Original textModern textKey line
Good words Thersites.Good words, Thersites.TC II.i.88
No more words Thersites.No more words, Thersites; peace!TC II.i.112
A good riddance.A good riddance.TC II.i.119
Who's there? Thersites. Good Thersites Who's there? Thersites! Good Thersites,TC II.iii.22
come in and raile.come in and rail.TC II.iii.23
What art thou deuout? wast thou in aWhat, art thou devout? Wast thou in aTC II.iii.34
prayer?prayer?TC II.iii.35
Thersites, my Lord.Thersites, my lord.TC II.iii.38
Thy Lord Thersites: then tell me I prayThy lord, Thersites. Then tell me, I prayTC II.iii.45
thee, what's thy selfe?thee, what's thyself?TC II.iii.46
Thou maist tell that know'st.Thou mayst tell that knowest.TC II.iii.49
You rascall.You rascal!TC II.iii.54
Why am I a foole?Why am I a fool?TC II.iii.65
Within his Tent, but ill dispos'd my Lord.Within his tent, but ill-disposed, my lord.TC II.iii.76
I shall so say to him.I shall say so to him.TC II.iii.83
Achilles bids me say he is much sorry:Achilles bids me say he is much sorryTC II.iii.106
If any thing more then your sport and pleasure,If anything more than your sport and pleasureTC II.iii.107
Did moue your greatnesse, and this noble State,Did move your greatness, and this noble state,TC II.iii.108
To call vpon him; he hopes it is no other,To call upon him; he hopes it is no otherTC II.iii.109
But for your health, and your digestion sake;But for your health and your digestion sake,TC II.iii.110
An after Dinners breath.An after-dinner's breath.TC II.iii.111.1
I shall, and bring his answere presently.I shall, and bring his answer presently.TC II.iii.138
They passe by strangely: they were vs'd to bendThey pass by strangely. They were used to bend,TC III.iii.71
To send their smiles before them to Achilles:To send their smiles before them to Achilles;TC III.iii.72
To come as humbly as they vs'd to creepeTo come as humbly as they use to creepTC III.iii.73
to holy Altars.To holy altars.TC III.iii.74.1
To this effect Achilles haue I mou'd you;To this effect, Achilles, have I moved you.TC III.iii.216
A woman impudent and mannish growne,A woman impudent and mannish grownTC III.iii.217
Is not more loth'd, then an effeminate man,Is not more loathed than an effeminate manTC III.iii.218
In time of action: I stand condemn'd for this;In time of action. I stand condemned for this;TC III.iii.219
They thinke my little stomacke to the warre,They think my little stomach to the war,TC III.iii.220
And your great loue to me, restraines you thus:And your great love to me, restrains you thus.TC III.iii.221
Sweete, rouse your selfe; and the weake wanton CupidSweet, rouse yourself, and the weak wanton CupidTC III.iii.222
Shall from your necke vnloose his amorous fould,Shall from your neck unloose his amorous fold,TC III.iii.223
And like a dew drop from the Lyons mane,And, like a dewdrop from the lion's mane,TC III.iii.224
Be shooke to ayrie ayre.Be shook to air.TC III.iii.225.1
I, and perhaps receiue much honor by him.Ay, and perhaps receive much honour by him.TC III.iii.226
O then beware:O, then, beware;TC III.iii.228.2
Those wounds heale ill, that men doe giue themselues:Those wounds heal ill that men do give themselves.TC III.iii.229
Omission to doe what is necessary,Omission to do what is necessaryTC III.iii.230
Seales a commission to a blanke of danger,Seals a commission to a blank of danger,TC III.iii.231
And danger like an ague subtly taintsAnd danger, like an ague, subtly taintsTC III.iii.232
Euen then when we sit idely in the sunne.Even then when we sit idly in the sun.TC III.iii.233
Ioue blesse great Aiax.Jove bless great Ajax.TC III.iii.280
I come from the worthy Aehilles.I come from the worthy Achilles – TC III.iii.282
Who most humbly desires you to inuite Who most humbly desires you to inviteTC III.iii.284
Hector to his Tent.Hector to his tent – TC III.iii.285
And to procure safe conduct from And to procure safe-conduct fromTC III.iii.287
Agamemnon.Agamemnon.TC III.iii.288
I my Lord.Ay, my lord.TC III.iii.290
What say you too't.What say you to't?TC III.iii.292
Your answer sir.Your answer, sir.TC III.iii.294
Your answer sir.Your answer, sir.TC III.iii.298
But that's no argument for kissing now;But that's no argument for kissing now;TC IV.v.27
For thus pop't Paris in his hardiment.For this popped Paris in his hardiment,TC IV.v.28
And parted thus you and your argument.TC IV.v.29
The first was Menelaus kisse, this mine:The first was Menelaus' kiss; this, mine – TC IV.v.32
Patroclus kisses you.Patroclus kisses you.TC IV.v.33.1
Paris and I kisse euermore for him.Paris and I kiss evermore for him.TC IV.v.34
Heere comes Thersites. Here comes Thersites.TC V.i.4.1
Who keepes the Tent now?Who keeps the tent now?TC V.i.10.1
Well said aduersity, and what need theseWell said, adversity! And what need theseTC V.i.12
tricks?tricks?TC V.i.13
Male Varlot you Rogue? What's that?Male varlet, you rogue? What's that?TC V.i.16
Why thou damnable box of enuy thou,Why, thou damnable box of envy, thou,TC V.i.22
what mean'st thou to curse thus?what mean'st thou to curse thus?TC V.i.23
Why no, you ruinous But, you whorsonWhy no, you ruinous butt, you whoresonTC V.i.25
indistinguishable Curre.indistinguishable cur.TC V.i.26
Out gall.Out, gall!TC V.i.32

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