Timon of Athens
This is an alphabetical listing of all the glossary items that appear in this play. We have left in repeated instances, so that is it possible to see how often a particular item appears in a play.
Alphabetical headword definitions for Timon of Athens
abhor (v.)loathe, abominate, regard with disgust
abhor (v.)loathe, abominate, regard with disgust
abhor (v.)loathe, abominate, regard with disgust
abhorred (adj.)horrifying, disgusting, abominable
abhorred (adj.)horrifying, disgusting, abominable
abide (v.)live, dwell, reside
abroad (adv.)away from home, out of the house
abuse (v.)malign, revile, scorn
account, accompt (n.)reckoning, debt, sum owing
admired (adj.)regarded with admiration, wondered at
adoring (n.)reverence, expression of respect [towards]
advance (v.)display, present, promote
affect (v.)cultivate, aim at, seek out
affect (v.)love, like, be fond of
affect (v.)assume, display, put on, practise in an artificial way
affection (n.)fancy, inclination, desire
age (n.)mature years, old age
age (n.)mature years, old age
age (n.)mature years, old age
aged (adj.)experienced, accomplished, mature
ague (n.)fever, sickness, shaking [as caused by a fever]
air (n.)fresh air, open air
air (n.)manner, style, fashion
all (adv.)exclusively, totally, altogether
allow (v.)bestow, legally assign
allure (v.)entice, attract, tempt
Amazon, Amazonian (n.)one of a race of warrior women, said to be descended from Ares, god of war
ample (adv.)well, fully, completely
ancient, aunchient (adj.)former, earlier, past
and, an (conj.)if, whether
and, an (conj.)if, whether
and, an (conj.)if, whether
and, an (conj.)if, whether
anon (adv.)soon, shortly, presently
anon (adv.)soon, shortly, presently
anon (adv.)soon, shortly, presently
answer (n.)accountability, responsibility, liability, penalty
answer (v.)suffer the consequences [for], be accountable [for]
answer (v.)cope with, face, encounter
apace (adv.)quickly, speedily, at a great rate
apperil (n.)peril, risk, danger
apprehend (v.)seize upon, snatch at, lay hold of
apprehension (n.)conception, grasping by the mind, awareness
approach (n.)advance, attack, offensive
approach (n.)advance, attack, offensive
approbation (n.)expression of approval, pleasurable confirmation, ready sanctioning
apt (adj.)impressionable, susceptible
argument (n.)proposition, logical deduction
argument (n.)proof, evidence, demonstration
argument (n.)subject of conversation, subject-matter, topic
arrant (adj.)downright, absolute, unmitigated
arrive atend up with, obtain
art (n.)rhetorical art, verbal artistry
artificial (adj.)showing creative artistry, artistically skilful
aspect (n.)[of a human face] look, appearance, expression
assay (n.)test, trial, measure
assurance (n.)security, certainty, confidence
assured (adj.)certain, definite, sure
atone (v.)appease, allay, assuage
attempt (v.)endeavour, venture, strive [for]
attend (v.)serve at court, wait on royalty
attend (v.)await, wait for, expect
attend (v.)await, wait for, expect
attend (v.)await, wait for, expect
attend (v.)serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
attend (v.)serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
attend (v.)serve, follow, wait [on/upon]
authority (n.)right to command, position of power
awake (v.)arouse, prompt, force into action
awe (n.)reverence, respect, esteem
aye (adv.)always, ever, for eternity
aye (adv.)always, ever, for eternity
backwardly (adv.)unfavourably, in a lowly manner; also: in reverse order of priority
balm (n.)soothing ointment, salve; soothing treatment
balsam (n.)balm, soothing ointment, healing agent
ban (n.)curse, malediction
banquet, banket (n.)refreshments, light meal, dessert
bare (adj.)unprotected, defenceless, without covering
bark, barque (n.)ship, vessel
bark, barque (n.)ship, vessel
base (adj.)dishonourable, low, unworthy
base (adj.)dishonourable, low, unworthy
base (adj.)non-precious, worthless, of low value
base (adj.)low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
base (adj.)low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
base (adj.)poor, wretched, of low quality
baseness (n.)debasement, lowly state, humiliation
bate (v.)[of quantities] lessen, reduce, deduct
bate (v.)abate, modify, lessen
bawd (n.)pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
bawd (n.)pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
bawd (n.)pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
bawd (n.)pimp, procurer, pander, go-between
beached (adj.)having a beach, shingly, sandy
bear (v.), past forms bore, bornesustain, carry through, keep going
bear (v.), past forms bore, bornetolerate, endure, put up with
bear (v.), past forms bore, bornecarry away, take as a companion
bear (v.), past forms bore, bornecarry away, take as a companion
bearing (n.)carrying of hardships, enduring of woes
beck (n.)bow, curtsy, gesture of respect
become (v.)be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
become (v.)be fitting, befit, be appropriate to
become (v.)grace, honour, dignify
beguile (v.)cheat, deceive, trick
behalf (n.), especially: in behalf (of)name, right, title
behove (v.)moderate the need for, keep under control
being (n.)physical existence, life
beneath (adj.)lower, earthly
best, at theas well as one can, in the best possible way
betray (v.)deceive, seduce, mislead
beweep (v.)weep over, wet with tears
bid (v.), past form badepray, entreat, beg, ask
big (adv.)strongly, forcefully, with depth
bit (n.)morsel, scrap, titbit
black-cornered (adj.)full of dark places to hide
blain (n.)blister, inflamed sore
blame (adj.)blameworthy, culpable, guilty
blasted (adj.)blighted, withered; accursed, malevolent
blood (n.)anger, temper, passion
blood (n.)vital fluid, life-giving juice
blood (n.)disposition, temper, mood
bloody (adj.)involving bloodshed
bluster (n.)storm, tempest, rough blast
boisterous (adj.)violent, fierce, savage
bond (n.)duty, commitment, obligation
bosom (n.)warm-heartedness, tender affection
bosom (n.)surface
bosom (n.)heart, inner person
botch (v.)clumsily patch together, fumble with
bound (adj.)indentured, contracted
bound (n.)territory, region, domain
bound (n.)limit, boundary, confine, barrier
bounty (n.)great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence
bounty (n.)great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence
bounty (n.)great generosity, gracious liberality, munificence
bounty (n.)act of kindness, good turn
bounty (n.)act of kindness, good turn
bounty (n.)act of kindness, good turn
brace (n.)group of two, couple, pair
brace (n.)group of two, couple, pair
brave (adj.)noble, worthy, excellent
brave (adj.)noble, worthy, excellent
break (v.)go bankrupt, become insolvent
breaking (n.)bankruptcy, insolvency
breath (n.)suggestion, persuasion, judgement
breath (n.)life, spirit, living and breathing existence
breath (n.)utterance, speech, voice
breathe (v.)speak, utter, talk
breathe (v.)speak, utter, talk
breathe (v.)speak, utter, talk
breathed (adj.)strong-winded, well-exercised
breed (v.), past form bredraise, bring up, support
breed out (v.)exhaust through breeding, become degenerate
briber (n.)price paid, incentive, inducement
bring down (v.)reduce, lower
broad (adv.)plainly, candidly, freely
broach (v.)draw out, set flowing, cause to spurt out [by piercing]
brook (v.)endure, tolerate, put up with
bruise (v.)crush, smash, destroy
bruit (n.)news, rumour, tidings
brush (n.)hostile meeting, collision, forceful encounter
burden, burthen (n.)load, pile [here: of hair]
buy out (v.)make up for, cancel out
caitiff (n.)[sympathetic or contemptuous] miserable wretch, wretched creature
caitiff (n.)[sympathetic or contemptuous] miserable wretch, wretched creature
caked (adj.)solidified, coagulated, clotted
call on / upon (v.)make a call on, claim repayment of
call to (v.)call on, make a visit
candied (adj.)made of ice, crystallized, glistening
