relish (v.) Old form(s): relisht , rellish
have a flavour [of], taste, savour
AYL III.ii.227[Celia to Rosalind, of Orlando] take a taste of my finding him, and relish it with good observance [i.e. make it more palatable by paying proper attention]
Cym III.ii.30[Innogen to Pisanio, of Posthumus' letter] Let what is here contained relish ... of his content
Ham III.i.118[Hamlet to Ophelia] virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it
Per II.v.61[Pericles to Simonides] My actions ... never relished of a base descent [i.e. showed no trace of a low background]
TNK I.ii.77[Arcite to Palamon, of the Theban court] for our milk / Will relish of the pasture [i.e. they will be contaminated]

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