
This Ayrie-charme is for, I'le breake my staffe,This airy charm is for, I'll break my staff,charm (n.)

old form: charme
magic spell, enchantment
Tem V.i.54
Bury it certaine fadomes in the earth,Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, Tem V.i.55
And deeper then did euer Plummet soundAnd deeper than did ever plummet soundplummet (n.)
weighted line used for measuring the depth of water
Tem V.i.56
Ile drowne my booke.I'll drown my book. Tem V.i.57
Solemne musicke.Solemn music Tem V.i.58.1
Heere enters Ariel before: Then Alonso with a franticke Here enters Ariel before; then Alonso with a franticbefore (adv.)
ahead, in advance
Tem V.i.58.2
gesture, attended by Gonzalo. Sebastian and Anthoniogesture, attended by Gonzalo; Sebastian and Antonioattend (v.)
accompany, follow closely, go with
Tem V.i.58.3
in like manner attended by Adrian and Francisco:in like manner, attended by Adrian and (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
Tem V.i.58.4
They all enter the circle which Prospero had made, They all enter the circle which Prospero had made, Tem V.i.58.5
and there stand charm'd: which Prospero obseruing, and there stand charmed; which Prospero observing, Tem V.i.58.6
speakes.speaks Tem V.i.58.7
A solemne Ayre, and the best comforter,A solemn air, and the best comforterair (n.)
melody, tune, strain
Tem V.i.58
To an vnsetled fancie, Cure thy brainesTo an unsettled fancy, cure thy brains,fancy (n.)

old form: fancie
imagination, mind, mental state
Tem V.i.59
(Now vselesse) boile within thy skull: there standNow useless, boiled within thy skull. There stand, Tem V.i.60
For you are Spell-stopt.For you are spell-stopped.spell-stopped (adj.)

old form: Spell-stopt
spellbound, mesmerized, transfixed
Tem V.i.61
Holy Gonzallo, Honourable man,Holy Gonzalo, honourable man, Tem V.i.62
Mine eyes ev'n sociable to the shew of thineMine eyes, ev'n sociable to the show of thine,show (n.)

old form: shew
view, sight
Tem V.i.63
sociable (adj.)
sensitive, responsive, sympathetic
Fall fellowly drops: The charme dissolues apace,Fall fellowly drops. The charm dissolves apace.charm (n.)

old form: charme
magic spell, enchantment
Tem V.i.64
dissolve (v.)

old form: dissolues
lose influence, reduce to nothing
fellowly (adj.)
companiable, sympathetic, of fellowship
apace (adv.)
quickly, speedily, at a great rate
And as the morning steales vpon the nightAnd as the morning steals upon the night, Tem V.i.65
(Melting the darkenesse) so their rising sencesMelting the darkness, so their rising senses Tem V.i.66
Begin to chace the ignorant fumes that mantleBegin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantlemantle (v.)
cover, conceal, obscure
Tem V.i.67
fume (n.)
harmful vapour [rising from the stomach to the brain]
Their cleerer reason. O good GonzalloTheir clearer reason. O good Gonzalo,reason (n.)
power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’]
Tem V.i.68
My true preseruer, and a loyall Sir,My true preserver, and a loyal sirsir (n.)
man, person, individual
Tem V.i.69
To him thou follow'st; I will pay thy gracesTo him thou follow'st, I will pay thy gracesgrace (n.)
honour, favour, recognition, respect
Tem V.i.70
pay (v.)
repay, requite, recompense
Home both in word, and deede: Most cruellyHome both in word and deed. Most cruellyhome (adv.)
fully, thoroughly, unsparingly
Tem V.i.71
Did thou Alonso, vse me, and my daughter:Didst thou, Alonso, use me and my daughter. Tem V.i.72
Thy brother was a furtherer in the Act,Thy brother was a furtherer in the act. Tem V.i.73
Thou art pinch'd for't now Sebastian. Flesh, and bloud,Thou art pinched for't now, Sebastian. Flesh and blood,pinch (v.)

old form: pinch'd
torment, pain, torture
Tem V.i.74
You, brother mine, that entertaine ambition,You, brother mine, that entertained ambition,entertain (v.)

old form: entertaine
cherish, harbour, welcome
Tem V.i.75
Expelld remorse, and nature, whom, with SebastianExpelled remorse and nature, whom, with Sebastian – nature (n.)
natural feelings, natural affection
Tem V.i.76
remorse (n.)
pity, compassion, tenderness
(Whose inward pinches therefore are most strong)Whose inward pinches therefore are most strong – pinch (n.)
pain, pang, torment
Tem V.i.77
Would heere haue kill'd your King: I do forgiue thee,Would here have killed your king, I do forgive thee, Tem V.i.78
Vnnaturall though thou art: Their vnderstandingUnnatural though thou art. Their understandingunnatural (adj.)

