event (n.) Old form(s): euent, euents
outcome, issue, consequence
1H6 IV.i.191[Exeter alone, of the quarrelling lords] it doth presage some ill event
1H6 V.v.105[Suffolk alone, comparing himself to Paris] With hope to find the like event in love
2H4 I.i.166[Morton to Northumberland] You cast th'event of war
2H6 III.i.326[Cardinal to Suffolk, of killing Gloucester] you and I must talk of that event
AW III.ii.104[Helena alone] the event / Of the none-sparing war
Cor II.i.262.1[Brutus to Sicinius] Let's ... carry with us ears and eyes for th'time, / But hearts for the event
Cym III.v.14.2[Lucius to Cymbeline] the event / Is yet to name the winner
Ham IV.iv.41[Hamlet alone] thinking too precisely on th'event
Ham IV.iv.50[Hamlet alone, of Fortinbras] Makes mouths at the invisible event
KL I.iv.345[Albany to Gonerill] Well, well - th'event! [i.e. we'll see]
MA I.ii.6[Antonio to Leonato, of the news being good] As the event stamps them
MA IV.i.233[Friar to Leonato] success / Will fashion the event in better shape
Mac V.iv.15[Macduff to all] Let our just censures / Attend the true event
MM III.ii.228[Escalus to disguised Duke, of the Duke] leave we him to his events [i.e. to the outcome of his enterprises]
Per Chorus.IV.45[Gower alone] The unborn event / I do commend to your content
R2 II.i.214[York to King Richard] by bad courses may be understood / That their events can never fall out good
TC II.ii.121[Troilus to Hector] We may not think the justness of each act / Such and no other than event doth form it
Tem I.ii.117[Prospero to Miranda, of Antonio] Mark his condition and th'event
Tem III.i.69[Ferdinand to Miranda] O heaven ... crown what I profess with kind event
TN II.iii.169[Maria to Sir Toby and Sir Andrew] to bed, and dream on the event
TN III.iv.385[Fabian to Sir Toby] Come, let's see the event
TNK I.ii.113.2[Arcite to Palamon, of the war] Let th'event ... tell us / When we know all ourselves
TS III.ii.126[Baptista to Tranio as Lucentio, of Petruchio] I'll after him and see the event of this
WT III.i.11.2[Dion to Cleomenes] If th'event o'th' journey / Prove as successful to the Queen

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