Original textModern textKey line
Whither away? to saue my selfe by flight,Whither away? To save myself by flight.1H6 III.ii.105
We are like to haue the ouerthrow againe.We are like to have the overthrow again.1H6 III.ii.106
I,Ay,1H6 III.ii.107.2
all the Talbots in the World, to saue my life.All the Talbots in the world, to save my life.1H6 III.ii.108
My gracious Soueraigne, as I rode from Calice,My gracious sovereign, as I rode from Calais1H6 IV.i.9
To haste vnto your Coronation:To haste unto your coronation,1H6 IV.i.10
A Letter was deliuer'd to my hands,A letter was delivered to my hands,1H6 IV.i.11
Writ to your Grace, from th'Duke of Burgundy.Writ to your grace from th' Duke of Burgundy.1H6 IV.i.12

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