old form: Vnnaturall
against natural feeling, not in accord with kinship
Tem V.i.79
Begins to swell, and the approching tideBegins to swell, and the approaching tide Tem V.i.80
Will shortly fill the reasonable shoreWill shortly fill the reasonable shorereasonable (adj.)
endowed with reason, rational
Tem V.i.81
That now ly foule, and muddy: not one of themThat now lies foul and muddy. Not one of them Tem V.i.82
That yet lookes on me, or would know me: Ariell,That yet looks on me, or would know me. Ariel, Tem V.i.83
Fetch me the Hat, and Rapier in my Cell,Fetch me the hat and rapier in my cell.rapier (n.)
light sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting
Tem V.i.84
I will discase me, and my selfe presentI will discase me, and myself presentdiscase (v.)
shed a disguise, take off outer garments
Tem V.i.85
As I was sometime Millaine: quickly Spirit,As I was sometime Milan. Quickly, spirit!sometime (adv.)
formerly, at one time, once
Tem V.i.86
Thou shalt ere long be free.Thou shalt ere long be free. Tem V.i.87
Ariell sings, and helps to attire him.Ariel sings and helps to attire him Tem V.i.88
Where the Bee sucks, there suck I, Where the bee sucks, there suck I, Tem V.i.88
In a Cowslips bell, I lie, In a cowslip's bell I lie; Tem V.i.89
There I cowch when Owles doe crie, There I couch when owls do cry.couch (v.)

old form: cowch
conceal, hide, lie hidden
Tem V.i.90
On the Batts backe I doe flie On the bat's back I do fly Tem V.i.91
after Sommer merrily. After summer merrily. Tem V.i.92
Merrily, merrily, shall I liue now, Merrily, merrily shall I live now, Tem V.i.93
Vnder the blossom that hangs on the Bow. Under the blossom that hangs on the bough. Tem V.i.94
Why that's my dainty Ariell: I shall misseWhy, that's my dainty Ariel! I shall miss thee,dainty (adj.)
splendid, fine, excellent
Tem V.i.95
Thee, but yet thou shalt haue freedome: so, so, so,But yet thou shalt have freedom – so, so, so. Tem V.i.96
To the Kings ship, inuisible as thou art,To the King's ship, invisible as thou art! Tem V.i.97
There shalt thou finde the Marriners asleepeThere shalt thou find the mariners asleep Tem V.i.98
Vnder the Hatches: the Master and the Boat-swaineUnder the hatches. The Master and the Boatswain Tem V.i.99
Being awake, enforce them to this place;Being awake, enforce them to this place,enforce (v.)
force, compel, constrain, drive
Tem V.i.100
And presently, I pre'thee.And presently, I prithee.presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
Tem V.i.101
I drinke the aire before me, and returneI drink the air before me, and return Tem V.i.102
Or ere your pulse twice beate.Or ere your pulse twice beat. Tem V.i.103
Exit.Exit Tem V.i.103
All torment, trouble, wonder, and amazementAll torment, trouble, wonder, and amazement Tem V.i.104
Inhabits heere: some heauenly power guide vsInhabits here. Some heavenly power guide uspower (n.)
(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
Tem V.i.105
Out of this fearefull Country.Out of this fearful country! Tem V.i.106.1
Behold Sir KingBehold, sir King, Tem V.i.106.2
The wronged Duke of Millaine, Prospero:The wronged Duke of Milan, Prospero. Tem V.i.107
For more assurance that a liuing PrinceFor more assurance that a living prince Tem V.i.108
Do's now speake to thee, I embrace thy body,Does now speak to thee, I embrace thy body, Tem V.i.109
And to thee, and thy Company, I bidAnd to thee and thy company I bid Tem V.i.110
A hearty welcome.A hearty welcome. Tem V.i.111.1
Where thou bee'st he or no,Whe'er thou beest he or no, Tem V.i.111.2
Or some inchanted triflle to abuse me,Or some enchanted trifle to abuse me,trifle (n.)

old form: triflle
fiction, illusion, trick
Tem V.i.112
abuse (v.)
deceive, mislead, fool, cheat
(As late I haue beene) I not know: thy PulseAs late I have been, I not know. Thy pulselate (adv.)
recently, a little while ago / before
Tem V.i.113
Beats as of flesh, and blood: and since I saw thee,Beats as of flesh and blood; and, since I saw thee, Tem V.i.114
Th' affliction of my minde amends, with whichTh' affliction of my mind amends, with whichamend (v.)
get better, recover, revive, heal
Tem V.i.115
I feare a madnesse held me: this must craueI fear a madness held me. This must cravecrave (v.)

