Original textModern textKey line
They want their Porredge, & their fat Bul Beeues:They want their porridge and their fat bull-beeves.1H6 I.ii.9
Eyther they must be dyeted like Mules,Either they must be dieted like mules1H6 I.ii.10
And haue their Prouender ty'd to their mouthes,And have their provender tied to their mouths,1H6 I.ii.11
Or pitteous they will looke, like drowned Mice.Or piteous they will look, like drowned mice.1H6 I.ii.12
Froysard, a Countreyman of ours, records,Froissart, a countryman of ours, records1H6 I.ii.29
England all Oliuers and Rowlands breed,England all Olivers and Rolands bred1H6 I.ii.30
During the time Edward the third did raigne:During the time Edward the Third did reign.1H6 I.ii.31
More truly now may this be verified;More truly now may this be verified;1H6 I.ii.32
For none but Samsons and GoliassesFor none but Samsons and Goliases1H6 I.ii.33
It sendeth forth to skirmish: one to tenne?It sendeth forth to skirmish. One to ten!1H6 I.ii.34
Leane raw-bon'd Rascals, who would e're suppose,Lean raw-boned rascals! Who would e'er suppose1H6 I.ii.35
They had such courage and audacitie?They had such courage and audacity?1H6 I.ii.36
Be it so.Be it so.1H6 I.ii.45
Doubtlesse he shriues this woman to her smock,Doubtless he shrives this woman to her smock;1H6 I.ii.119
Else ne're could he so long protract his speech.Else ne'er could he so long protract his speech.1H6 I.ii.120
He may meane more then we poor men do know,He may mean more than we poor men do know;1H6 I.ii.122
These women are shrewd tempters with their tongues.These women are shrewd tempters with their tongues.1H6 I.ii.123
Leaue off delayes, and let vs rayse the Siege.Leave off delays, and let us raise the siege.1H6 I.ii.146
All France will be repleat with mirth and ioy,All France will be replete with mirth and joy1H6
When they shall heare how we haue play'd the men.When they shall hear how we have played the men.1H6
How now my Lords? what all vnreadie so?How now, my lords? What, all unready so?1H6 II.i.39
Of all exploits since first I follow'd Armes,Of all exploits since first I followed arms1H6 II.i.43
Nere heard I of a warlike enterprizeNe'er heard I of a warlike enterprise1H6 II.i.44
More venturous, or desperate then this.More venturous or desperate than this.1H6 II.i.45
Here commeth Charles, I maruell how he sped?Here cometh Charles. I marvel how he sped.1H6 II.i.48
Had all your Quarters been as safely kept,Had all your quarters been as safely kept1H6 II.i.63
As that whereof I had the gouernment,As that whereof I had the government,1H6 II.i.64
We had not beene thus shamefully surpriz'd.We had not been thus shamefully surprised.1H6 II.i.65
Seignior no.Signor, no.1H6 III.ii.67
Wee'le set thy Statue in some holy place,We'll set thy statue in some holy place,1H6 III.iii.14
And haue thee reuerenc't like a blessed Saint.And have thee reverenced like a blessed saint.1H6 III.iii.15
Employ thee then, sweet Virgin, for our good.Employ thee then, sweet virgin, for our good.1H6 III.iii.16
For euer should they be expuls'd from France,For ever should they be expulsed from France1H6 III.iii.25
And not haue Title of an Earledome here.And not have title of an earldom here.1H6 III.iii.26
Pucell hath brauely play'd her part in this,Pucelle hath bravely played her part in this,1H6 III.iii.88
And doth deserue a Coronet of Gold.And doth deserve a coronet of gold.1H6 III.iii.89
Then march to Paris Royall Charles of France,Then march to Paris, royal Charles of France,1H6 V.ii.4
And keepe not backe your powers in dalliance.And keep not back your powers in dalliance.1H6 V.ii.5
Must he be then as shadow of himselfe?Must he be then as shadow of himself?1H6 V.iv.133
Adorne his Temples with a Coronet,Adorn his temples with a coronet,1H6 V.iv.134
And yet in substance and authority,And yet, in substance and authority,1H6 V.iv.135
Retaine but priuiledge of a priuate man?Retain but privilege of a private man?1H6 V.iv.136
This proffer is absurd, and reasonlesse.This proffer is absurd and reasonless.1H6 V.iv.137
To say the truth, it is your policie,To say the truth, it is your policy1H6 V.iv.159
To saue your Subiects from such massacreTo save your subjects from such massacre1H6 V.iv.160
And ruthlesse slaughters as are dayly seeneAnd ruthless slaughters as are daily seen1H6 V.iv.161
By our proceeding in Hostility,By our proceeding in hostility;1H6 V.iv.162
And therefore take this compact of a Truce,And therefore take this compact of a truce,1H6 V.iv.163
Although you breake it, when your pleasure serues.Although you break it when your pleasure serves.1H6 V.iv.164

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