canker (n./adj.)cancer, ulcer, blight, corruption
cantherizing (n.)cauterizing, burning with a hot iron
cap (n.)chief, supremo, doyen
cap-and-knee (adj.)sycophantic, flattering, obsequious
captainship (n.)leadership, command
care (n.)anxiety, worry, solicitude [about]
care (n.)responsibility, duty, matter of concern
care (n.)sorrow, grief, trouble
carelessly (adv.)in a carefree way, without concern
carper (n.)fault-finder, cynic, cavilling critic
cashiered (adj.)dismissed, sacked, discarded
cast (v.)cast up, throw up, regurgitate
catch (v.)receive, take, incur
caudle (v.)provide a warm medicinal drink for
cause (n.)reason, motive, ground
cease (v.)put off, defer, appease
City (adj.)such as would be found in the City [of London]; formal
clear (adj.)innocent, blameless, free from fault, not guilty
clear (adj.)innocent, blameless, free from fault, not guilty
climb (v.)reach, attain, achieve
close (adj.)secret, concealed, hidden
close (adv.)tightly, in a close-fitting way
close (adv.)tightly, close-fistedly, stintingly
close (n.)enclosure, yard
cloud (n.)troubled expression, state of gloom
cock (n.)tap, spout [of a wine cask]
cog (v.)cheat, swindle, hoodwink, wheedle
coil (n.)turmoil, disturbance, fuss
cold-moving (adj.)cool, chilling, distant
come by (v.)find, acquire, come across
come forth (v.)come into existence, be displayed
come off (v.)turn out, result
comely (adj.)graceful, becoming, decent
comfort (n.)happiness, joy, cheerfulness
comfortable (adj.)cheerful, cheery, light-hearted
comfortable (adj.)comforting, encouraging, reassuring
comma (n.)[subordinate part of a sentence] detail, jot
command (v.)have at one's disposal, be entrusted with
commend (v.)convey greetings, present kind regards
commend (v.)convey greetings, present kind regards
commend (v.)convey greetings, present kind regards
commend (v.)convey greetings, present kind regards
commend (v.)convey greetings, present kind regards
commend (v.)convey greetings, present kind regards
common (adj.)of ordinary people, of the masses
common (adj.)indiscriminate, general, affecting everyone
companionship, ofbelonging to one company, in a single party
complete, compleat (adj.)fully equipped, with everything present
complete, compleat (adj.)accomplished, consummate, thorough
composture (n.)compost, manure
compound (v.)put together, construct, compose
compound (v.)put together, construct, compose
con (v.)express, offer, give
conceit (n.)understanding, intelligence, apprehension
conceit (n.)imagination, fancy, wit
conceit (n.)notion, idea, thought
conceive (v.)understand, comprehend, follow
conceive (v.)devise, form, conceptualize
conceptious (adj.)prolific, teeming, fruitful
condition (n.)position, social rank, station
condition (n.)disposition, temper, mood, character
condition (v.)make subject to a condition
confectionary (n.)sweetmeat factory, sweet-shop, candy-store
confess (v.)acknowledge, recognize, admit
confound (v.)destroy, overthrow, ruin
confound (v.)destroy, overthrow, ruin
confound (v.)destroy, overthrow, ruin
confound (v.)destroy, overthrow, ruin
confound (v.)destroy, overthrow, ruin
confound (v.)destroy, overthrow, ruin
confound (v.)destroy, overthrow, ruin
confounding (adj.)destructive, ruinous, causing total confusion
confounding (adj.)destructive, ruinous, causing total confusion
confusion (n.)destruction, overthrow, ruin
confusion (n.)destruction, overthrow, ruin
confusion (n.)destruction, overthrow, ruin
conjure (v.)call up, bring out, produce
conjure (v.)ask solemnly, entreat earnestly, beseech
conscience (n.)real knowledge, inner conviction, true understanding
conscience, in myto my mind
consent (n.)agreement, accord, unanimity, compact
consideration (n.)moody contemplation, deep reflection
consumption (n.)wasting disease, venereal disease
consumption (n.)wasting disease, venereal disease
content (n.)contentment, peace of mind
contentless (adj.)discontented, dissatisfied, unhappy
continuate (adj.)continuing, long-lasting, enduring
continue (v.)happen later, follow after
contract (v.)shrink, shrivel, cripple
contrary (n.)opposite condition, opposing state
contumelious (adj.)contemptuous, arrogant, insolent
copy (n.)example, model, pattern
Corinth (n.)Greek city-state; on an isthmus separating the Adriatic and the Aegean
corporate (adj.)united as if in one body, in unison
corse (n.)corpse, dead body
couch (v.)go to a lair, find shelter
counterfeit (adj.)pretended, feigned, sham
counterfeit (n.)likeness, portrait, image
counterpoise (v.)equal, match, rival
courage (n.)intention, purpose, inclination
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)course of action, way of proceeding
course (n.)habit, custom, practise, normal procedure
courser (n.)swift horse, sprinter, charger
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.)courteous service, polite behaviour, good manners
courtesy, cur'sy, curtsy (n.)curtsy, bow, gesture of respect
coward (adj.)cowardly
cradle (n.)birthplace, home
crave (v.)beg, entreat, request
crave (v.)beg, entreat, request
crave (v.)need, demand, require
creature (n.)dependant, servant
crisp (adj.)shining, bright, clear
cross (v.)[of a debt] cancel by crossing through, strike out
cross (v.)contradict, challenge, go against
cross (v.)afflict, plague, go against
crouching (adj.)submissive, cringing, docile
crown (n.)coin [usually showing a monarch's crown], English value: 5 shilllings
crown (v.)endow with honour, invest with special dignity
crust over (v.)encrust with sores, cover with scabs
cry (v.)speak loudly, shout out, proclaim
cumber (v.)distress, trouble, burden
cunning (n.)skill, ability, expertise
cunning (n.)knowledge, awareness, discernment
Cupid (n.)[pron: 'kyoopid] Roman god of love, son of Venus and Mercury; a winged, blindfolded boy with curved bow and arrows
curiosity (n.)scrupulousness, fastidiousness, painstaking attention to detail
curled-pate (adj.)curly-headed
dangerous (adj.)threatening, severe, menacing
date (n.)due date, agreed day [for the end of a contract]
deal (v.)bestow, apportion, grant
dear (adj.)dire, grievous, hard
debt, inconstrained by necessity, under an obligation
decimation (n.)killing one in every ten persons
decline (v.)sink, fall to a low level
declining (adj.)falling, sinking, descending
deed (n.)performance, action
deep (adj.)large, heavy, serious
defeat (v.)destroy, ruin, wreck
defence (n.)self-defence, resisting attack
degree (n.)step, stage, rung
degree (n.)rank, station, standing
degree (n.)rank, station, standing
deject (v.)humble, abase, cast down
delicate (adj.)fine in quality, of exquisite nature, dainty
deny (v.)refuse, decline, scorn
deny (v.)refuse, decline, scorn
deny (v.)refuse, decline, scorn
deny (v.)refuse, rebuff, reject
deny (v.)refuse, rebuff, reject
deny (v.)refuse, rebuff, reject
depart (v.)separate, part company, take leave of one another
deprave (v.)defame, disparage, deride
depraved (adj.)slandered, disparaged, defamed
desert, desart (n.)worth, merit, deserving
desert, desart (n.)worth, merit, deserving
desperate (adj.)despairing, hopeless, without hope
detention (n.)failure to pay, withholding payment
device (n.)show, performance, production
dialogue (v.)carry on a dialogue, hold a conversation
Diana, Dian (n.)Roman goddess associated with the Moon, chastity, and hunting
die (n.)one of a pair of dice
diet (n.)food
diet (n.)therapeutic nutrition, curative regime
differ (v.)change character, become different
different (adj.)various, several
dignity (n.)official position, high office, rule
dich (v.)[perhaps a dialectal form] do it
diligent (adj.)assiduous, persistent
direct (adj.)downright, straightforward, absolute
discontent (n.)discontented thought, feeling of dissatisfaction
discover (v.)reconnoitre, scout out
discovery (n.)revealing, exposure, presentation
disfurnish (v.)deprive, strip, dispossess
discharge (v.)pay, reimburse, settle with