old form: craue
need, demand, require
Tem V.i.116
(And if this be at all) a most strange story.An if this be at all – a most strange if (conj.)
Tem V.i.117
Thy Dukedome I resigne, and doe entreatThy dukedom I resign, and do entreat Tem V.i.118
Thou pardon me my wrongs: But how shold ProsperoThou pardon me my wrongs. But how should Prospero Tem V.i.119
Be liuing, and be heere?Be living, and be here? Tem V.i.120.1
First, noble Frend,First, noble friend, Tem V.i.120.2
Let me embrace thine age, whose honor cannotLet me embrace thine age, whose honour cannot Tem V.i.121
Be measur'd, or confin'd.Be measured or confined. Tem V.i.122.1
Whether this be,Whether this be Tem V.i.122.2
Or be not, I'le not sweare.Or be not, I'll not swear. Tem V.i.123.1
You doe yet tasteYou do yet taste Tem V.i.123.2
Some subtleties o'th' Isle, that will nor let youSome subtleties o'th' isle, that will not let yousubtlety (n.)
clever effect, ingenious contrivance
Tem V.i.124
Beleeue things certaine: Wellcome, my friends all,Believe things certain. Welcome, my friends all! Tem V.i.125
(aside to Sebastian and Antonio) Tem V.i.126.1
But you, my brace of Lords, were I so mindedBut you, my brace of lords, were I so minded,brace (n.)
group of two, couple, pair
Tem V.i.126
I heere could plucke his Highnesse frowne vpon youI here could pluck his highness' frown upon you,pluck (v.)

old form: plucke
draw down, bring down
Tem V.i.127
frown (n.)

old form: frowne
fierce look, severe face
And iustifie you Traitors: at this timeAnd justify you traitors. At this timejustify (v.)

old form: iustifie
prove, confirm, demonstrate
Tem V.i.128
I will tell no tales.I will tell no tales. Tem V.i.129.1
(aside) Tem V.i.129
The Diuell speakes in him:The devil speaks in him. Tem V.i.129.2
No:No. Tem V.i.129.3
For you (most wicked Sir) whom to call brotherFor you, most wicked sir, whom to call brother Tem V.i.130
Would euen infect my mouth, I do forgiueWould even infect my mouth, I do forgive Tem V.i.131
Thy rankest fault; all of them: and requireThy rankest fault – all of them; and requirerank (adj.)
large, serious, grievous
Tem V.i.132
require (v.)
demand, claim, insist on
My Dukedome of thee, which, perforce I knowMy dukedom of thee, which perforce, I know,perforce (adv.)
of necessity, with no choice in the matter
Tem V.i.133
Thou must restore.Thou must restore. Tem V.i.134.1
If thou beest ProsperoIf thou beest Prospero, Tem V.i.134.2
Giue vs particulars of thy preseruation,Give us particulars of thy preservation;particular (n.)
(plural) details, full account
Tem V.i.135
How thou hast met vs heere, whom three howres sinceHow thou hast met us here, whom three hours since Tem V.i.136
Were wrackt vpon this shore? where I haue lostWere wracked upon this shore; where I have lost – wrack (v.)

old form: wrackt
wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea
Tem V.i.137
(How sharp the point of this remembrance is)How sharp the point of this remembrance is! – remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Tem V.i.138
My deere sonne Ferdinand.My dear son Ferdinand. Tem V.i.139.1
I am woe for't, Sir.I am woe for't, sir.woe (adj.)
sorry, sorrowful, sad
Tem V.i.139.2
Irreparable is the losse, and patienceIrreparable is the loss, and patience Tem V.i.140
Saies, it is past her cure.Says it is past her cure. Tem V.i.141.1
I rather thinkeI rather think Tem V.i.141.2
You haue not sought her helpe, of whose soft graceYou have not sought her help, of whose soft gracesoft (adj.)
tender, compassionate, kind
Tem V.i.142
grace (n.)
favour, good will
For the like losse, I haue her soueraigne aid,For the like loss, I have her sovereign aid,like (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
Tem V.i.143
And rest my selfe content.And rest myself content.content (adj.)
satisfied, calm, easy in mind
Tem V.i.144.1
You the like losse?You the like loss? Tem V.i.144.2
As great to me, as late, and supportableAs great to me, as late, and supportablesupportable (adj.)
bearable, endurable, sustainable
Tem V.i.145
late (adj.)
recent, not long past
To make the deere losse, haue I meanes much weakerTo make the dear loss, have I means much weakerdear (adj.)

old form: deere
dire, grievous, hard
Tem V.i.146
Then you may call to comfort you; for IThan you may call to comfort you, for I Tem V.i.147
Haue lost my daughter.Have lost my daughter. Tem V.i.148.1
A daughter?A daughter? Tem V.i.148.2
Oh heauens, that they were liuing both in NalpesO heavens, that they were living both in Naples, Tem V.i.149
The King and Queene there, that they were, I wishThe King and Queen there! That they were, I wish Tem V.i.150
My selfe were mudded in that oo-zie bedMyself were mudded in that oozy bedmud (v.)
bury in mud
Tem V.i.151
Where my sonne lies: when did you lose your daughter?Where my son lies. When did you lose your daughter? Tem V.i.152
In this last Tempest. I perceiue these LordsIn this last tempest. I perceive these lords Tem V.i.153
At this encounter doe so much admire,At this encounter do so much admireadmire (v.)
marvel, wonder, be astonished [at]
Tem V.i.154
That they deuoure their reason, and scarce thinkeThat they devour their reason, and scarce thinkscarce (adv.)
scarcely, hardly, barely, only just
Tem V.i.155
reason (n.)
power of reason, judgement, common sense [often opposed to ‘passion’]
Their eies doe offices of Truth: Their wordsTheir eyes do offices of truth, their wordsoffice (n.)
task, service, duty, responsibility
Tem V.i.156
Are naturall breath: but howsoeu'r you haueAre natural breath. But, howsoe'er you havebreath (n.)
utterance, speech, voice
Tem V.i.157
Beene iustled from your sences, know for certainBeen justled from your senses, know for certainjustle (v.)

