convince (v.) Old form(s): conuince , Conuinced , conuinces
defeat, overcome, overpower
Cym I.v.92[Posthumus to Iachimo] Your Italy contains none so accomplished a courtier to convince the honour of my mistress [or: convict]
Mac I.vii.64[Lady Macbeth to Macbeth, of the King] his two chamberlains / Will I with wine and wassail so convince / That memory ... / Shall be a-fume
Mac IV.iii.142[Doctor to Malcolm, of the sick people] Their malady convinces / The great assay of art
Oth IV.i.28[Iago to Othello, of knaves] Who having by their own importunate suit / Or voluntary dotage of some mistress / Convinced or supplied them

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