dispatch, despatch (v.)send away, send off
dispense with (v.)have done with, do away with, forgo
disport (v.)entertain, amuse, divert
dispose (v.)place, distribute, organize
dispraise (n.)disparagement, censure, reproach
dissemble (v.)deceive, disguise the truth, pretend
distasteful (adj.)showing dislike, displaying aversion
distracted (adj.)perplexed, confused, agitated
distracted (adj.)perplexed, confused, agitated
dividant (adj.)divisible, distinguishable, separable
divided (adj.)shared, with everyone partaking
divorce (n.)cause of separation, reason for estrangement
do (v.)perform, play one's part, act
doit (n.)[small Dutch coin = half an English farthing] trivial sum, worthless amount, trifle
domestic (adj.)appropriate in the home
donation (n.)giving, bestowal, imparting
dotage (n.)feebleness of mind, senility
doubt (v.)fear, be afraid [for], feel anxious [for]
doubtfully (adv.)ambiguously, hesitatingly, indistinctly
dram (n.)tiny amount, small quantity
draught (n.)privy, cesspool, sewer
draught (n.)cup of drink
dreg (n.)impurity, corruption, defiling matter
drift (n.)direction, progress, course
drink (n.)drinking-bout, carousing
drink (v.)drink down, swallow up
drop (v.)drift, meander, come casually
drudge (n.)slave, serf, lackey
duck (v.)make a brief bow, act in a cringing way
due (n.)debt, liability, amount owing
due (n.)debt, liability, amount owing
duty, atat one's service, to command
earnest (n.)pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance
earnest (n.)pledge, instalment, deposit, payment in advance
else (adv.)otherwise
else (adv.)otherwise
embolden (v.)make more bold, encourage, foster
embossed (adj.)foaming, driven forward
embrace (v.)accept, avail oneself of
empty (adj.)empty-handed, with nothing to give
encounter (v.)meet, bump into one another
encounter (v.)confront, assail, attack
endeared (adj.)attached in honour, bound by affection
endeared (adj.)attached in honour, bound by affection
endow (v.)provide with a dowry
enforce (v.)gain by force, exact
enforcedly (adv.)under compulsion, out of necessity
enfranchise (v.)set free, liberate
engage (v.)mortgage, put in pawn
engender (v.)produce, develop, generate
englut (v.)swallow up, gulp down, devour
ensear (v.)dry up, wither, make arid
entertain (v.)hire, employ, maintain, take into service
entertain (v.)treat, deal with, handle
entertain (v.)welcome, receive kindly, treat well, show hospitality to
entertain (v.)welcome, receive kindly, treat well, show hospitality to
entertainment (n.)pleasant reception, favourable welcome
entertainment (n.)pleasant reception, favourable welcome
entertainment (n.)feast, banquet
entomb (v.)lay in a tomb, bury, inter
equal (adj.)of the same social position; or: of equivalent fortune
estate (n.)state, situation, circumstances
estate (n.)state, situation, circumstances
estate (n.)state, situation, circumstances
estate (n.)fortune, prosperity
estimate (n.)value, esteem, estimation
even, e'en (adv.)just [now]
ewer (n.)pitcher containing water for washing hands
exact (adj.)accomplished, highly skilled, expert
example (v.)find an example for, provide a model for
exceptless (adj.)making no exceptions, indiscriminate
exempt (adj.)removed, cut off, excluded, debarred
exhaust (v.)draw out, elicit, extract
expedition (n.)haste, speedy action, prompt dispatch
exquisite (adj.)special, excellent, particularly valuable
fact (n.)evil deed, wicked act, crime
faction (n.)quarrel, squabble, dissension
fain (adv.)gladly, willingly
faint (adj.)feeble, half-hearted
fair (adj.)appropriate, courteous, pleasing
fair (adj.)fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent
fair (adj.)fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent
fair (adj.)fine, pleasing, splendid, excellent
fair (adj.)handsome, good-looking, beautiful
fair (adj.)virtuous, honourable, upright
fair (adj.)virtuous, honourable, upright
fairly (adv.)fully, completely, entirely
fairly (adv.)cordially, warmly, becomingly
fall (n.)low level, low ebb
fall off (v.)become estranged, withdraw from allegiance
fall to, fall to it (v.)set to work, begin eating
falling-from (n.)falling away, desertion, defection
false (adj.)unfair, unjust, double-crossing
false (adj.)defective, weak, inadequate
false (adj.)disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
false (adj.)disloyal, faithless, inconstant, unfaithful
false (adj.)sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
false (adj.)sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
false (adj.)sham, spurious, not genuine, artificial
familiar (n.)close friend, intimate associate
fang (v.)seize, take hold of
far (adv.)very greatly, deeply
fare (v.)get on, manage, do, cope
fare (v.)get on, manage, do, cope
fare (v.)get on, manage, do, cope
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fare ... well (int.)goodbye [to an individual]
fashion (n.)manner, way, mode, appearance
fate (n.)destiny, fortune
father (n.)old man, venerable sir
fault (n.)sin, offence, crime
fear (v.)fear for, worry about, be anxious about
feather (n.)kind, type, disposition
fee (n.)dependent creature, beneficiary, vassal
feeder (n.)servant, parasite, lackey
feign (v.)depict, imagine, conjure up
fell (adj.)deadly, destructive, virulent
fellow (n.)fellow-servant, colleague
fellow (n.)fellow-servant, colleague
fellow (n.)counterpart, match, equal
fellowship (n.)partnership, membership, participation
field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat
field (n.)field of battle, battleground, field of combat
fierce (adj.)drastic, severe, extreme
figure (n.)form, design, shape, conception
figure (n.)writing system, type of orthography
file (n.)rank of soldiers, formation
filth (n.)whore, slut, harlot
filthy (adj.)nasty, contemptible, disgusting
fire (n.)disease, infection
fitly (adv.)at the right time, at a suitable moment
fixed (adj.)certain, indisputable, definite
flamen (n.)priest serving a particular deity
flash (v.)make a display, show off, shine out [as]
fling (n.)dash off, go away in a rush
flinty (adj.)hard, harsh, tough
flow (n.)flowing
flow (n.)flowing
flow (v.)move, travel, run
flush (adj.)ripe, set, ready
fly (v.)leave, run away [from], flee
follow (v.)seek after, pursue, strive for, court
fond (adj.)foolish, stupid, mad
fond (adj.)foolish, stupid, mad
foresee (v.)provide in advance for, make provision for
forfeiture (n.)forfeit, penalty
forgetfulness (n.)neglect, disregard, lack of proper attention
form (n.)formal procedure, due process, formality
form (n.)physical appearance, outward appearance
forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forsworeabandon, renounce, reject, give up
forth (adv.)away from home, out
forth (adv.)straight, directly
Fortune (n.)Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
Fortune (n.)Roman goddess, shown as a woman at a spinning-wheel, or controlling a rudder, and as blind
foul (adj.)detestable, vile, loathsome
fracted (adj.)broken
fraction (n.)fragment, scrap, shred
frame (n.)nature, frame of mind, disposition
frame (v.)arrange, organize, plan
frame (v.)fashion, make, form, create
frankly (adv.)freely, without restraint, unrestrictedly
free (adj.)open, unobstructed, unimpeded
free (adj.)liberal, lavish, generous
free (adj.)liberal, lavish, generous
free (adj.)liberal, lavish, generous
free (adj.)liberal, lavish, generous
freely (adv.)gladly, willingly, readily
freely (adv.)without conditions, unreservedly
friendship (n.)friendly act, favour, act of kindness
from (prep.)away from
furnish (v.)provide, supply, possess
furnish out (v.)provide food for, supply the needs of
gait (n.)proceedings, course, doings, steps
general (adj.)all-embracing, universal, comprehensive
general (adj.)all-embracing, universal, comprehensive
general (adj.)all-embracing, universal, comprehensive
general (adj.)common, of everyone, public
general (adj.)common, of everyone, public
general (adj.)common, of everyone, public