old form: iustled
jostle, hustle, elbow
Tem V.i.158
That I am Prospero, and that very DukeThat I am Prospero, and that very Duke Tem V.i.159
Which was thrust forth of Millaine, who most strangelyWhich was thrust forth of Milan, who most strangelystrangely (adv.)
unaccountably, surprisingly, unusually
Tem V.i.160
Vpon this shore (where you were wrackt) was landedUpon this shore, where you were wracked, was landedwrack (v.)

old form: wrackt
wreck, shipwreck, lose at sea
Tem V.i.161
To be the Lord on't: No more yet of this,To be the lord on't. No more yet of this, Tem V.i.162
For 'tis a Chronicle of day by day,For 'tis a chronicle of day by day,chronicle (n.)
story, account, narrative
Tem V.i.163
Not a relation for a break-fast, norNot a relation for a breakfast, norrelation (n.)
report, account, narration
Tem V.i.164
Befitting this first meeting: Welcome, Sir;Befitting this first meeting. Welcome, sir. Tem V.i.165
This Cell's my Court: heere haue I few attendants,This cell's my court. Here have I few attendants,cell (n.)
small humble dwelling
Tem V.i.166
And Subiects none abroad: pray you looke in:And subjects none abroad. Pray you, look in.abroad (adv.)
in the outside world, freely at large, elsewhere, everywhere
Tem V.i.167
My Dukedome since you haue giuen me againe,My dukedom since you have given me again, Tem V.i.168
I will requite you with as good a thing,I will requite you with as good a thing,requite (v.), past forms requit, requited
reward, repay, recompense
Tem V.i.169
At least bring forth a wonder, to content yeAt least bring forth a wonder to content yecontent (v.)
please, gratify, delight, satisfy
Tem V.i.170
As much, as me my Dukedome.As much as me my dukedom. Tem V.i.171
Here Prospero discouers Ferdinand and Miranda, Here Prospero discovers Ferdinand and Miranda, discover (v.)
reveal, show, make known
Tem V.i.172.0
discover (v.)
reveal, show, make known
playing at Chesse.playing at chess Tem V.i.172.2
Sweet Lord, you play me false.Sweet lord, you play me false.false (adv.)
unfairly, with a trick, cheatingly
Tem V.i.172.1
No my dearest loue,No, my dearest love, Tem V.i.172.2
I would not for the world.I would not for the world. Tem V.i.173
Yes, for a score of Kingdomes, you should wrangle,Yes, for a score of kingdoms you should wrangle,wrangle (v.)
dispute, contest, argue over
Tem V.i.174
And I would call it faire play.And I would call it fair play. Tem V.i.175.1
If this proueIf this prove Tem V.i.175.2
A vision of the Island, one deere SonneA vision of the island, one dear son Tem V.i.176
Shall I twice loose.Shall I twice lose. Tem V.i.177.1
A most high miracle.A most high miracle. Tem V.i.177.2
Though the Seas threaten they are mercifull,Though the seas threaten, they are merciful. Tem V.i.178
I haue curs'd them without cause.I have cursed them without cause. Tem V.i.179.1
He comes forward, and kneels Tem V.i.179
Now all the blessingsNow all the blessings Tem V.i.179.2
Of a glad father, compasse thee about:Of a glad father compass thee about!compass (v.)

old form: compasse
embrace, enfold
Tem V.i.180
Arise, and say how thou cam'st heere.Arise, and say how thou cam'st here. Tem V.i.181.1
O wonder!O, wonder! Tem V.i.181.2
How many goodly creatures are there heere?How many goodly creatures are there here!goodly (adj.)
good-looking, handsome, attractive, comely
Tem V.i.182
How beauteous mankinde is? O braue new worldHow beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,brave (adj.)

old form: braue
fine, excellent, splendid, impressive
Tem V.i.183
That has such people in't.That has such people in't! Tem V.i.184.1
'Tis new to thee.'Tis new to thee. Tem V.i.184.2
What is this Maid, with whom thou was't at play?What is this maid with whom thou wast at play? Tem V.i.185
Your eld'st acquaintance cannot be three houres:Your eld'st acquaintance cannot be three hours.eldest (adj.)

old form: eld'st
oldest, longest
Tem V.i.186
Is she the goddesse that hath seuer'd vs,Is she the goddess that hath severed us, Tem V.i.187
And brought vs thus together?And brought us thus together? Tem V.i.188.1
Sir, she is mortall;Sir, she is mortal;mortal (adj.)
human, subject to death, characterized by mortality
Tem V.i.188.2
But by immortall prouidence, she's mine;But by immortal Providence, she's mine. Tem V.i.189
I chose her when I could not aske my FatherI chose her when I could not ask my father Tem V.i.190
For his aduise: nor thought I had one: SheFor his advice, nor thought I had one. She Tem V.i.191
Is daughter to this famous Duke of Millaine,Is daughter to this famous Duke of Milan, Tem V.i.192
Of whom, so often I haue heard renowne,Of whom so often I have heard renown,renown (n.)

