sport (n.)
subject of sport
AC IV.vii.15.1[Scarus to Antony, of the fleeing soldiers] 'Tis sport to maul a runner
AW IV.v.63[Countess to Lafew, of the Clown] My lord that's gone made himself much sport out of him
AYL I.ii.25[Celia to Rosalind, responding to her suggestion about falling in love] Marry, I prithee do, to make sport withal
CE IV.iv.103[Antipholus of Ephesus to Adriana] I'll pluck out these false eyes / That would behold in me this shameful sport
Cym II.iv.48[Posthumus to Iachimo] Make not, sir, / Your loss your sport
LLL IV.i.100[Boyet to Princess, of Armado] one that makes sport / To the prince
MND III.ii.353[Puck to Oberon, of the lovers] this their jangling I esteem a sport
MW IV.iv.13[Page to Ford, of Falstaff] Let our wives ... to make us public sport, / Appoint a meeting with this old fat fellow
TC IV.v.239[Hector to Achilles] like a book of sport thou'lt read me o'er

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