general-gross (adj.)palpably evident to all
generation (n.)breed, class, pedigree
gentle (adj.)well-born, honourable, noble
gentle (adj.)well-born, honourable, noble
gentle (adj.)courteous, friendly, kind
gentle (adj.)refined, discriminating, sophisticated
german, germane (adj.)near related, closely akin
get (v.)acquire, gain, earn
gift (n.)giving, imparing, bestowal
gilt (n.)gold-gilded state, gold-coated effects
girdle (n.)waist
give (v.)give forth, emit, flow
give over (v.)desert, leave, abandon
give way (v.)keep out of the way [of], steer clear [of]
glass-faced (adj.)mirror-faced, self-reflecting
glib (adj.)smooth, suave, oily
gloss (n.)deceptive appearance, plausibility
go (v.)walk, travel on foot
good (adj.)[intensifying use] real, genuine
good (adj.)kind, benevolent, generous
good (adj.)kind, benevolent, generous
good (n.)good fellow
goodly (adj.)splendid, excellent, fine
goodness (n.)natural kindness, generosity, bounty
goodness (n.)natural kindness, generosity, bounty
gorge (n.)stomach contents
grace (n.)grace before meals, prayer of thanksgiving
grace (n.)means of salvation, divine favour
grace (n.)favour, good will
grace (n.)gracefulness, charm, elegance
grace (n.)gracefulness, charm, elegance
grace (n.)honour, favour, recognition, respect
gramercy, gramercies (int.)great thanks
gratulate (v.)greet, welcome, salute
grave (v.)entomb, bury, inter
great (adj.)pregnant, prolific
grece, grise, grize (n.)step, degree, grade
green (adj.)youthful, inexperienced, immature
grief (n.)pain, torment, distress
grief (n.)grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
grief (n.)grievance, complaint, hurt, injury
gross (adj.)plain, striking, evident, obvious
gross (adj.)plain, striking, evident, obvious
guide (n.)guidance, direction, conduct
guise (n.)way, custom, practice
gules (adj.)[heraldry] red
gull (n.)unfledged bird
gust (n.)outburst, violent blast
habit (n.)dress, clothing, costume
habit (n.)dress, clothing, costume
habit (n.)dress, clothing, costume
half-cap (n.)half removal of the cap by way of negligent courtesy
halt (v.)limp, proceed lamely
hap (n.)luck, chance, accident
happiness (n.)good luck, success, good fortune
harbour (n.)shelter, refuge, safe lodging
hard (adj.)hardened, toughened
harness (n.)armour
hautboy (n.)type of musical instrument; oboe
having (n.)fortune, estate, means
hazard (n.)[gambling] chance, fortune; throw [of dice]
hazard (v.)expose to danger, put at risk
hazard (v.)expose to danger, put at risk
head (n.)category, topic, heading
health (n.)toast, salutation in drink
health (n.)toast, salutation in drink
heap, on ain ruins
hear on (v.)listen further to
heart (n.)spirit, soul, essence
heart, in[in making a toast] in good spirits, in a spirit of fellowship
heavy (adj.)slow-moving, sluggish, laggard
heavy (adj.)pressing, weighty, overpowering
heavy (adj.)grave, serious, weighty
height (n.)maximum, highest amount, utmost degree
hem (n.)edge, margin, shore
high (adj.)very great, extreme
high (adj.)very great, extreme
high-viced (adj.)full of great wickedness
hinge (v.)bend, make flexible
hit (v.)match, fall in [with], coincide [with]
hoar (adj.)grey-white, hoary
hoar (v.)make white with disease
hold (v.)stand firm, continue, carry on
hold (v.)stand firm, continue, carry on
honest (adj.)chaste, pure, virtuous
honestly (adv.)honourably, commendably, worthily
honesty (n.)generosity, liberality, hospitality
horse (n.)cavalry, horse soldiers
hot (adj.)hot-tempered, angry, passionate
huge (adj.)great, important, of high rank
humidity (n.)moisture, dampness, vapours
humour (n.)mood, disposition, frame of mind, temperament [as determined by bodily fluids]
humour (n.)fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
humour (n.)fancy, whim, inclination, caprice
hungerly (adv.)hungrily, greedily, avidly
hurt (n.)wound, injury, scar
husbandry (n.)thrift, good economy, careful management
Hymen (n.)[pron: 'hiymen] Greek god who led a wedding procession; associated with a torch, crown of flowers, and flute
Hyperion (n.)[pron: hiy'peerion] Greek god, son of Uranus and Gaia, who fathered the Sun, Moon, and Dawn; often, the Sun itself, with a horse-drawn chariot
chafe (v.)fret, rage, seethe
chamberlain (n.)bedchamber attendant
chance (v.)happen [to], transpire, come about
character (n.)handwriting, style of writing, lettering
charge (n.)task, responsibility, duty
charge (v.)order, command, enjoin
charitable (adj.)kindly, loving, warm-hearted
check (n.)reprimand, reproof, rebuke
cheer (n.)entertainment, fare, food and drink
cheer up (v.)encourage, urge on, egg on
cheerly (adv.)cheerfully, brightly, animatedly
cherish (v.)support, foster, sustain
cherubin (adj.)cherubic, angelic
chide (v.), past form chidscold, rebuke, reprove
choler (n.)anger, rage, wrath
churl (n.)peasant, serf, rustic
idle (adj.)careless, inattentive, lax
idle (adj.)trifling, unimportant, trivial
idly (adv.)without paying attention, casually
ill (adv.)badly, adversely, unfavourably
ill (adv.)badly, adversely, unfavourably
ill (n.)wrong, injury, harm, evil
implement (n.)furnishing, instrument, chattel
import (v.)signify, mean, suggest
importunacy (n.)importunity, urgent solicitation, pressing entreaty
importunate (adj.)persistent, pressing, insistent
importunate (adj.)persistent, pressing, insistent
importune (v.)urge, press
incertain (adj.)uncertain, doubtful, dubious
incident (adj.)likely to happen, applicable, natural
incident (adj.)likely to happen, applicable, natural
incontinent (adj.)unchaste, unable to restrain oneself
indifferent (adj.)average, ordinary, typical
indisposition (n.)unwillingness, reluctance, disinclination
infected (adj.)affected, artificial, put on
infer (v.)adduce, bring up, put forward
ingeniously (adv.)honestly, with all sincerity, without reserve
ingrateful (adj.)ungrateful, unappreciative
ingrateful (adj.)ungrateful, unappreciative
insculpture (n.)inscription, engraving
instant (adj.)urgent, pressing, imperative
instant (adj.)urgent, pressing, imperative
instant (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
instant, on thethis very instant, as soon as possible
intend (v.)pretend, convey, purport, profess
intent (n.)intention, purpose, aim
interpret (v.)provide a dialogue [as does a puppeteer on behalf of the puppets]
inviting (n.)invitation
ira...anger is a madness that doesn't last long
issue (n.)child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
ivory (adj.)white
Jove (n.)[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
keep (v.)continue, carry on, remain
keep (v.)stay within, remain inside
keep (v.)stay within, remain inside
keep on (v.)go ahead, go on, carry on
keeper (n.)gaoler, warden, custodian
kind (adj.)generous, liberal, benevolent
kind (adj.)generous, liberal, benevolent
kind (adj.)gracious, full of courtesy
kind (adj.)friendly, agreeable, pleasant
kind (adv.)kindly, lovingly, with affection
kindly (adj.)friendly, good-natured, well-disposed
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knave (n.)scoundrel, rascal, rogue
knee (n.)bending of a knee, right to be knelt before
knot (n.)company, band, assembly
know (v.)find out, ascertain, learn [from]
know (v.)acknowledge, remember, think [of]
know (v.)acknowledge, remember, think [of]
knowing (n.)knowledge, awareness, understanding
labour for (v.)progress towards, approach
Lacedaemon (n.)[lasi'deemon] Sparta, city-state of S Greece
Lacedaemon (n.)[lasi'deemon] Sparta, city-state of S Greece
lard (v.)fatten, build up
large (adj.)widespread, general, extensive
large-handed (adj.)grasping, rapacious, avaricious
last (n.)last thing to be done, final action
late (adv.)recently, a little while ago / before
late, ofrecently, a little while ago
latest (n.)last part, final bit
latter (adj.)recent, of one's later days
lay for (v.)waylay, ambush, seize
lay out (v.)expend, spend, use up
lea (n.)meadow, field
