Ilion, Ilium (n.)
poetic names for the city of Troy
Ham II.ii.472[First Player to all] senseless Ilium
LLL V.ii.650Armado as Hector to all] The armipotent Mars ... / Gave Hector a gift, the heir of Ilion
Luc.1370Threatening cloud-kissing Ilion with annoy
TC I.i.103[Troilus to Pandarus, of Cressida] Between our Ilium and where she resides
TC I.ii.45[Pandarus to Cressida] When were you at Ilium?
TC II.ii.110[Cassandra to all] Troy must not be, nor goodly Ilium stand
TC IV.iv.115.1[Troilus to Diomedes] thy life shall be as safe / As Priam is in Ilium
TC IV.v.112[Ulysses to all, of Troilus] Aeneas ... / Did in great Ilium thus translate him to me
TC V.viii.11[Achilles to Bector] So, Ilium, fall thou

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