unarm (v.) Old form(s): vnarme , Vnatme
disarm, remove armour
AC IV.xiv.35[Antony to Eros] Unarm, Eros. The long day's task is done
TC I.i.1[Troilus to Pandarus] I'll unarm again
TC I.ii.274[Boy to Pandarus, of Troilus' whereabouts] At your own house; there he unarms him
TC III.i.147[Paris to Helen] I must woo you / To help unarm our Hector
TC V.iii.25.1[Cassandra to Hector] Unarm, sweet Hector
TC V.iii.3[Andromache to Hector] Unarm, unarm, and do not fight today
TC V.iii.35[Hector to Troilus] Unarm thee, go

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