old form: renowne
report, hearsay, rumour
Tem V.i.193
But neuer saw before: of whom I haueBut never saw before; of whom I have Tem V.i.194
Receiu'd a second life; and second FatherReceived a second life; and second father Tem V.i.195
This Lady makes him to me.This lady makes him to me. Tem V.i.196.1
I am hers.I am hers. Tem V.i.196.2
But O, how odly will it sound, that IBut, O, how oddly will it sound that I Tem V.i.197
Must aske my childe forgiuenesse?Must ask my child forgiveness! Tem V.i.198.1
There Sir stop,There, sir, stop. Tem V.i.198.2
Let vs not burthen our remembrances, withLet us not burden our remembrances withremembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
Tem V.i.199
burden, burthen (v.)
load down, weigh down
A heauinesse that's gon.A heaviness that's gone.heaviness (n.)

old form: heauinesse
sadness, grief, sorrow
Tem V.i.200.1
I haue inly wept,I have inly wept,inly (adv.)
inwardly, deep within
Tem V.i.200.2
Or should haue spoke ere this: looke downe you godsOr should have spoke ere this. Look down, you gods, Tem V.i.201
And on this couple drop a blessed crowne;And on this couple drop a blessed crown! Tem V.i.202
For it is you, that haue chalk'd forth the wayFor it is you that have chalked forth the way Tem V.i.203
Which brought vs hither.Which brought us hither. Tem V.i.204.1
I say Amen, Gonzallo.I say amen, Gonzalo. Tem V.i.204.2
Was Millaine thrust from Millaine, that his IssueWas Milan thrust from Milan that his issueissue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
Tem V.i.205
Should become Kings of Naples? O reioyceShould become kings of Naples? O, rejoice Tem V.i.206
Beyond a common ioy, and set it downeBeyond a common joy, and set it down Tem V.i.207
With gold on lasting Pillers: In one voyageWith gold on lasting pillars. In one voyage Tem V.i.208
Did Claribell her husband finde at Tunis,Did Claribel her husband find at Tunis, Tem V.i.209
And Ferdinand her brother, found a wife,And Ferdinand her brother found a wife Tem V.i.210
Where he himselfe was lost: Prospero, his DukedomeWhere he himself was lost; Prospero his dukedom Tem V.i.211
In a poore Isle: and all of vs, our selues,In a poor isle, and all of us ourselves Tem V.i.212
When no man was his owne.When no man was his own. Tem V.i.213.1
(to Ferdinand and Miranda) Tem V.i.213
Giue me your hands:Give me your hands. Tem V.i.213.2
Let griefe and sorrow still embrace his heart,Let grief and sorrow still embrace his heartstill (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Tem V.i.214
That doth not wish you ioy.That doth not wish you joy. Tem V.i.215.1
Be it so, Amen.Be it so! Amen. Tem V.i.215.2
Enter Ariell, with the Master and Boatswaine amazedly Enter Ariel, with the Master and Boatswain amazedly Tem V.i.216.1
following.following Tem V.i.216.2
O looke Sir, looke Sir, here is more of vs:O look sir, look sir, here is more of us! Tem V.i.216
I prophesi'd, if a Gallowes were on LandI prophesied, if a gallows were on land, Tem V.i.217
This fellow could not drowne: Now blasphemy,This fellow could not drown. Now, blasphemy, Tem V.i.218
That swear'st Grace ore-boord, not an oath on shore,That swear'st grace o'erboard, not an oath on shore? Tem V.i.219
Hast thou no mouth by land? What is the newes?Hast thou no mouth by land? What is the news? Tem V.i.220
The best newes is, that we haue safely foundThe best news is that we have safely found Tem V.i.221
Our King, and company: The next: our Ship,Our King and company; the next, our ship –  Tem V.i.222
Which but three glasses since, we gaue out split,Which, but three glasses since, we gave out splitsplit (v.)
break up, split in two
Tem V.i.223
since (adv.)
recently, of late
give out (v.)

old form: gaue
report, assert, make known
glass (n.)
[sand of the] hourglass
Is tyte, and yare, and brauely rig'd, as whenIs tight and yare and bravely rigged, as whentight (adj.)

old form: tyte
water-tight, seaworthy, shipshape
Tem V.i.224
yare (adj.)
[nautical] manageable, easy to manouevre, ready for sea
bravely (adv.)

