gear (n.) Old form(s): geare, geere , gere
business, affair, matter
2H6 I.iv.13[Duchess to all] To this gear the sooner the better
2H6 III.i.91[York to himself, of his poor situation] I will remedy this gear ere long
MV I.i.110[Antonio to Gratiano and Lorenzo] I'll grow a talker for this gear [or: stuff and nonsense]
MV II.ii.154[Launcelot to himself] if Fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gear
RJ II.iv.98[Romeo to Mercutio and Benvolio, of their conversation] Here's goodly gear!
TC I.i.6[Pandarus to Troilus, of the wars] Will this gear ne'er be mended?
Tit IV.iii.53[Titus to Marcus] Come, to this gear

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