leaked (adj.)sprung a leak, full of holes
least (n.)lowest estimate
leave (n.)permitting, allowance, availability
leech (n.)physician, healer
leg (n.)[unclear meaning] supporting member
leg (n.)bending of a knee, genuflection, obeisance
leisure (n.)opportunity, moment, available time
length, atin the end, in the long term
let out (v.)lend, make a loan of
level (adj.)steady, steadfast, constant
levelled (adj.)targetted, directed, aimed
liberty (n.)unrestrained act, improper licence, reckless freedom
like (adj.)same, similar, alike, equal
like (adj.)same, similar, alike, equal
like (adj.)same, similar, alike, equal
like (adj.)same, similar, alike, equal
like (adj.)like-minded, harmonious
like, thethe same
limited (adj.)with exclusive membership, limited-entry
lined (adj.)filled, stuffed
liquorish (adj.)pleasantly tasting, appetising
livery (n.)uniform, costume, special clothing
living (n.)possessions, means of support, livelihood
living (n.)possessions, means of support, livelihood
lobby (n.)ante-room, corridor
lock (v.)keep captive, keep away, detain
look out (v.)seek out, find by looking
look out (v.)show, appear, manifest
lustre (n.)light, glory, brilliance
made up, made-up (adj.)accomplished, consummate, out-and-out
make (v.)do, have to do
make away (v.)put an end to, do away with
make goodperform well, succeed in carrying out
malice (n.)hostility, hatred, ill-will, enmity
manner (n.)(plural) morals, character, way of behaving
marbled (adj.)shining like marble; reminiscent of marble
mark (n.)target, goal, aim
mark (v.)note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
marrow (n.)spirit, courage, strength
marry (int.)[exclamation] by Mary
marry (int.)[exclamation] by Mary
Mars (n.)Roman god of war
mast (n.)fruit of forest trees, edible produce
match (v.)compare, equate, make equal
matron (n.)married woman
matron (n.)married woman
maw (n.)belly, stomach; throat, gullet
mean (adj.)lowly, humble, poor
mean (n.)(plural) resources, wherewithal, wealth
mean (n.)(plural) resources, wherewithal, wealth
meaning (n.)design, intention, purpose
measure (n.)course of action, means
meat (n.)food, nourishment
meat (n.)food, nourishment
meat (n.)food, nourishment
meat (n.)food, nourishment
meat (n.)food, nourishment
meat (n.)food, nourishment
meat (n.)food, nourishment
meat (n.)food, nourishment
medlar (n.)apple-like fruit eaten when its flesh has begun to decay [also: pun on ‘meddler’]
meed (n.)gift, service, benefaction
meet with (v.)fit in with, suit, agree with
mend (v.)amend, improve, make better, put right
mend (v.)amend, improve, make better, put right
mend (v.)increase the value of, make more excellent
mend (v.)supplement, augment
mere (adj.)complete, total, absolute, utter
mere (adj.)complete, total, absolute, utter
mere (adj.)complete, total, absolute, utter
mere (adj.)complete, total, absolute, utter
mere (adj.)complete, total, absolute, utter
merry (adj.)facetious, droll, jocular
mess (n.)serving of food, dish
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
methinks(t), methought(s) (v.)it seems / seemed to me
mettle, mettell (n.)substance, matter
milk-pap (n.)nipple, teat
milky (adj.)weak, timorous, feeble
mince (v.)chop into pieces, cut into tiny bits
mind (n.)inclination, desire, wish
mind (n.)intention, purpose, intent
minion (n.)darling, favourite, select one
minister (n.)messenger, agent, servant
minister (v.)act, govern, officiate
minstrelsy (n.)noisy playing and singing, musical rowdiness
minute-jack (n.)mind-changing villain, fickle lout
mire (v.)sink in the mire, get bogged down
Misanthropos (n.)man-hater
misbegot (adj.)misbegotten, illegitimate, bastard
mischief (n.)disease, ailment, misfortune
mischief (v.)hurt, injure, do harm to
mistake (v.)act in error, perform the wrong action
mistake (v.)misunderstand, take wrongly, misconceive
mistake (v.)misunderstand, take wrongly, misconceive
mo, moe (adj.)more [in number]
mocked, wellmake a jocular riposte, evade an argument using flattery
mocking (n.)imitation, representation, impression
moist (adj.)damp, dripping, dewy
moment, on theimmediately, instantly
monstrous (adj.)unnatural, outlandish, aberrant
monument (n.)memory, memorial, remembrance
moral (adj.)pointing a moral, allegorical
morrow (n.)morning
motion (n.)emotion, inclination, desire, impulse
motive (n.)cause, mover, instigator
mountant (adj.)mounting, rising, always being lifted up
mouth-friend (n.)friend in word only; or: friend won by feeding
move (v.)encourage, instigate, prompt
move (v.)arouse, affect, stir [by emotion]
move (v.)arouse, affect, stir [by emotion]
much (adv.)very
mystery (n.)trade, office, occupation
mystery (n.)trade, office, occupation
naked (adj.)defenceless, undefended, unarmed
natural (adj.)lacking artifice, reflecting the reality of the world
natural (adj.)related by blood
nature (n.)mortal life, natural life
nature (n.)personality, innate disposition, character
nature (n.)personality, innate disposition, character
nature (n.)personality, innate disposition, character
nature (n.)human nature
nature (n.)human nature
nature (n.)human nature
nature (n.)human nature
nature (n.)natural order, ungoverned state, way of the world [often personified]
nature (n.)natural powers, normal state [of mind and body]
nature (n.)natural powers, normal state [of mind and body]
nature (n.)natural powers, normal state [of mind and body]
nature (n.)function, capacity, role
near (adj.)personal, private
near (adv.)closely, intimately, seriously
near (adv.)a short distance away
neighbourhood (n.)neighbourly conduct, neighbourliness
NeptuneRoman water-god, chiefly associated with the sea and sea-weather
new (adv.)newly, freshly, recently, just
next morningtomorrow morning
niggard (adj.)miserly, parsimonious, sparing
noise (v.)rumour, spread about, noise abroad
note (n.)bill, invoice, account
note (v.)notice, perceive, observe
nothing (n.)[state of] nothingness, oblivion, extinction
o' (prep.)on
oathable (adj.)oath-worthy, fit to take an oath
object (n.)objection, protestation
obliquy (n.)[unclear meaning] oblique, obliquity; deviance, perversity
observe (v.)take notice of, interpret, examine scientifically
occasion (n.)need, want, requirement
occasion (n.)need, want, requirement
occasion (n.)need, want, requirement
occasion (n.)need, want, requirement
occasion (n.)need, want, requirement
occasion (n.)need, want, requirement
occasion (n.)need, want, requirement
odds (n. plural)quarrel, disagreement, strife
office (n.)(plural) kitchen, buttery, serving-room
office (n.)role, position, place, function
office (n.)role, position, place, function
office (n.)role, position, place, function
oft (adv.)often
olive (n.)olive-branch [symbol of peace]
once (adv.)ever, at any time
once (adv.)ever, at any time
once, at (adv.)all together, jointly, collectively
ope (v.)open
open (adj.)exposed, open to the elements
open (adj.)generous, liberal, freely giving
operant (adj.)active, vital, potent, functioning
oppose (v.)place in opposition, set up as resistance
opposite (adj.)opposed, hostile, adverse, antagonistic [to]
oppress (v.)crowd out, throng, overwhelm
opulency (n.)opulence, affluence, wealth
orb (n.)sphere, orbit, circle
ort (n.)scrap, fragment, fraction
out (adv.)at an end, finished
out (prep.)outside
outgo (v.)outdo, outstrip, surpass
outside (n.)appearance, look, outward show
outside (n.)(plural) mere external thing, outward form
outstretch (v.)stretch out to the end, strain beyond the limit
overnight (n.)previous evening, night before
pack (v.)take [oneself] off, be off, depart
page (v.)follow like a page
painfully (adv.)diligently, taking great pains
painted (adj.)unreal, artificial, superficial
paper (n.)paper replacement for money
part (n.)action, conduct, behaviour
part (n.)quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
part (n.)quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