old form: brauely
splendidly, worthily, excellently
We first put out to Sea.We first put out to sea. Tem V.i.225.1
(aside to Prospero) Tem V.i.225
Sir, all this seruiceSir, all this service Tem V.i.225.2
Haue I done since I went.Have I done since I went. Tem V.i.226.1
(aside to Ariel) Tem V.i.226.0
My tricksey Spirit.My tricksy spirit!tricksy (adj.)
full of tricks, cleverly playful
Tem V.i.226.2
These are not naturall euents, they strengthenThese are not natural events. They strengthen Tem V.i.227
From strange, to stranger: say, how came you hither?From strange to stranger. Say, how came you hither?strange (adj.)
remarkable, startling, abnormal, unnatural
Tem V.i.228
If I did thinke, Sir, I were well awake,If I did think, sir, I were well awake, Tem V.i.229
I'ld striue to tell you: we were dead of sleepe,I'd strive to tell you. We were dead of sleepdead (adj.)
death-like, lifeless, spiritless
Tem V.i.230
And (how we know not) all clapt vnder hatches,And – how we know not – all clapped under hatches, Tem V.i.231
Where, but euen now, with strange, and seuerall noysesWhere, but even now, with strange and several noisesseveral (adj.)

old form: seuerall
various, sundry, respective, individual
Tem V.i.232
Of roring, shreeking, howling, gingling chaines,Of roaring, shrieking, howling, jingling chains, Tem V.i.233
And mo diuersitie of sounds, all horrible.And more diversity of sounds, all horrible, Tem V.i.234
We were awak'd: straight way, at liberty;We were awaked; straightway at liberty;straightway (adv.)

old form: straight way
Tem V.i.235
Where we, in all our trim, freshly beheldWhere we, in all our trim, freshly beheldtrim (n.)
readiness to sail, full preparedness
Tem V.i.236
Our royall, good, and gallant Ship: our MasterOur royal, good, and gallant ship, our Master Tem V.i.237
Capring to eye her: on a trice, so please you,Cap'ring to eye her. On a trice, so please you,trice (n.)
brief period, moment, instant
Tem V.i.238
caper (v.)

old form: Capring
dance with joy, leap with delight
Euen in a dreame, were we diuided from them,Even in a dream, were we divided from them, Tem V.i.239
And were brought moaping hither.And were brought moping hither.moping (adv.)
in a daze, bewilderedly
Tem V.i.240.1
(aside to Prospero) Tem V.i.240
Was't well done?Was't well done? Tem V.i.240.2
(aside to Ariel) Tem V.i.241.1
Brauely (my diligence) thou shalt be free.Bravely, my diligence. Thou shalt be free.diligence (n.)
diligent person, attentive servant
Tem V.i.241
bravely (adv.)
splendidly, worthily, excellently
This is as strange a Maze, as ere men trod,This is as strange a maze as e'er men trod,maze (n.)
arrangement of paths, network of tracks
Tem V.i.242
And there is in this businesse, more then natureAnd there is in this business more than nature Tem V.i.243
Was euer conduct of: some OracleWas ever conduct of. Some oracleconduct (n.)
conductor, leader, director
Tem V.i.244
Must rectifie our knowledge.Must rectify our knowledge. Tem V.i.245.1
Sir, my Leige,Sir, my liege,liege (n.)
lord, sovereign
Tem V.i.245.2
Doe not infest your minde, with beating onDo not infest your mind with beating oninfest (v.)
harass, trouble, assail
Tem V.i.246
beat (v.)
hammer away, ponder furiously
The strangenesse of this businesse, at pickt leisureThe strangeness of this business. At picked leisure,picked (adj.)

old form: pickt
specially chosen, selected
Tem V.i.247
(Which shall be shortly single) I'le resolue you,Which shall be shortly, single I'll resolve you,single (adv.)
alone, by oneself
Tem V.i.248
resolve (v.)

old form: resolue
inform, tell
(Which to you shall seeme probable) of eueryWhich to you shall seem probable, of everyprobable (adj.)
provable, demonstrable, attestable
Tem V.i.249
These happend accidents: till when, be cheerefullThese happened accidents. Till when, be cheerful,accident (n.)
occurrence, event, happening
Tem V.i.250
And thinke of each thing well: Come hither Spirit,And think of each thing well. (aside to Ariel) Come hither, spirit. Tem V.i.251
Set Caliban, and his companions free:Set Caliban and his companions free. Tem V.i.252
Vntye the Spell: Untie the spell. Tem V.i.253.1
Exit Ariel Tem V.i.253
How fares my gracious Sir?How fares my gracious sir?fare (v.)
get on, manage, do, cope
Tem V.i.253.2
There are yet missing of your CompanieThere are yet missing of your company Tem V.i.254
Some few odde Lads, that you remember not.Some few odd lads that you remember not. Tem V.i.255
Enter Ariell, driuing in Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo Enter Ariel, driving in Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo Tem V.i.255.1
in their stolne their stolen apparelapparel (n.)
clothes, clothing, dress
Tem V.i.255.2
Euery man shift for all the rest, and let / NoEvery man shift for all the rest, and let noshift (v.)
provide, look out, take care
Tem V.i.256
man take care for himselfe; for all is / But fortune: Coragioman take care for himself, for all is but fortune. Coragio,coragio (int.)
Tem V.i.257
Bully-Monster Coragio.bully-monster, coragio!bully (n./adj.)
[especially as a warm form of address] fine fellow, good friend
Tem V.i.258
If these be true spies which I weare in my head,If these be true spies which I wear in my head,spy (n.)
[of eyes] observer, watcher, witness
Tem V.i.259
here's a goodly's a goodly sight!goodly (adj.)
splendid, excellent, fine
Tem V.i.260
O Setebos, these be braue Spirits indeede:O Setebos, these be brave spirits indeed!brave (adj.)

