Ulysses (n.)
[pron: yoo'liseez] son of Laertes, who fought for 10 years in the Trojan War; on his return to Ithaca, he killed the suitors of his wife Penelope
3H6 III.ii.189[Richard alone] I'll ... Deceive more slily than Ulysses could
3H6 IV.ii.19[Warwick to all] Ulysses and stout Diomede / With sleight and manhood stole to Rhesus' tents
Cor I.iii.84[Valeria to Virgilia, of Penelope] all the yarn she spun in Ulysses' absence did but fill Ithaca full of moths
Luc.1394In Ajax and Ulysses, O what art / Of physiognomy might one behold!
TC I.iii.58[Ulysses to all] hear what Ulysses speaks

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