part (n.)quality, attribute, gift, accomplishment [of mind or body]
part (v.)divide, share, split up
part (v.)depart [from], leave, quit
particular (adj.)personal, special, private
particular (n.)private matter, personal business
particularly (adv.)by singling out any one individual
pass (v.)surpass, go beyond, outdo
pass (v.)move outside, go beyond
passion (n.)powerful feeling, overpowering emotion [often opposed to ‘reason’]
passion (n.)fit of anger, feeling of rage
passion (n.)emotional state, mental condition
pate (n.)head, skull
patchery (n.)roguery, knavery, tricks
pawn (v.)stake, pledge, risk
pawn (v.)stake, pledge, risk
pelf (n.)possessions, property, goods
pencilled (adj.)painted, shown in a painting
penurious (adj.)poverty-stricken, needy, beggarly
peradventure (adv.)perhaps, maybe, very likely
perfect (adj.)in a state of complete satisfaction, totally content
perfume (n.)perfumed mistress, fragrant woman
perchance (adv.)perhaps, maybe
period (v.)end, conclude; [with ‘comfort’ as object] put an end to; or [with ‘comfort’ as subject]: come to an end
personate (v.)describe, represent, delineate
personating (n.)representation, symbolic portrayal
persuasion (n.)evidence, persuasive indication
philosopher (n.)one learned in natural philosophy, sage
physic (n.)medicine, healing, treatment
piece (n.)work (of art), creation
piece (n.)work (of art), creation
piece (n.)work (of art), creation
piece (n.)work (of art), creation
piece (n.)coin, piece of money
piece (n.)sort, kind, type
pill (v.)pillage, plunder, rob
pitched (adj.)strategically planned, made ready for combat
pitifully (adv.)with compassion, by showing mercy
place (n.)precedence, proper place
place (n.)precedence, proper place
place (v.)establish in office, appoint to a post
planetary (adj.)caused by the bad influence of a planet
plate (n.)special tableware, household utensils of value
pleasure (n.)enjoyment, pleasant occasion, revelry
pleasure (n.)wish, desire, will
pleasure (n.)wish, desire, will
pleasure (v.)please, gratify, give pleasure to
plenteous (adj.)generous, liberal, bountiful
Plutus (n.)[pron: 'plootus] Greek god of wealth and gold; also called Pluto
poesy (n.)poetry
policy (n.)expediency, shrewdness, self-interest
politic (adj.)crafty, wily, self-serving
politic (adj.)crafty, wily, self-serving
pomp (n.)greatness, nobility, high rank
port (n.)portal, entrance, gateway
power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army
power (n.)armed force, troops, host, army
power (n.)faculty, function, ability
power (n.)exercise of power, authoritative action
power (n.)exercise of power, authoritative action
power (n.)force, strength, might
pox (n.)venereal disease; also: plague, or any other disease displaying skin pustules
precedent (adj.)former, previous, prior
predominate (v.)prevail over, control, dominate
prefer (v.)present, bring forward
prefer (v.)promote, advance, recommend
present (adj.)pressing, urgent
present, on theright now, immediately, forthwith
presently (adv.)after a short time, soon, before long
presently (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
presently (adv.)immediately, instantly, at once
presentment (n.)presentation, bestowal, offering for acceptance
pretty (adj.)good, excellent, fine
pretty (adj.)clever, ingenious, artful
prevent (v.)anticipate, expect, look ahead to
private (adj.)personal, individual, particular
proceed (v.)advance through, make progress via
prodigal (adj.)effusive, lavish, generous
prodigal (n.)waster, squanderer, spendthrift
prompt (adj.)ready and willing, well-disposed
prompt (v.)remind, put in mind, make reflect
proof (n.)tested strength, proven power of resistance, impenetrability
proof (n.)test, trial
propagate (v.)increase, multiply
property (v.)appropriate, take possession of
prosperous (adj.)favourable, sympathetic, well-disposed
protest (v.)profess openly, acknowledge publicly
protest (v.)make protestation, avow, affirm, proclaim
provide (v.)prepare, make ready, plan
provision (n.)resources, money supply
provoke (v.)bring about, induce, engender
puffed (adj.)puffed up, swollen (with vanity)
purchase (v.)endeavour, strive, exert oneself; or: make a bargain, invest
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purpose (n.)intention, aim, plan
purse (n.)resources, funds, available money
pursy (adj.)short-winded, puffed out
put (v.)bestow, grant, place officially
put back (v.)repulse, reject, refuse
put in (v.)present a claim, put in a bid
put off (v.)dismiss, brush aside, spurn
put stuff tocopulate with, screw
quality (n.)nature, disposition, character
quality (n.)nature, disposition, character
quality (n.)accomplishment, capacity, ability
quality (n.)occasion, cause
quarter (n.)quarters, lodging, residence
quick (adj.)vigorous, quick-acting, energetic
quickening (adj.)life-giving, animating
quillet (n.)quibble, equivocation, hair-splitting distinction
quit (adj.)freed [from], relieved [of]
quittance (n.)due recompense, repayment, requital
rag (n.)worthless wretch, good-for-nothing creature, beggar
raging (adj.)mad, rash, crazy
rail (v.)rant, rave, be abusive [about]
rail (v.)rant, rave, be abusive [about]
rail (v.)rant, rave, be abusive [about]
raiment (n.)clothing, clothes, dress
raise (v.)elevate in rank, advance, promote
rampired (adj.)fortified by ramps of earth, strengthened against attack
rank (n.)(plural) troops, forces, army
rank (v.)arrange in ranks, order in rows
ransom (n.)money owing, amount to be paid
rapt (adj.)absorbed, engrossed, preoccupied
rapt (adj.)carried away with emotion, lost for words
rarely (adv.)splendidly, beautifully, excellently
rascal (adj.)worthless, good-for-nothing
rascal (adj.)worthless, good-for-nothing
rate (v.)reckon, estimate, appraise
rate (v.)reckon, estimate, appraise
ready (adj.)eager, willing, ready to act
reason (n.)reasonable view, sensible judgement, right opinion
recanter (n.)one who retracts, party of withdrawal
recanting (adj.)causing an action to be retracted, resulting in withdrawal
reckon (v.)add up, keep count of
reckoning (n.)assessment of debts, settlement of accounts
record (n.)recorded history, public remembrance
regard (n.)consideration, concern, thought, heed
regardfully (adv.)respectfully, with great esteem, with high praise
regular (adj.)established, prescribed, constituted
remainder (n.)remaining wealth, residue of a fortune
remand (v.)refer, send back, hand over
remedy (v.)hand over for remedy, send for correction
remember (v.)recollect, recall, call to mind
remembrance (n.)memory, bringing to mind, recollection
remembrance (n.)memory, bringing to mind, recollection
remorse (n.)pity, compassion, tenderness
remotion (n.)removal, departure; or: remoteness
render (n.)account, declaration, admission
renew (v.)become new, grow again, regenerate
repair (v.)come, go, make one's way
repair (v.)come, go, make one's way
reproof (n.)shame, disgrace, reproach
repugnancy (n.)resistance, fighting back, opposition
requite (v.), past forms requit, requitedreward, repay, recompense
requite (v.), past forms requit, requitedreward, repay, recompense
requite (v.), past forms requit, requitedreward, repay, recompense
reserve (v.)preserve, retain, keep
resolve (v.)melt, dissolve, transform
resort (n.)visits, visitings, approaches
respect (n.)attention, heed, deliberation
respectively (adv.)with all respect, graciously
restrain (v.)withhold, keep back, hold back
resume (v.)undertake, take, accept
retentive (adj.)confining, constraining, imprisoning
retired (adj.)withdrawn, secluded, cloistered
return (n.)response, reaction, repayment
return (v.)send back, respond with
return (v.)send back, respond with
reverend (adj.)revered, worthy, respected
revolt (n.)rebellion, act of disobedience
rich (adj.)high, noble, great
riot (n.)dissipation, wasteful revelry, extravagance
riot (n.)dissipation, wasteful revelry, extravagance
riot (n.)dissipation, wasteful revelry, extravagance
