stomach (n.) Old form(s): stomacke , stomackes , stomacks
anger, resentment, vexation
1H6 I.iii.90[Mayor alone] these nobles should such stomachs bear!
2H6 II.i.53[King to Gloucester and Cardinal] The winds grow high; so do your stomachs, lords
KL V.iii.75[Regan to Gonerill] I should answer / From a full-flowing stomach
TG I.ii.68[Lucetta to Julia] I would it were [dinner-time], / That you might kill your stomach on your meat [also: appetite]
Tit III.i.232[Titus to Marcus] losers will have leave / To ease their stomachs with their bitter tongues
TNK III.i.104[Palamon to Arcite] I could for each word give a cuff, my stomach / Not reconciled by reason

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