old form: braue
noble, worthy, excellent
Tem V.i.261
How fine my Master is? I am afraidHow fine my master is! I am afraidfine (adj.)
finely clothed, smartly dressed
Tem V.i.262
He will chastise me.He will chastise me. Tem V.i.263.1
Ha, ha:Ha, ha! Tem V.i.263.2
What things are these, my Lord Anthonio?What things are these, my lord Antonio? Tem V.i.264
Will money buy em?Will money buy 'em? Tem V.i.265.1
Very like: one of themVery like. One of themlike (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
Tem V.i.265.2
Is a plaine Fish, and no doubt marketable.Is a plain fish, and no doubt marketable. Tem V.i.266
Marke but the badges of these men, my Lords,Mark but the badges of these men, my lords,mark (v.)

old form: Marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Tem V.i.267
badge (n.)
livery, insignia of employment
Then say if they be true: This mishapen knaue;Then say if they be true. This misshapen knave,knave (n.)

old form: knaue
scoundrel, rascal, rogue
Tem V.i.268
true (adj.)
honest, upright, law-abiding
His Mother was a Witch, and one so strongHis mother was a witch, and one so strong Tem V.i.269
That could controle the Moone; make flowes, and ebs,That could control the moon, make flows and ebbs, Tem V.i.270
And deale in her command, without her power:And deal in her command without her (v.)

old form: deale
proceed, behave, conduct oneself
Tem V.i.271
These three haue robd me, and this demy-diuell;These three have robbed me, and this demi-devildemi-devil (n.)

old form: demy-diuell
Tem V.i.272
(For he's a bastard one) had plotted with themFor he's a bastard one – had plotted with them Tem V.i.273
To take my life: two of these Fellowes, youTo take my life. Two of these fellows you Tem V.i.274
Must know, and owne, this Thing of darkenesse, IMust know and own. This thing of darkness I Tem V.i.275
Acknowledge mine.Acknowledge mine. Tem V.i.276.1
I shall be pincht to death.I shall be pinched to death.pinch (v.)
torment, pain, torture
Tem V.i.276.2
Is not this Stephano, my drunken Butler?Is not this Stephano, my drunken butler? Tem V.i.277
He is drunke now; Where had he wine?He is drunk now. Where had he wine? Tem V.i.278
And Trinculo is reeling ripe: where should theyAnd Trinculo is reeling ripe. Where should theyripe (adj.)
Tem V.i.279
Finde this grand Liquor that hath gilded 'em?Find this grand liquor that hath gilded 'em?liquor (n.)
[alcoholic] drink
Tem V.i.280
gild (v.), past forms gilt, gilded
bring colour to, brighten, illuminate
How cam'st thou in this pickle?How cam'st thou in this pickle? Tem V.i.281
I haue bin in such a pickle since I saw youI have been in such a pickle since I saw you Tem V.i.282
last, That I feare me will neuer out of my bones: I shalllast that I fear me will never out of my bones. I shall Tem V.i.283
not feare fly-blowing.not fear (n.)
having flies deposit their eggs
Tem V.i.284
Why how now Stephano?Why, how now, Stephano? Tem V.i.285
O touch me not, I am not Stephano, but aO, touch me not! I am not Stephano, but a Tem V.i.286
Cramp.cramp! Tem V.i.287
You'ld be King o'the Isle, Sirha?You'd be king o'th' isle, sirrah?sirrah (n.)
sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
Tem V.i.288
I should haue bin a sore one then.I should have been a sore one, then. Tem V.i.289
This is a strange thing as ere I look'd on.This is a strange thing as e'er I looked on. Tem V.i.290
He is as disproportion'd in his MannersHe is as disproportioned in his mannersmanner (n.)
(plural) morals, character, way of behaving
Tem V.i.291
As in his shape: Goe Sirha, to my Cell,As in his shape. – Go, sirrah, to my cell.cell (n.)
small humble dwelling
Tem V.i.292
Take with you your Companions: as you lookeTake with you your companions. As you looklook (v.)

old form: looke
expect, anticipate, hope, await the time
Tem V.i.293
To haue my pardon, trim it handsomely.To have my pardon, trim it handsomely.trim up, trim (v.)
decorate, array, deck out
Tem V.i.294
handsomely (adv.)
beautifully, elegantly, attractively
I that I will: and Ile be wise hereafter,Ay, that I will; and I'll be wise hereafter, Tem V.i.295
And seeke for grace: what a thrice double AsseAnd seek for grace. What a thrice double assthrice (adj.)
three times
Tem V.i.296
grace (n.)
favour, good will
Was I to take this drunkard for a god?Was I to take this drunkard for a god, Tem V.i.297
And worship this dull foole?And worship this dull fool!worship (v.)
esteem, honour, renown
Tem V.i.298.1
dull (adj.)
obtuse, stupid
Goe to, away.Go to. Away! Tem V.i.298.2
Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it.Hence, and bestow your luggage where you found it.luggage (n.)
stuff, trappings, goods
Tem V.i.299
bestow (v.)
stow away, dispose of
Or stole it rather.Or stole it, rather. Tem V.i.300
Exeunt Caliban, Stephano, and Trinculo Tem V.i.300
Sir, I inuite your Highnesse, and your traineSir, I invite your highness and your traintrain (n.)