rod (n.)cane, stick
root (n.)vegetable root
root (n.)vegetable root
root (n.)vegetable root
root (v.)root up, tear out
rotten (adj.)unhealthy, corrupting, unwholesome
rough (adj.)arbitrary, severe, strong
rough (adj.)imperfect, unpolished, untidy
round (adj.)blunt, forthright, straight, plain-spoken
rout (n.)rabble, mob, disorderly crowd
sad (adj.)downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
salt (adj.)lecherous, lascivious, lustful
sans (prep.)without
satiety (n.)excess, over-abundance
sauce (v.)spice, season, flavour
sauce (v.)spice, season, flavour
save (v.)prevent, avoid, avert
say (v.)finish speaking, speak one's mind, make one's point
saying (n.)promising, affirmation, assertion
scape, 'scape (v.)escape, avoid
scarce (adv.)scarcely, hardly, barely, only just
scope (n.)range, reach, extent
scope (n.)goal, prospect, purpose, aim
scouring (n.)hostile roving about, aggressive movement
seal (v.)accomplish, carry out, fulfil
season (v.)prepare, make fit
seat (n.)residence, dwelling-place, habitat
sect (n.)faction, cabal, party
secure (v.)take comfort, free from care
seethe (v.)reduce by boiling, dissipate by overheating
seldom (adj.)rare, infrequent, uncommon
semblable (n.)fellow-man, anything of the same nature
senseless (adj.)unconscious, insensible, oblivious
sequence (n.)appropriate order, correct precedence
serve (v.)provide, supply, furnish
serve (v.)provide opportunity [to], be favourable [to], favour
serve (v.)suffice, be enough, do [for]
serve (v.)suffice, be enough, do [for]
serve in (v.)supply, provide, deal out
serve one's turnmeet one's need, answer one's requirements
service (n.)employment, situation as a servant
set (adj.)focused [on], fixed [on], wrapped up [in]
set (v.)direct, put, make come
set (v.)value, rate, esteem
set down (v.)log, make note, put on record
set down (v.)encamp, lay siege
set on (v.)place on the fire
set out (v.)pick out, send forth
several (adj.)various, sundry, respective, individual
several (adj.)various, sundry, respective, individual
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
several (adj.)separate, different, distinct
severally (adv.)separately, individually
shadow (n.)reflection, reflected image
shake off (v.)abandon, cast off, discard
short (adj.)wanting, insufficient, inadequate
show (v.)appear, look [like], present [as]
shrink (v.)shrivel up, wither away
shrink (v.)bring low, diminish, curtail
shut up (v.)enclose, store up, put away
school (n.)public building, institution
sick (adj.)ill through excess, surfeited
sick (adj.)infected, contaminated
sight (n.)sighting, presence in one's sight
signet (n.)seal [of authority], signet ring
signify (v.)report, make known, declare
signify (v.)report, make known, declare
single (adj.)individual, particular
singly (adv.)uniquely, solely; or: truly, sincerely
sinner (n.)cause of sin, instiller of wickedness
sire (n.)father
sirrah (n.)sir [commanding, insulting, or familiar, depending on context]
skip (v.)jump into action, spring up
sleep upon (v.)disregard, ignore, pay no attention to
slight (adj.)offhand, dismissive, contemptuous
smite (v.), past forms smote, smitinjure, harm, do damage to
sober (adj.)sedate, staid, demure, grave
sober (adj.)sedate, staid, demure, grave
soft (int.)[used as a command] not so fast, wait a moment, be quiet
soil (n.)blemish, stain, tarnish
solder (v.)unite, interlink, fasten
solidare (n.)not a known coin; expressive of a paltry sum
something (adv.)a little, to some extent
sometime (adv.)sometimes, now and then
sore (n.)affliction, suffering, sorrow
sorrowed (adj.)sorrowful, regretful, crestfallen
sort (n.)way, manner
sort (n.)way, manner
soul (n.)driving force, animating principle
sound (v.)inform with a call
sound (v.)sound out, question, examine
span (n.)span of life
spangle (v.)adorn brightly, add glitter to
spare (v.)omit, avoid, refrain [from]
speak (v.)proclaim, show, reveal
speed (v.)meet with success, prosper, flourish
spend (v.)use up, wear out, exhaust, bring to an end
spend (v.)expend, express, give vent to
sphere (n.)globe, earth, world
spilth (n.)spillage, slopping, upset
spirit (n.)(plural) sentiments, faculties, traits of character
spirit (n.)disposition, temperament, frame of mind
spirit (n.)hostility, anger, rage
spital-house (n.)hospital inmates
spleen (n.)temper, spirit, passion [part of the body seen as the source of both gloomy and mirthful emotions]
sport (n.)recreation, amusement, entertainment
spot (n.)fault, vice, crime
spotted (adj.)person deemed guilty, one marked out for death
spur (n.)eagerness, alacrity, enthusiasm
spurn (n.)contemptuous treatment, scornful rejection
spurn (v.)kick, strike, stamp [on], dash
spurn (v.)kick, strike, stamp [on], dash
spurring (n.)ability to use spurs
square (adj.)right, fair, just
stain (n.)pollution, defilement
stain (v.)eclipse, belittle, put in the shade
stand (v.)stand in, impersonate, represent
stand (v.)withstand, endure, stand up to
stand (v.)be placed, set, arrange
standing (n.)status, position, stature
starve (v.)destroy, wither, waste away
state (n.)splendour, magnificence, stateliness, dignity
state (n.)estate, property, wealth, means
state (n.)estate, property, wealth, means
state (n.)estate, property, wealth, means
state (n.)estate, property, wealth, means
state (n.)persons of rank, nobility, court, council of state
state (n.)condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
state (n.)condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
state (n.)condition, circumstances, situation, state of affairs
stay (n.)staying, remaining, continued presence
stay (n.)staying, remaining, continued presence
stay (v.)wait (for), await
stay (v.)linger, tarry, delay
stealth (n.)stealing, theft
steepy (adj.)steep, precipitous, difficult to ascend
step into (v.)come into the path of, put oneself into the power of
stick (v.)decorate, adorn
stick (v.)be placed, be fixed
still (adv.)ever, now [as before]
still (adv.)ever, now [as before]
still (adv.)ever, now [as before]
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
still (adv.)constantly, always, continually
stint (v.)limit, hold back, restrain
stir up (v.)provoke, agitate, rouse
stone (n.)testicle
straight (adv.)straightaway, immediately, at once
strain (n.)quality, character, disposition
strain (n.)quality, character, disposition
strain (v.)stretch, make extra effort
strain (v.)stretch, make extra effort
strait (adj.)stringent, strict, harsh
strange (adj.)unfamiliar, unknown, not previously experienced
strange (adj.)rare, singular, exceptional
strict (adj.)strained, forced, absolute
strife (n.)striving, endeavour, strong effort
strike (v.)beat, sound, strike up
stroke (n.)affliction, blow, misery
strong (adj.)flagrant, barefaced; or: resolute, determined
stuff (n.)matter, notion, idea
subtle, subtile (adj.)refined, rarefied, very fine
subtle-covetous (adj.)craftily avaricious
sue (v.)beg, plead, beseech
sufferance (n.)distress, suffering, hardship
sufferance (n.)distress, suffering, hardship
sugared (adj.)sweetly tempting, outwardly attractive
suit (v.)act in accordance with, conform to
sum (n.)amount of money
superscription (n.)address, direction [on a letter]
supply (v.)fill, contribute to
supply (v.)fill, contribute to
supply (v.)maintain, provide for, sustain
supposed (adj.)pretended, false, counterfeit
sure (adj.)certain, definite, reliable
sure (adv.)securely, safely, well
surfeit (n.)sickness brought on by excess
surprise (v.)astonish, bewilder, perplex
suspect (n.)suspicion, mistrust, doubt
suspect (n.)suspicion, mistrust, doubt
sustain (v.)receive, undergo, experience
swath (n.)swathing in infant clothes, swaddling-clothes
sway (v.)control, rule, direct, govern
sweat (v.)make great efforts, exert oneself strongly
sweep (n.)parade, progress, promenade
sweet (adj.)smooth, unctuous, oily
swoon (v.)faint
take (v.)measure, estimate, gauge
take down (v.)swallow, consume, ingest
talent (n.)high-value accounting unit in some ancient countries
talent (n.)high-value accounting unit in some ancient countries
talent (n.)high-value accounting unit in some ancient countries
talent (n.)high-value accounting unit in some ancient countries
talent (n.)high-value accounting unit in some ancient countries
tapster (n.)inn waiter, drawer of ale
taste (v.)try out, test, put to the proof
tax (n.)charge, accusation, censure
teem (v.)produce, bring forth
tell (v.)count out, number, itemize
tell out (v.)count out, reckon up
temper (n.)frame of mind, temperament, disposition
tendance (n.)attention, care, solicitude
tendance (n.)retinue, people in attendance
tender (v.)offer, give, present
tender down (v.)offer, proffer, present
terrible (adj.)terrifying, frightening, inspiring dread
think on (v.)bring to mind, recall
this, byby this time
threat (v.)threaten
throw off (v.)brush away, discard, set aside
tide (n.)season, date, time [of year]
time (n.)circumstance, particular occasion
time (n.)right moment, favourable opportunity
time (n.)right moment, favourable opportunity
time (n.)right moment, favourable opportunity
Timon (n.)[pron: 'tiymon] Athenian nobleman; disgusted with mankind because of friends' ingratitude, he lived a secluded life
tire (v.)be exercised, be actively engaged
tithed (adj.)of one person in ten
title (n.)[legal] right, claim, entitlement
token (n.)sign, evidence, mark
tongue (n.)speech, expression, language, words, voice
touch (n.)touchstone, test, proof
touch (n.)trait, quality, feature
touch (n.)trait, quality, feature
touch (v.)stain, taint, infect
touch (v.)affect, concern, regard, relate to
touch (v.)test the quality [of], put to the test
touch (v.)test the quality [of], put to the test
touch (v.)reach, rise to, go as far as
toward (adv.)impending, forthcoming, in preparation
towardly (adj.)dutiful, helpful, friendly
tract (n.)trace, trail, evidence of passage
traffic (n.)trade, commerce, business, merchandise
traffic with (v.)traffic in, trade illicitly, pervert
translate (v.)change, transform, alter
trapped (adj.)adorned with trappings, decked out
travail, travel (v.)labour, make an effort, work hard [for] [often overlapping with the sense of 'travel']
traversed (adj.)placed crosswise, laid across the shoulders
tread upon (v.)press down on, thrust against
treasure (n.)money, ready cash
trenchant (adj.)sharp, cutting, keen-edged
trencher (n.)plate, platter, serving dish
trencher-friend (n.)friend for free meals, sponger, parasite
trifle (n.)small token, insignificant sign
triumpher (n.)victor, conqueror, general [given a Roman procession of welcome]
trophy (n.)memorial, monument
true (adj.)honest, upright, law-abiding
trump (n.)trumpet
trunk (n.)body, form, frame
truster (n.)creditor, lender
try (n.)test, trial
try (v.)put to the test, test the goodness [of]
try (v.)put to the test, test the goodness [of]
try (v.)put to the test, test the goodness [of]
tub (n.)sweating-tub [for curing venereal disease]
tub-fast (n.)fasting while being treated for venereal disease in a sweating-tub
tucket (n.)personal trumpet call
turn (n.)[unclear meaning] turning-point; trick, game; occasion, proper time
turn (v.)become sour, curdle
twinned (adj.)indistinguishable, identical, closely linked
unagreeable (adj.)disagreeable, unsuited, uncongenial
unaptness (n.)inaptitude, unreadiness, unwillingness
unbolt (v.)unfold, explain, open out
unclew (v.)unwind, undo; ruin
unctuous (adj.)oily, greasy, fatty
undergo (v.)undertake, carry out, perform
undo (v.)ruin, destroy, wipe out
undo (v.)ruin, destroy, wipe out
undo (v.)ruin, destroy, wipe out
undo (v.)bring to nought
undo (v.)bring to nought
undone (adj.)ruined, destroyed, brought down
unhoused (adj.)unsheltered, unprotected, open to the elements
uncharged (adj.)unattacked, unassailed
unchecked (adj.)unlimited, boundless opportunities for
unnoted (adj.)hardly noticeable, not particularly observed
unpeaceable (adj.)quarrelsome, contentious, noisily argumentative
unremovably (adv.)irremovably, immovably
unthrift (n.)spendthrift, squanderer, wastrel
untirable (adj.)tireless, inexhaustible, indefatigable
upward (adj.)upturned, looking upwards
urge (v.)entreat with, plead with
urge (v.)bring forward, advocate, represent
use (n.)usual practice, habit, custom
use (n.)usual practice, habit, custom
use (n.)need, requirement
use (n.)need, requirement
use (v.)make use of, engage [in], practise [with]
use (v.)make use of, engage [in], practise [with]
usuring (adj.)expecting ample interest, looking for maximum return
usuring (adj.)expecting ample interest, looking for maximum return
vainglory, vain-glory (n.)showy event, ostentatious activity
value (n.)worth, estimation, valuation
vanity (n.)foolishness, absurdity, inanity
vantage (n.)right moment, suitable opportunity
vapour (n.)empty manifestation, worthless emanation
vault (n.)wine cellar, liquor store-room
vex (v.)afflict, trouble, torment
vile, vild (adj.)shameful, contemptible, wretched
vile, vild (n.)worthless person, one not deserving of praise
virtue (n.)virtuous self, honour, excellency
virtue (n.)essence, heart, soul
virtuous (adj.)arising from virtuous practice, justifiable, well-warranted
virtuously (adv.)steadfastly, strongly, powerfully
visage (n.)face, countenance
visitation (n.)visit
voice (n.)vote, official support
voice (v.)talk about, acclaim, praise
void up (v.)bring up, regurgitate, disgorge
votarist (n.)vow-taker, religious, nun / monk
vouchsafe (v.)be pleased to accept, graciously receive
waft (v.)beckon, wave [at], signal
wait on / upon (v.)accompany, attend
want (n.)need, requirement, necessity
want (n.)need, requirement, necessity
want (v.)require, demand, need
want (v.)lack, need, be without
want (v.)lack, need, be without
want (v.)lack, need, be without
want (v.)lack, need, be without
want (v.)lack, need, be without
wappened (adj.)[unclear meaning] worn-out, weary, exhausted [perhaps sexually]
ward (n.)catch inside a lock; lock
warm (adj.)warmed, well-aired
warrant (v.)assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
warrant (v.)assure, promise, guarantee, confirm
water (n.)lustre, sheen, quality
wax (v.)grow, become, turn
weal (n.)state, community, commonwealth
wear (v.)pass, waste, run out
wear (v.)have, experience
wearing (n.)possession, having, enjoyment
weigh (v.)balance [as in scales], poise, match
weighty (adj.)rigorous, severe, harsh
well (adv.)clearly, plainly, frankly
wether (n.)sheep, ram
whittle (n.)clasp-knife, carving knife
whore (n.)whoring, fornication
whore (n.)whoring, fornication
whoremaster (n.)fornicator, lecher, one who deals with whores
will (n.)desire, wish, liking, inclination
will (v.), past form woulddecree, determine, decide [to]
willing (adj.)voluntary, taken up willingly
wind, break one'sgasp for breath, lose one's breath
wink (v.)fail to look, connive
wise (adj.)informed, well-aware, knowledgeable
wise (adj.)discreet, sensible, prudent
wit (n.)intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
wit (n.)intelligence, wisdom, good sense, mental ability
without (adv.)externally, on the outside
witch (v.)bewitch, charm, enchant
wits, also five witsfaculties of the mind (common wit, imagination, fantasy, estimation, memory) or body (the five senses)
wonder (n.)object of fascination, target of astonishment
wont (v.)be accustomed, used [to], be in the habit of
work (v.), past form wroughtperform, do, carry out
work upon (v.)practise on, work upon, act on
workman (n.)craftsman, skilled worker
workman (n.)craftsman, skilled worker
worst (adj.)wicked, evil, corrupt
worst (n.)lowest, most despicable
wrack (n.)destruction, ruin
wreakful (adj.)vengeful, retributive; relentless
wrong (n.)insult, offence, slight
yield (v.)concede, acknowledge, grant
zeal (n.)ardour, fervour; or: loyalty, devotion

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