old form: traine
retinue, following, entourage
Tem V.i.301
To my poore Cell: where you shall take your restTo my poor cell, where you shall take your restcell (n.)
small humble dwelling
Tem V.i.302
For this one night, which part of it, Ile wasteFor this one night; which, part of it, I'll wastewaste (v.)
pass, spend, while away
Tem V.i.303
With such discourse, as I not doubt, shall make itWith such discourse as, I not doubt, shall make itdiscourse (n.)
conversation, talk, chat
Tem V.i.304
Goe quicke away: The story of my life,Go quick away – the story of my life, Tem V.i.305
And the particular accidents, gon byAnd the particular accidents gone byaccident (n.)
occurrence, event, happening
Tem V.i.306
Since I came to this Isle: And in the morneSince I came to this isle. And in the morn,morn (n.)
morning, dawn
Tem V.i.307
I'le bring you to your ship, and so to Naples,I'll bring you to your ship, and so to Naples, Tem V.i.308
Where I haue hope to see the nuptiallWhere I have hope to see the nuptial Tem V.i.309
Of these our deere-belou'd, solemnized,Of these our dear-beloved solemnized; Tem V.i.310
And thence retire me to my Millaine, whereAnd thence retire me to my Milan, whereretire (v.)
withdraw, take oneself away
Tem V.i.311
Euery third thought shall be my graue.Every third thought shall be my grave. Tem V.i.312.1
I longI long Tem V.i.312.2
To heare the story of your life; which mustTo hear the story of your life, which must Tem V.i.313
Take the eare strangely.Take the ear strangely.strangely (adv.)
admirably, wonderfully, marvellously
Tem V.i.314.1
take (v.)
captivate, delight, enrapture
I'le deliuer all,I'll deliver all,deliver (v.)
report [to], communicate [to], tell, describe
Tem V.i.314.2
And promise you calme Seas, auspicious gales,And promise you calm seas, auspicious gales,gale (n.)
wind, breeze
Tem V.i.315
And saile, so expeditious, that shall catchAnd sail so expeditious, that shall catchsail (n.)

old form: saile
voyage, passage, sailing
Tem V.i.316
catch (v.)
catch up with, overtake
Your Royall fleete farre off: My Ariel; chickeYour royal fleet far off. – My Ariel, chick, Tem V.i.317
That is thy charge: Then to the ElementsThat is thy charge. Then to the elementselement (n.)
(plural) substances from which all material things are made [believed to be earth, water, air, fire]
Tem V.i.318
Be free, and fare thou well: please you draw neere.Be free, and fare thou well. – Please you, draw near.fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
Tem V.i.319
Exeunt omnes.Exeunt Tem V.i.319
spoken by ProsperoSpoken by Prospero Tem epilogue.1.1
NOw my Charmes are all ore-throwne, Now my charms are all o'erthrown,charm (n.)
magic spell, enchantment
Tem epilogue.1
And what strength I haue's mine owne. And what strength I have's mine own, Tem epilogue.2
Which is most faint: now 'tis true Which is most faint. Now 'tis true Tem epilogue.3
I must be heere confinde by you, I must be here confined by you, Tem epilogue.4
Or sent to Naples, Let me not Or sent to Naples. Let me not, Tem epilogue.5
Since I haue my Dukedome got, Since I have my dukedom got Tem epilogue.6
And pardon'd the deceiuer, dwell And pardoned the deceiver, dwell Tem epilogue.7
In this bare Island, by your Spell, In this bare island by your spell; Tem epilogue.8
But release me from my bands But release me from my bandsband (n.)
bond, shackle, chain
Tem epilogue.9
With the helpe of your good hands: With the help of your good hands. Tem epilogue.10
Gentle breath of yours, my Sailes Gentle breath of yours my sailsgentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
Tem epilogue.11
breath (n.)
utterance, speech, voice
Must fill, or else my proiect failes, Must fill, or else my project fails, Tem epilogue.12
Which was to please: Now I want Which was to please. Now I wantwant (v.)
lack, need, be without
Tem epilogue.13
Spirits to enforce: Art to inchant, Spirits to enforce, art to enchant;art (n.)
magic, enchantment, trickery
Tem epilogue.14
And my ending is despaire, And my ending is despair, Tem epilogue.15
Vnlesse I be relieu'd by praier Unless I be relieved by prayer, Tem epilogue.16
Which pierces so, that it assaults Which pierces so, that it assaults Tem epilogue.17
Mercy it selfe, and frees all faults. Mercy itself, and frees all faults. Tem epilogue.18
As you from crimes would pardon'd be, As you from crimes would pardoned be, Tem epilogue.19
Let your Indulgence set me free. Let your indulgence set me free. Tem epilogue.20
Exit.Exit Tem epilogue.20
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